
  1. Markle

    Hillary took “absolute personal responsibility” for her losing, then blamed Wiki, Comey, her gender

    Is this any surprise? Identical to petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama, she simply cannot accept any blame, for anything, ever. She even blamed her gender. Strange she didn't mention her famous mention denigrating her opponents by calling them "deplorables" much the same as Mitt...
  2. AsianTrumpSupporter

    I thought Trump was Putin's puppet. Why would Trump bomb Syria?

    Just who is the real puppet of Putin? Also, will be getting the Trump Russian hooker pee video liberals hyped for months now that Trump has defied Putin?
  3. cnelsen

    Israel behind gas attack on civilians?

    It's being said that we know Syrian President Assad was behind the gas attack in Syria because the attack was carried out by fixed wing aircraft, and only two entities are flying fixed wing in that area: Russia and Syria. But neither Syria nor Russia has the slightest interest in gassing...
  4. L

    CHELYABINSK episode 2: BLAZING "celestial" EYE: Undeniable evidence: predicted worldwide only by one

    CHELYABINSK episode 2: BLAZING ILLUMINATI EYE: Undeniable evidence: predicted worldwide only by one. Right, by the only one who explained the first one. The second CHELYABINSK episode, 4 years after the first one, released Mar 30, 2017 BLAZING ILLUMINATI EYE CAUSED PANIC IN CHELYABINSK, RUSSIA -...
  5. M

    Russians use North Korean slaves to build world cup stadium? We ought to refuse to keep the world cup there.
  6. M

    Russia trying to block social media again fearing more protests

    More riots and marches are encouraged in Russian social media. And the government's answer is "hush". In 2014 And later 2014...
  7. Y

    Russian protests and riots Sunday 3/26/2017

    Protests and rioting have broken out in Russia today (Sunday 3/26/2017). It seems that Putin is losing his grip. Riot cops crack down on protesters furious about corrupt politicians in Moscow
  8. P@triot

    President Trump continues to be vindicated

    Every time President Trump speaks, the left-wing snowflakes fall to pieces and scream that he is "lying". And ever time he has been vindicated in the end. DOJ FOUND FALSELY PLANTED MALWARE AT TRUMP TOWER DESIGNED TO MIMIC TIES TO RUSSIA Dovetails with Wikileaks revelation that CIA can stage...
  9. P@triot

    This is how you deal with evil

    While the U.S.S.R. employed the left-wing economic policies which lead to their collapse - there is no denying that they knew how to protect their people. As Ronald Reagan astutely noted - "weakness invites aggression". Your response to evil has to be so horrifying and overwhelming that nobody...
  10. P@triot

    Concrete evidence that Russia was pulling the strings

    The left-wing hatriots are all over USMB screaming "Russia! Russia! Russia!" day and night. Well - ok - let's talk about Russia. Brace yourselves - this is concrete evidence complete with official documents: It continues: This link from a March 3, 2013 article has Vekselberg going on record...
  11. defcon4

    Biden tells the truth why Russia became the number one enemy

    VP Joe Biden spilled the beans of why the Global Elite fabricated the Russian threat. The U.S. - as the Rapid Reaction Force/QRF of the Global Elite to subjugate every country under its rule - is bombarded by the Global Elite owned MSM how evil Russia is and meddled with our democracy. First of...
  12. emmahirschy

    Political Science Survey: How has the image of America been affected from the election of Trump?

    Hey guys I am currently working on a survey for my final project in my political science class. If you could, please help me out by answering these questions, that would be great. 1. What is your political affiliation? 2. How do you think the image of America has been affected after...
  13. Lewdog

    Could Ecuador Kick Assange Out on the Street?

    Back in October Ecuador temporarily cut Assange's internet access at their London embassy where Assange is being given asylum to avoid being arrested for a warrant for sexual assault. They did so because they did not want him messing with the U.S. Presidential election. Now that the U.S...
  14. keepitreal

    Well, Well, Well - From Russia With Money, Luv, Hillary

    Amazing...just fucking amazing I just happened, by chance, to come across a very interesting PDF file, from the Government Accountability Institute, from Aug 2016. From Russia with money Hillary Clinton, the Russian Reset, and Cronyism • A major technology transfer component of the...
  15. P@triot

    As usual, the left is furious over the TRUTH

    What is the problem here? At worst, all Russia did was provide the American people with the truth. It's amazing how releasing the truth (which was not related to "national security" in any capacity) is so troublesome to the left that they deem it dictates "retaliatory" response. Obama...
  16. K

    CDZ Payment to Russian for hacking US election

    Russia for sure has helped Trump to win the election by playing a big role in email hacking event. Russia won't do it for free. There must be a secret deal between the intelligence of two countries. We outsiders can only see it from some facts. The secret deal: Hacked email were handed to...
  17. American_Jihad

    Lies and Hypocrisy Over Aleppo

    Lies and Hypocrisy Over Aleppo Where are the tears for Aleppo’s Christians and Jews? December 21, 2016 Daniel Greenfield 250,000 Christians lived in Aleppo before the Sunni-Shiite Islamic civil war began. Today their numbers have fallen to 40,000. There were no worldwide protests over this...
  18. MindWars

    The United States has begun moving 1,600 armored vehicles to a Cold War-era storage depot in the....

    U.S. Deploys Tanks, Artillery to Europe to Counter Russian “Aggression” The United States has begun moving 1,600 armored vehicles to a Cold War-era storage depot in the Netherlands as part of President Obama’s continued strategy to “deter Russian aggression” in Europe. The military vehicles...
  19. miketx

    Russian ambassador shot to death in Turkey

    Russian ambassador to Turkey dies after being shot in 'assassination attempt' This is how wars start. __________________ Russia's ambassador to Turkey has been assassinated in front of terrified witnesses allegedly in retaliation for the crisis in Aleppo. The gunman reportedly said in Turkish...
  20. Denechek

    It was a leak, not a hack and the DNC insider is NOT Russian

    Julian Assange has claimed since the leaks from the DNC started coming out that they were not from Russia hacking the DNC despite Hillary Clinton and the DNC blaming Russia for the hacks. The CIA director recently came out saying that Russia could be indirectly involved which is not proof at...
  21. MindWars

    Warning issued violent insurrection with unpredictable consequences & dark days may be ahead

    - Remember! Retired US Army Captain Warned Us In 2013 Of Plans To Overthrow America! By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die The new story over at Paul Craig Roberts website warns us gravely that a CIA-led coup against America is unfolding before our very eyes. While Roberts...
  22. MindWars

    Report: There were no Russians-Wikileaks operative claims Clinton emails handed over by disgusted ..

    Report: There Were No Russians – Wikileaks Operative Claims Clinton Emails Handed Over By “Disgusted” Democrat Whistleblowers And just like that, any and all claims of Russian hacking have just been utterly discredited...
  23. MindWars

    Top US spy agency refuses to endorse CIA's Russian hacking assessment due to lack of evidence

    Top US Spy Agency Refuses To Endorse CIA’s Russian Hacking Assessment Due To “Lack Of Evidence” "ODNI is not arguing that the agency (CIA) is wrong, only that they can't prove intent." When the WaPo posted last Friday’s story about a “secret” CIA assessment that Russian cyber attacks were aimed...
  24. MindWars

    Putin says he is prepared to meet President Elect Donald Trump at anytime

    Putin Ready to Meet Trump ‘At Any Moment’ Russian President Vladimir Putin says he is prepared to meet President-elect Donald Trump at any time. When asked by journalists about the possibility of arranging a meeting with Trump, Putin said “we are ready at any moment. There are no problems from...
  25. MindWars

    W.H. claims China hacked election, calls Bolton Conspiracy Theorist

    W.H. Claims “China” Hacked Election, Calls Bolton “Conspiracy Theorist” White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest declared that a cyber attack by “China” was responsible for disrupting the U.S. presidential election, before slandering former ambassador John Bolton as an “irresponsible conspiracy...
  26. MindWars

    Russia not behind Clinton leaks; conclusive evidence emerges they were work of Washington insider

    Russia not behind Clinton leaks; conclusive evidence emerges they were work of a Washington insider Former British ambassador Craig Murray confirms DNC and Podesta leaks were the work of a Washington insider; and says he knows identity and has met with this person. FBI meanwhile casts doubt on...
  27. MindWars

    CIA Election Report is fake news to attack Trump & Russia

    CIA Election Report Is FAKE NEWS To Attack Trump & Russia CIA report claims Russia interfered in election to benefit Trump When the CIA – a group of admitted liars and domestic propagandists – come out with a report, you can bet it’s fake news. Also, check out Alex’s other report, “MSM Takes...
  28. cnelsen

    The Trump Doctrine: New World Borders

    One long time member of the DC commentariat never misses However Donald Trump came upon the foreign policy views he espoused, they were as crucial to his election as his views on trade and the border. Yet those views are hemlock to the GOP foreign-policy elite and the liberal Democratic...
  29. MindWars

    Nato puts 300,000 troops on high alert for a confrontation with Russia

    Nato chiefs, thrown into a panic by fears that Russian President Vladimir Putin might attack the West, are scrambling to put together a force of 300,000 troops which they can put on 'high alert'. NATO puts troops on 'high alert' in readiness for a confrontation with Russia | Daily Mail Online...
  30. OKTexas

    Report: FBI says no direct ties between Russia, Donald Trump's campaign

    What you got next regressives? Late Monday, The New York Times reported that the FBI spent several months over the summer investigating Russia’s potential meddling in the U.S. election and found no direct link to Trump. The report said law enforcement officials examined ties between Trump’s...

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