
  1. MindWars

    EMERGENCY, The US and Russia are Now in a State of War.

    It's all in the news people it's how you trained thought perceives it all. Transparecny is in front of you but the sheep kept in a coral won't get it even when put right in front of them. War is at our backdoor ...................................................
  2. MindWars

    WAR DRUMS: Russian Border Patrol Opens Fire As North Korean Fishing Vessel

    Russian border patrol was forced to open fire during inspection of a fishing vessel with North Korean crew onboard. The crew resisted search, behaved aggressively, and tried to flee with the members of the Russian security forces on board, according to the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB)...
  3. MindWars

    Russian Official Warns 'There Will Be Hiroshimas And Nagasakis Everywhere'

    Obama has done a fine job ticking off Russia. He thinks we have so many allies when in reality just about every country out there hates America. We are like little panizies wearing little pink ballerina dresses and we are all geared up for war with our tutu's on...
  4. MindWars

    WAR DRUMS: DEFCON Warning System Has Just Been Raised To DEFCON 3

    The DEFCON Warning System Alert status has just been raised to code Yellow. DEFCON 3. Tensions between Russia and the United States have reached levels beyond the cold war in the recent week. The situation between Russia and the United States is extremely fluid at the moment. In all likelihood...
  5. MindWars

    Russian Insider Warns Fate Of All Humanity At Stake With US Election As Mike Pence Talks Revolution

    In the 2nd video below featuring a Russian friend of Vladimir Putin, we're warned direly that the current US presidential election has left the fate of all humanity at stake. Telling us that Hillary Clinton shouldn't even be managing a bath house much less running for presidential election...
  6. Brynmr

    War Zones in Europe

    Islam has always been at war with the the infidels. One has to wonder when we infidels are going to fight back. The War Zones in Europe | Pamela Geller There is a war going on in Europe. Save for brave truth-tellers and a handful of websites, there is no coverage. The sharia-compliant media...
  7. Y

    Fury, starring Brad Pitt

    In case you yourself did not get to see Fury, the movie, starring Brat Pitt, here is a free Internet version that you can watch. This movie reminds me of my dad. He was a WW2 vet and tank officer then. So he had Brat Pitt's job in his tank with his tank platoon in real life. The movie traces...
  8. guno

    A war hero who was a stranger in his own land

    The forgotten of history because of racism, America's ongoing shame Brown's name eventually faded from history, a forgotten man from a forgotten war. But he was more than a pilot, he was a racial pioneer: the U.S. Navy's first African-American pilot. Brown went from steering a mule in a cotton...
  9. L

    Yemen "Iran v Saudi proxy war" hoax for dummies: crash course on the BIG LIE technique

    Syria and Yemen wars, same as every other battle of World War III: IV Reich military (NATO, Russia, Iran, etc) air bombing and/or supplying ground troops and weapons to suppress the revolt of freedom loving people. Differences are details such as: 1. Iran vs Saudi roles - Syria: second battle...
  10. L

    Yemen: Aden nuns: REAL blood false flag after countless fake Sanaa suicide bombings

    Yemen staged coup, Sanaa's fake blood and Saudi's fake war against fake rebels: End Times Information Process March 2015: Last Prophet exposed worldwide first the fake blood at Sanaa, an episode that would be repeated countless times after during the fake war "Saudi vs Houthis". The same Prophet...
  11. L

    Iraq sunni cities: unprecedented news deception in History of Genocide and War

    Large cities "liberated" by the IV Reich in Syria: Homs. Al-Qusayr was the first one but considerably smaller. As for Iraq: Sunni majority cities in Iraq: Fallujah, Tikrit, Mosul, Ramadi: two milestones in extreme media deception in the History of Genocide and War Feb 2016: "Liberation by the...
  12. citizenal

    Is God An Idiot?

    In a recent poll, it was determined that approximately 25% of Christians think that it is a Christian obligation to help and support the State of Israel. Unfortunately, such a warped view of Christian responsibility, flies in the face of the New Covenant established by our Lord and Savior...
  13. L

    WORLD's BASIC FACTS.rALL evealed by Assad's chemical arsenal ALONE

    Assad's chemical arsenal ALONE - reveals ALL of the WORLD's BASIC FACTS as expected from End Times Reductitonism. - totally destroys the world as you know it, as expected from the BIG LIE technique pushed to the utter limits. The world as you know it It consists of assumed and unquestionable...
  14. S

    The beginning of the end for ISIS?

    The Iraqi army has shown that it can actually execute an offensive operation against ISIS by liberating Ramadi. The Baghdad government has demonstrated a more inclusive and pragmatic policy by recruiting Sunni tribesman to garrison and protect the newly liberated city. The Iraqi army seems to...
  15. N

    Obama's Syria Mistakes

    I could list many, but I'm curious as to what others think they were. To me, he is the poster child of obsessively avoiding one extreme (Iraq) but still getting blood on his hands, any how. Beyond that, he couldn't realize that by resisting Russia's 2012 overtures he was drifting towards a war...
  16. Fufu

    Syria: What if the roles were reversed?

    This article gives an idea: Bashar al Assad: No future for U.S with Obama - Meditoris. How would you feel if your country was invaded in the same way the US government does in the Middle East?
  17. anotherlife

    A winning Afghanistan strategy?

    The US has lost the war in Afghanistan. So, why doesn't the pentagon do this as follows. Tell the Pakistani Pashtun tribes to annex the Pashtun lands of Afghanistan, which is like a third of that country. Then the pentagon could tell the Kirghiz tribes to take the north, and declare the east...
  18. Anonymous1977

    Is it cowardice for the U.S. to run away from fighting Russia LOL?

    Russian Broadcaster Warns of Turning US Into 'Radioactive Dust' Some have alleged that Russia is a part of the Abrahamic scriptures Gog & Magog but is it cowardice for us Americans to RUN FROM fighting Russia (run from volunteering for military service) if they could seriously damage our...

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