supreme court

  1. P@triot

    This is why liberals have replaced the Constitution with the Supreme Court

    The Constitution legally restricts the communist desires of the liberal ideology - and they know it. However, if they can stack the Supreme Court with like-minded communists that ignore the Constitution, and the proclaim that the Supreme Court is the highest law in the land instead of the U.S...
  2. washamericom

    i don't like the executives to use the USSC as a tool.

    i've heard both sides do it, and it's outrageous. they are above reproach. but they are kind of still picked with politics in mind. thoughts ?
  3. American_Jihad

    'You're Supposed to be Demonstrating What Good Citizens You'd Make'

    That's how rude they are, load them into buses and take them straight to the border... Rep. King to Angry Immigrant Activists: 'You're Supposed to be Demonstrating What Good Citizens You'd Make' "Are you an example of the America we can expect?" 4.18.2016 News Trey Sanchez Rep. Steve...
  4. Slade3200

    What's wrong with the GOP? Vote on Supreme Court Justice

    I have yet to hear a non-political non-BS reason for the GOP's hold out from meeting and voting on a Supreme Court Nominee. If there was a president Trump and the same situation presented itself in 4 years is there any doubt that they would flip a 180 and support a vote for the nominee?? If the...
  5. Chuz Life

    I am "Chuz Life" - Ask me Anything

    I tried this once in another thread with mixed results. I left that site in a never ending search for something better. I thought I would try the same here to see how it goes. Fire away!
  6. American_Jihad

    There’s ample precedent for rejecting lame duck supreme court nominees

    RIP Justice Antonin Scalia... There’s Ample Precedent For Rejecting Lame Duck Supreme Court Nominees February 13, 2016 By Gabriel Malor Historically, many Supreme Court nominations made in a President’s final year in office are rejected by the Senate. That started with John Quincy Adams...
  7. American_Jihad

    Will Democrats' gain 5 million new voters with the stroke of a pen?

    For the jackass it's always about the VOTE... High Court To Hear Amnesty Challenge Will Democrats' gain 5 million new voters with the stroke of a pen? January 21, 2016 Matthew Vadum The Supreme Court has decided to hear 26 states' challenge to President Obama's unpopular and...

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