
  1. L

    Sasha Baron Cohen and wife give $1m for Syrian refugees - For dummies

    Dec 27 2015 - Actor Baron Cohen and wife give $1m for Syrian refugees ... to Save the Children to pay for measles vaccinations for children in northern Syria. For dummies: This horrible illuminati joke mocks the ongoing genocide of syrians: 1. - air bombings and extermination camps in Syria...
  2. American_Jihad

    Why Syria Can’t Be Fixed

    Islam is evil and stuck in the 7th century... Why Syria Can’t Be Fixed The root cause of the conflict is Islam. December 17, 2015 Daniel Greenfield ... It’s not about human rights or justice. It’s about destabilizing your neighbors by exploiting their internal divisions. It’s how Islam...
  3. K

    The Far Right Strikes Back..

  4. K

  5. E


    The Paris terror attacks may have put a clamp on President Obama's plans to resettle 100,000 Syrian refugees over the next year, as the number of governors saying they won't take them swells. Governors are rushing to declare their states Syrian refugee-free zones after last week’s Muslim attack...
  6. Anonymous1977

    "Russia bombing CIVILIANS in Ghouta, Syria;" will Putin be treated like Gaddafi?

    Here is a news story and video about Russia bombing civilians in Ghouta, will the U.S. and it's allies treat Pres. Putin like "Col." Gaddafi was treated for his killing?... Russia drone footage shows devastated Damascus suburb (Video title: "'Russia bombing CIVILIANS in Ghouta...
  7. N

    Obama's Syria Mistakes

    I could list many, but I'm curious as to what others think they were. To me, he is the poster child of obsessively avoiding one extreme (Iraq) but still getting blood on his hands, any how. Beyond that, he couldn't realize that by resisting Russia's 2012 overtures he was drifting towards a war...
  8. Anonymous1977

    Russia still saying Assad stays (new Syrian violence;) closer to Armageddon?...

    Syria bombs Douma despite use of human shields -
  9. Anonymous1977

    Russia -vs- "U.S. backed terrorists": US charges Russia with bombing civilians. Will Putin...

    Will Putin get the Gaddafi treatment?: Moscow demands US-led coalition in Syria 'prove or deny' allegations Russia is 'bombing civilians'
  10. Anonymous1977

    Supreme display of American cowardice or what?

    U.S. "accidentally arms" ISIS because too afraid to make sure weapons reached intended group: U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop, militants say
  11. Fufu

    Syria: What if the roles were reversed?

    This article gives an idea: Bashar al Assad: No future for U.S with Obama - Meditoris. How would you feel if your country was invaded in the same way the US government does in the Middle East?
  12. L

    Gog and Magog script for the destruction of Israel changed by syrian freedom fighters

    Gog and Magog script for the destruction of Israel changed by syrian freedom fighters This chapter of the illuminati anti-Bible was written long before the start of the armed revolt in Syria. How the Gog and Magog stage was set: - Assad supplied with one of world's largest arsenals of chemical...
  13. Anonymous1977

    Is it cowardice for the U.S. to run away from fighting Russia LOL?

    Russian Broadcaster Warns of Turning US Into 'Radioactive Dust' Some have alleged that Russia is a part of the Abrahamic scriptures Gog & Magog but is it cowardice for us Americans to RUN FROM fighting Russia (run from volunteering for military service) if they could seriously damage our...
  14. longknife

    Who's Fighting Whom in Syria

    As one looks at the chart, one scratches ones head and wonders what the hell is going on. What have more than 220k people and uprooted millions gained from this? See the chart and read the explanations @ Confused About Syria? A Guide to the War’s Friends, Enemies, and Frenemies.
  15. 1Ganger

    Trump speaks about Christian Syrian people.

    The horrors those poor people go through. I had a friend that was a christian in Syria working at a Christian radio station in Damascus. They all where murdered... just 1 of 1,000's of tragic stories. They are so brave while we do nothing for them. Here is the full speech if you want to...
  16. W

    Hungary overrun by Migrants fleeing Syria

    Migrants are a pest in Budapest... Chaos in Budapest train station amid Europe's migrant crisis Sep 1,`15 -- Chanting "Freedom! Freedom!," angry migrants demanded to be let aboard trains bound for Austria and Germany after Hungary temporarily suspended all rail traffic Tuesday from its main...

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