
  1. deanrd

    The epidemic of white women calling the police on African Americans continues.

    White woman called police over babysitter. A white woman called the police on a black youth leader who was babysitting white kids in Georgia A child with a backpack, said backpack grazed her when the child walked by, the woman after seeing store footage realized she wasn't sexually assaulted...
  2. deanrd

    Here are a lists of things Republicans can and canā€™t run on for the midterms.

    Here are a lists of things Republicans can and canā€™t run on for the midterms. They canā€™t run on tax cuts because the tax cuts went to the top 1%. They canā€™t run on the deficit because theyā€™ve increased it enormously. They can try to run on jobs, but theyā€™ve increased the pay gap enormously...
  3. deanrd

    Why on earth was a Fish and Game commissioner in Idaho asked to resign for killing animals?

    Idaho commissioner who circulated 'nauseating' hunting photos resigns This is a Republican State. They really, really like killing things. Then how come a Fish and Game commissioner was forced to resign for killing animals. President Trump even lifted the ban on bringing back parts of...
  4. deanrd

    Remember the good old days? All we had to talk about was Obama's birth cert and college transcripts?

    Remember when Republicans were going nuts that Obama's birth certificate wasn't "real" and he was born in Kenya? Looking back, it's such a pathetic conspiracy. Remember when Obama told the Russians he would be more flexible after the elections? How the GOP turned that in to such a scary and...
  5. deanrd

    Republicans new and creative ways to deeply screw over the American voter:

    Many Native IDs Won't Be Accepted At North Dakota Polling Places Republicans figured out a brand new way to FUK over Native Americans. On reservations, most don't use Street Address. They us PO boxes. Republicans say unless you have a street address, you can't FUKING vote. This cuts out...
  6. deanrd

    Republican senator assaults man, grabs and steals phone - video

    Video: Senator snatches cell phone from college student asking question in Georgia Georgia senator seen grabbing student's phone amid question about voter ID law And now senator Purdue is saying that he took the film because he thought the guy Wanted a selfie. How these right wing slime balls...
  7. deanrd

    You need to check to see if you are registered to vote

    You need to check to see if you are registered to vote. Republicans in red states have purged millions of black people Hispanics white people from voter rolls in an effort to skew the results of these midterm elections. Register to Vote and Confirm or Change Registration | USAGov Remember...
  8. deanrd

    Republicans are turning the United States into the new South Africa.

    Republicans are turning the United States into the new South Africa. Republicans are packing the courts. They control all three branches of government. They control the presidency even though theyā€™ve lost the majority in six out of the last seven races. Weā€™re watching the Republicans...
  9. deanrd

    Healthcare for all would cost $32 TRILLION over 10 years.

    So I canā€™t put a link on this because I was just watching this on TV during a panel discussion. So what they said was that 32 trillion sounds like a lot unless you look at the big picture. If you take all the money spent now to insurance companies and take the money that is used for eyeglasses...
  10. deanrd

    When they go low, we KICK them!

    Eric Holder said when they go low, we need to kick them. Michele Obama said no. That's not the right message. Democrats are better than that. See, I think Eric is wrong. My feeling is, when they go low we should stomp the sh!t out of them. Mrs. Obama thinks we should "be nice". What do...
  11. deanrd

    The reality of the future of the Modern Republican Party

    The party is getting much older. They don't support education. They don't attract minorities. They are mostly a white party, getting more male all the time. As the number of degrees in the nation goes up, the number of degrees in the GOP goes down. So what is the future of the party...
  12. deanrd

    Is anyone watching this breaking news on allegation of Trump committing tax evasion and fraud?

    They are saying Trump wasn't self made. But actually got hundreds of millions of dollars from his dad and who had to bail him out of bankruptcy again and again. Way more than we were ever told. Links to follow.
  13. deanrd

    Do you believe, like Trump, the central park five should still be put to death?

    Do you believe, like Trump, the central park five should be put to death? Decades ago, five black teenagers were arrested and accused of raping a white jogger and leaving her near death. The five teens apparently were pretty much tortured in jail until they gave a false admission. They...
  14. deanrd

    Question: Who do you think republicans will go after first? And why?

    So who do you think theyā€™ll go after first? And why? Gays African-Americans Hispanics womenā€™s rights Muslims Someone else I havenā€™t listed?
  15. deanrd

    What will bring the country together?

    What will bring the country together? I keep seeing that question being asked by pundits on TV. What will bring the country together? Number one is as long as the Republican Party is the white party the country will never come together. But thatā€™s changing. So how is that changing? The...
  16. deanrd

    Donald Trump wrote the Number One Book on Amazon. No kidding. True story. Whose Boat Is This Boat? Comments That Donā€™t Help in the Aftermath of a Hurricane is a picture book made entirely of quotations from President Donald Trump in the wake of Hurricane Florence. It is the first childrenā€™s book that demonstrates...
  17. deanrd

    Republicans getting the BIG donations from billionaires, Democrats getting the small donations

    Democrats Outperforming Republicans in Small Donations The GOP is buying the House. Literally. If Republicans succeed in keeping the House in November, it will have been bought for them by corporations and the rich ā€” quite literally. Records show House Republican incumbents in seats targeted...
  18. deanrd

    Number of Law Professors against Kavanaugh's nomination is now over 650.

    More than 650 law professors sign letter stating Kavanaugh lacks ā€˜judicial temperament,ā€™ should not be confirmed It's not going to matter. When have Republicans cared about what is good for America?
  19. deanrd

    Trump caves after backlash and will now allow FBI to interview anyone in Kavanaugh investigation

    Trump caves after backlash and will now allow FBI to interview anyone in Kavanaugh investigation According to The New York Times, the president on Monday afternoon told the bureau that it could interview anyone while conducting the week-long investigation into sexual assault allegations against...
  20. deanrd

    Republicans are still looting the country? Time for the middle class to take America back!

    It's only a month and a couple of days away. Will the middle class finally show up and take America back? Republicans have been looting the country since Reagan. Will the Caucasian Middle Class finally be more afraid of the GOP looting the country and running their scorched earth...
  21. deanrd

    Have evangelicals made a mistake with their support of sexual predators?

    Have evangelicals made a mistake with their support of sexual predators? Donald Trump boasted that he was a sexual predator and evangelicals support him 100% without question. Evangelicals supported Roy Moore. And now evangelicals support Brett Kavanaugh . His name actually came from the...
  22. deanrd

    Kavanaugh gives us the opportunity to talk "White Privilege".

    Clearly Kavanaugh was demanding the open seat in the Supreme Court be turned over to him. He played football. He lifts weights. He plays basketball. He drinks beer. Underage drinking? OK. Drinking parties? OK. He went to a prep school and Yale. He's white. Therefore, he deserves to be...
  23. deanrd

    Have Republicans taken the Mantle as the Party of the Sexual Predator?

    Republicans screamed about Bill Clinton getting a BJ from an adult woman who said she seduced him. It was discovered that Gary Hart had a mistress. John Edwards mistress had a baby. Anthony Weiner sent out pictures of his underwear. Eliot Spitzer visited hookers. For years, Republicans have...
  24. deanrd

    Does it bother you that world leaders laughed at our president and our country?

    All of us saw world leaders at the United Nations laugh at our president. Does it bother you that world leaders laughed at our president and our country? Iā€™ve been voting since Richard Nixon and Iā€™ve never seen that before in my life. Does it bother you that world leaders laugh at our...
  25. deanrd

    Republicans are giving Democrats a lesson in EXACTLY how "rigged" works.

    Squashing Merrick Garland's nomination. Rushing Bret Kavanaugh's nomination through. Releasing thousands of documents a few hours before a hearing. Refusing to let Ford have any witnesses. Refusing an FBI investigation. Refusing to call Mark Judge as a witness. This reminds me of all...
  26. deanrd

    Never Trump Republicans blame Trump................ It's the party stupid.

    It doesn't matter the TV station, never Trump Republicans, even Flake and Corker and other GOP House and Senate members, all blame Trump. They complain the wacky policies come from Trump. That the damage to our institutions come from Trump. Yes Trump is an authoritarian figure. Yes he is...
  27. deanrd

    Women are the majority of the nation. And they are starting to flex their political muscle.

    Women are the majority of the population of the country. Clearly, they are flexing that political muscle with the record number of women running for office. Women don't have the same policies as Republican men. Women want children to have healthcare. Women believe their bodies shouldn't be...
  28. deanrd

    Did evangelicals and religious conservatives make a mistake showing us who they are?

    Did evangelicals and religious conservatives make a mistake showing us who they are? It looks as if religious conservatives and evangelicals will do anything to force America to live by what they feel are moral laws. Before Ronald Reagan evangelicals and religious conservatives werenā€™t that...
  29. deanrd

    Germans more scared of Trump than they are scared of terrorism.

    Germans are more scared of Trump than terrorism, poll finds More than two-thirds of citizens in Germany believe US president ā€˜making the world a more dangerous placeā€™ Germans fear Donald Trump more than Vladimir Putin, poll finds The United States may be Germany's No. 1 ally, but two-thirds...
  30. deanrd

    Anyone know why Republicans are so terrified of holding Town Hall meetings this year?

    Lawmakers ditch town halls: 'They want to avoid those gotcha moments' Jones, who hails from a ruby red state where more than 60 percent of the voters went for Trump in 2016, said itā€™s particularly important for lawmakers in states like his to hold events, so they donā€™t end up in their own ā€œecho...

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