
  1. American_Jihad

    Apologists for Terror Spread

    Islamic leaders, please more like instigators... Apologists for Terror Spread San Bernardino Trutherism and FBI-phobia The dangerous delusions "Islamic leaders" are promoting on campuses and in the Muslim community. December 17, 2015 Lloyd Billingsley In Southern California the FBI...
  2. American_Jihad

    Why Syria Can’t Be Fixed

    Islam is evil and stuck in the 7th century... Why Syria Can’t Be Fixed The root cause of the conflict is Islam. December 17, 2015 Daniel Greenfield ... It’s not about human rights or justice. It’s about destabilizing your neighbors by exploiting their internal divisions. It’s how Islam...
  3. Anonymous1977

    "Assata Malik's" (Assata Shakur's) Political Asylum in Cuba

    Anyone who doesn't know who Assata Shakur is, she is a woman who was convicted of murdering an American law enforcement officer. She is a wanted American TERRORIST, and yes if the reader does not know, her name, "Shakur" is an Islamic name. She has political asylum in Cuba, but with new...
  4. Compost

    Homeland Security: Highest Threat since 9/11

    While POTUS tells us guns and our failure to hug and kiss every muslim that walks by is the real problem the Homeland Security Chairman sees it differently. State of Homeland Security: ‘Highest Threat Environment Since 9/11’ House Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul (R.-Texas) delivered...
  5. TemplarKormac

    Political Correctness Kills

    The 14 people who died in San Bernardino, California on Wednesday were victims not only of terrorism, but of political correctness. According to KNX-AM Los Angeles, one man working in the neighborhood noted strange behavior coming from Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik's home the weeks before the...
  6. woz75

    Bad Taste? Gone too Far? #thoughtsandprayers Bring SB Shooting victims Back to Life

    What do you think about this? I know satire doesn't have to be funny - if fact, sometimes gallows humor/black humor is needed to make a point but....Does this cross the line? I'm on the fence BREAKING: ‪#‎thoughtsandprayers‬ Bring Two San Bernardino Shooting Victims Back to Life
  7. midcan5

    Islam - A Debate

    An interesting debate, the University of Oxford. A must watch.
  8. Anonymous1977

    So why was America militarily aiding Muslim Afghanistan against the Soviet Union if Muslims do...

    Title: So why was America militarily aiding Muslim Afghanistan against the Soviet Union if Muslims do what they do?... Soviet–Afghan War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
  9. Maggdy

    Dr. Dooms and the paradoxical

    "Economist Nouriel Roubini (alias dr. dooms) said Tuesday the Paris attacks could end up boosting the eurozone economy if the European Central Bank decides to increase its program of monetary stimulus by a larger margin than it would have otherwise. In an interview with CNBC, the founder of...
  10. Anonymous1977

    Pres. Putin points out that America has not been attacking I.S. oil convoys. Why have we not?

    BREAKING: Putin Reveals ISIS Funded by 40 Countries, Including G20 Members -
  11. Anonymous1977

    So why exactly can't the U.S. (the greatest military on earth) stop this...?

    Warning: GRAPHIC IMAGES in link: First video at (need to be logged in at Facebook to see video:) Guy de Boever | Facebook -
  12. Anonymous1977

    Lovely video (warning: can be considered Mature Audiences Only (LOL))

  13. Anonymous1977

    Picture of some Arabs responding to Paris attack

  14. Anonymous1977

    Nation of Islam's peace deal with the KKK

    Video of ex-Nation of Islam member & Black activist, Malcolm X informing everyone that the Nation of Islam made a peace deal with the Ku Klux Klan where they (the NOI & the KKK) would not "bother" each other while the Ku Klux Klan was doing things like lynching Black Americans... Mr. X informs...
  15. Anonymous1977

    All terrorists together...

    Video of ex-Nation of Islam member & Black activist Malcolm X informing everyone that the Nation of Islam made a peace deal with the Ku Klux Klan where they (the NOI & the KKK) would not "bother" each other while the Ku Klux Klan was doing things like lynching Black Americans... Mr. X informs...
  16. Anonymous1977

    Terroristic of Farrakhan to say this?...

    ...in this video, leader of the Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan says that it is OK to murder someone for exercising free speech in America: David Nafomeke | Facebook Is his saying that terrorism...? :)
  17. Anonymous1977

    VERY INTERESTING collection of pictures of Muslims from a Facebook photo album

    ...including an image of an incarcerated Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the Boston Marathon bomber... (WARNING: SOME IMAGES GRAPHIC) David Nafomeke | Facebook
  18. Anonymous1977

    Russia -vs- "U.S. backed terrorists": US charges Russia with bombing civilians. Will Putin...

    Will Putin get the Gaddafi treatment?: Moscow demands US-led coalition in Syria 'prove or deny' allegations Russia is 'bombing civilians'

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