swords of iron

  1. Sayaras

    Gaza Health Ministry: our Oct 7 atrocities - per Islamic Values

    Rape Jihad Or beheadings HAMAS or ISIS Islamofascism. There’s your problem right there. “Hamas Defies Critics: Says Its Terrorists Upheld ‘Islamic Values’ During Murderous Attack on Israel,” by Simon Kent, Breitbart, January 22, 2024: The Hamas terrorist organization released a report...
  2. Sayaras

    Gaza children protest against Genocidal Hamas (Gaza-health-ministry - Human shields industry)

    If any of the children "disappear"...you'll know why. __ Gaza children protest against Hamas A day earlier, Gazans demonstrated in Rafah, cursing terrorist strongman Yahye Sinwar. Several dozen Palestinians demonstrate in Deir al-Balah, the central Gaza, calling on Hamas to free all Israeli...
  3. Pastelli

    "palestinian" Jihad commander: Hitler's book, Oct 7 blueprint, weapons

    "Perfect" evil. Nazi Arab motivation and means. Found: Hitler's book. Trove of weapons to hit at Israeli civilians. Blueprint, directions for the Oct 7, 2024 Hamas/PIJ atrocities atttack. IDF commando brigade uncovers PIJ tools of terror in northern Gaza. By Jerusalem Post Staff...
  4. Pastelli

    Current events: umlike racist Arab/Muslims radicals, Zionists never attack Arabs internationally for "Palestinians" genocidal crimes

    Even the killing of an Arab child in Illinois home by his landlord, was by a simple Christian. Whereas, in US, Canada, Europe, Australia etc. Radical racist-Arabs lslamofascists attack ANY Jews. Or Nazi Arab Islamism... swastika-palestine eruption... Just Google up "swastika Hamas attack"...
  5. FDR_Reagan

    R.I.P. IDF beautiful black Zionist soldier

    PS I'm White. _ I'm guessing, the arrested "1,300 are affiliated with Hamas" in the article are besides the 9,000 Hamas butchers eliminated or arrested, as per Jan 5. Jan 5 2024 update: - "IDF says officer killed in northern Gaza fighting, raising ground operation toll to 176." - Link...
  6. FDR_Reagan

    Cool IDF Rescues unarmed palestinians from school used by genocidist Hamas jihad-fascists "health ministry"

    So much for the vilified heroes. https://www.newsweek.com/i-was-canceled-cartoon-about-hamas-human-shields-i-stand-my-cartoon-its-critics-opinion-1843949 ÷÷÷ IDF Rescues Palestinian Civilians from School Used by Hamas for Attacks. Joel B. Pollak. 30 Dec 2023. The Israel Defense Forces...
  7. FDR_Reagan

    Did "palestine" genocidist 'Saleh al-Arouri' ran out of children to hide under?

    Don't anti-Israel racist-jihadis cowards always surround themselves with kids??? Look at Sinwar for example. == Hamas deputy leader Saleh al-Arouri killed in alleged Israeli strike in Beirut. Israel mum on blast at Hamas office in Dahiyeh suburb said to kill 7 including terror chief; all...
  8. Sayaras

    French captive: ‘Everyone there is a terrorist’ (racist Arab-palestine)

    Next time you hear about "innocent civilians".. not all are that "innocent." _ Mia Shem opens up about Gaza captivity: ‘Everyone there is a terrorist’ "It's important to me to reveal the truth about the people who live in Gaza, about who they really are," Shem says in a preview of an...
  9. Sayaras

    Weapons in tedy bear - More Palestinian crimes on its kids

    Here is more why their people die: Weapons in Teddy bear ... https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/idf-says-troops-found-weapons-hidden-inside-teddy-bear-at-gaza-school/ And more human shields...
  10. Sayaras

    Palestinian-Arab women terrorists - child killers

    This means that not only are they human shields for shooters but active in butchery, all in all: putting their own children at risk while Gaza-health-ministry leadership targets Israeli civilians. Hamas uses female terrorists, as battles in Khan Younis intensify Dozens of terrorists were...
  11. Sayaras

    Watch the coward losers "Palestinian" butchers move like pests ..

    Watch the coward losers "Palestinian" butchers move like pests ... This was captured by a Hamas "Gaza Health ministry" terrorist - eliminated by the good guys https://themessenger.com/news/bodycam-footage-found-on-dead-hamas-fighter-shows-preparations-for-attack-on-israeli-soldiers...
  12. Pastelli

    Keep funding Islamofascist CAIR? ('happy' of Oct 7 savagery)

    How Nihad and his CAIR lobby present themselves as simply worried of "rights." ___ CAIR executive director ‘happy to see’ Oct. 7 Hamas terror attack Nihad Awad, co-founder of the Muslim civil rights organization, defended the Oct. 7 attack while claiming Israel has no right to self-defense...
  13. Pastelli

    Hitlerist UNRWA tries to censor exposure of cruelty holding hostage (by its teacher)

    Hitlerist UNRWA tries to censor exposure of cruelty holding hostage The following is probably unprecedented even for Hitlerist UNRWA as UNRWA [authoritarian] demand removing report from journalist upon testimony: UNRWA teacher held hostage in attic, locked up, malnourished, and not given...
  14. Sayaras

    ‘Oct. 7 slaughter was just a rehearsal,’ warns 'Palestinian' Hamas leader

    I am aways suspecting when Hamas or other Arab terror group post bravado messages, that it most often covers for big losses. ‘Oct. 7 was just a rehearsal,’ warns Sinwar. Cairo pressuring the Hamas leader to honor the hostage release deal. (November 30, 2023 / JNS) Hamas’s Oct. 7 slaughter was...
  15. Pastelli

    Jailed "palestinian" racist-terrorist refused to leave Israel

    What media reported on this? Or is it not PC? Not to mention BBC & MSNBC who report on "palestininian" terrorists as simply '"women and children" without their racist crimes context. But there is also the bloody-Palestinian Authority Pay for slay effect Avishsai Grinzaig @avishaigrinzaig...
  16. FDR_Reagan

    Elon Musk visiting a Palestinian-Arab led atrocities site - will help suit against Media Matters?

    Will Elon Musk visiting a Palestinian-Arab led atrocities site a Kibbutz - help his suit against Media Matters?? Elon Musk visits destroyed kibbutz and meets Netanyahu in wake of antisemitic post. (CNN) Musk posted on X Actions speak louder than words...
  17. Sayaras

    Among the jailed racist Arab rerrorist Palestinians released in exchange of innocent Israelis

    Dozens of racist Arab terrorists will return to the streets of Jerusalem, as 77 terrorists may be released into the streets of Jerusalem. Among the criminals, 10 are associated with Hamas, 11 are with Fatah and a number of terrorists who were convicted of attempted murder. On Friday night, a...
  18. Pastelli

    Watch as "Palestinian" jihado fascists crawl out of tunnel and captured by the good guys

    Rare documentation: the terrorists come out of the tunnel - and are captured by the IDF The IDF's fighting against Hamas' Shati Battalion continues - and in a nighttime incident that was recorded in real time, armed terrorists are seen emerging from the shaft of a terrorist tunnel, with fighters...
  19. Sayaras

    Liel, 12-year-old Jewish Israeli girl,who, with twin brother Yanai, were burned alive by Hamas' led 'Palestinian' savages at PRO-PEACE Kibbutz

    https://www.algemeiner.com/2023/11/19/forensic-team-identifies-body-of-12-year-old-liel-hatzroni-from-kibbutz-beeri/ Note: Kibbutz Be'eri were pro peace and for a two state solution. But the fact is that the genocidal Gaza regime and much at Ramallah regime, don't care about that. Their war...
  20. Pastelli

    World Children's Day: 40 kids held hostage by "Palestinian" savagery Hamas regime

    Some of the pics of the 40 kids held hostage by Hamas in Gaza Jerusalem is raising awareness of their plight on World Children's Day. Some of the kids November 20, 2023 / JNS. Israel posts pics of the 40 kids held hostage by Hamas in Gaza - JNS.org _____ Comment: The UN is going to...
  21. Pastelli

    "Dk families for palestine" anti-black racist ad against Jeffries

    House Dem leader Hakeem Jeffries condemns DSA after pro-Palestinian org targets him with ‘racist’ watermelon ad Published Nov. 18, 2023 House Democratic Leader Rep. Hakeem Jeffries blasted the Democratic Socialists of America after the group targeted him with mocking ads that included an image...
  22. Sayaras

    Most Arabs of Gaza and (worse in) Judea & Samaria: fully justify October 7 atrocities - Oct.31 - Nov.7 survey ('Palestinian' barbaric racism)

    A new survey by Bir Zeit University among the Arabs of Gaza and Judea & Samaria, a wake-up call to anyone who mistakenly believes that it is possible to separate Hamas and Gaza or between the Arabs of Gaza and the Arabs of Judea & Samaria: Support for Hamas: 59% fully justify the October 7...
  23. Pastelli

    Terror tunnel entrance uncovered at al-Shifa Hospital + weapons transferred inside baby strollers

    Terror tunnel entrance uncovered at al-Shifah Hospital. Islamic Jihad terrorists describe how weapons are transferred inside baby strollers. IDF Spokesman says Yehudit Weiss was murdered in Gaza. 'We didn't reach her in time.' Nov 16, 2023. Tunnel shaft uncovered at al-Shifah Hospital...
  24. Pastelli

    Posing as Palestinian Oct/7 butcher's mom: "he only slaughtered white babies" - Harvard admissions officer: “You have any other admission questions?"

    Entire conversation is real. In prank, Harvard called by mother of enrolling Hamas terrorist Clip features admissions officer seemingly unfazed by woman asking whether son's participation in Oct. 7 massacre will improve his chances of getting into elite school By TOI STAFF, 15 November 2023...
  25. Pastelli

    IDF soldiers pictured with Israeli flag inside Gaza parliament building

    IDF soldiers pictured with Israeli flag inside Gaza parliament building i24NEWS, November 13, 2023 IDF's Golani Brigade inside Gaza's parliament building in Gaza City https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel-at-war/1699901286-idf-soldiers-pictured-with-israeli-flag-inside-gaza-parliament-building...
  26. Pastelli

    "Palestinian" jihado-fascists murder Non-Zionist "peace" activist hostage lady

    Canadian peace activist Vivian Silver, who went missing after Hamas attack, has died. ctvnews.ca 'A courageous peace activist': Son of Vivian Silver says she was murdered by Hamas on Oct. 7 __ Leftists didn't realize that hate is hate, when tought for years. Ethnic Arab racism / religious...
  27. Pastelli

    What was known by media since 2009: White House has evidence Hamas Jihad using Al-Shifa hospital to run military actions

    White House says it has evidence Hamas using Al-Shifa hospital to run military actions By Reuters. Published: November 14, 2023. The White House on Tuesday said it had its own intelligence that Hamas was using Gaza's Al-Shifa hospital to run its military operations, and probably to store...
  28. Pastelli

    Hamas terror infrastructure found in Gaza university, mosque ("Palestinians" killing "Palestinians")

    Hamas terror infrastructure found in Gaza university, mosque IDF troops also seized a "large number of weapons" inside the children's room at the home of a senior Islamic Jihad terrorist. Joshua Marks (November 13, 2023 / JNS)...
  29. Pastelli

    Hamas operatives brutally beat Gaza residents who tried to take food from a humanitarian aid truck. Afterwards - Hamas took the contents of the truck

    Exclusive documentation: Hamas operatives brutally beat Gaza residents who tried to take food from a humanitarian aid truck. Afterwards - Hamas took the contents of the trucks for use by the terrorist organization (From KAN) Nov 12, 2023 __ Comment, any chance "pro palestine" loons...
  30. Pastelli

    Filthinian rich Hamas bosses / butchers

    'Hamas billionaires: Lifestyles of the rich and terrorists.' Eric Shawn, Fox News, November 8, 2023. Excerpt: Hamas bosses Khaled Mashaal and Ismail Haniyeh are worth an estimated $4 billion each, and political bureau leader Mousa Abu Marzouk is worth $3 billion…. Photos show Hamas leader...

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