
  1. MindWars

    WikiLeaks Director and founder of the Centre for Investigative Journalism Gavin MacFadyen has died.

    WikiLeaks Director Gavin MacFadyen Has Died, Publication Posts Tribute [Breaking] Bodies are dropping but the zombies won't connect the dots of all the journalist being killed as the Government labels them as committing SUICIDE!!! IT IS BULL SHIT!!!
  2. MindWars

    Wikileaks: Hillary Plans To Implode US Economy

    Completing the destabilization of the west, the globalists pawn Hillary Clinton will detonate the economic bubble set up by Obama and usher in the New Liberal World Order. Alex Breaks it all down. Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching millions help us reach...
  3. MindWars

    WikiLeaks: Podesta’s Daughter Received His “75,000 Common Shares” in Putin-Linked Energy Company

    WikiLeaks: Podesta’s Daughter Received His “75,000 Common Shares” in Putin-Linked Energy Company Hillary campaign chair John Podesta probably isn’t sleeping well. WikiLeaks has done a number on him these past couple of weeks. We’re just now finding out that Podesta’s daughter received his...
  4. cnelsen

    For those claiming the Wikileaks dump is no big deal, this will change your mind

    This is almost painful to watch. Donna Brazile sliding into the pit of ignominy when confronted with evidence from Wikileaks and nothing--NOTHING--to grab onto. It's straight up damning. Also, anyone who actually starts reading these emails will quickly know they are authentic. They don't need...
  5. MindWars

    Wikileaks publishes list of Obama emails, reveals his address

    The first batch from Wikileaks are searchable under the email address [email protected], an email account Barack Obama was possibly using before winning the election in November 2008. Wikileaks publishes list of Obama emails, reveals his address Now this is funny. Hackers are out to get...
  6. MindWars

    Assange's internet link intentionally severed by state party - WikiLeaks

    WikiLeaks has activated “contingency plans” after its co-founder’s internet service was intentionally cut off by a state actor, the media organization said in a tweet. Assange's internet link intentionally severed by state party - WikiLeaks Anyone following wiki would know better than to think...
  7. cnelsen

    In case you missed the recent coup d'etat, here's all you need to know

    The daily release of thousands of hacked emails from an account owned by Democratic heavy John Podesta combined with a surreptitiously taped conversation in which a Democratic operative details the deliberate use of violence to help the Clinton campaign and its media allies build a case against...
  8. cnelsen

    Dems pay provocateurs, Clinton (and media, of course) condemn Trump for violence

    A story out of Breitbart today details how Americans United for Change, a group that the Wikileaks email dump shows worked in tandem with the Clinton campaign, "bird-dogged" Trump campaign events. "Bird-dogging" is the use of Dem-paid provocateurs to incite violence at Trump rallies and create a...
  9. P@triot

    Progressives have been REALLY duped

    It never ceases to amaze me how progressives allow themselves to be "useful idiots" for the left-wing politicians who exploit them and laugh all the way to the bank. It's only made possible if a person wants to be ignorant. All of the information is out there and readily available. But it would...
  10. MindWars

    From President to prison : Wikileaks data dump might send Hillary to jail?

    FROM PRESIDENT TO PRISON: WIKILEAKS DATA DUMP MIGHT SEND HILLARY TO JAIL Arms dealer ties Hillary to weapon sales to ISIS while illegal campaign contributions are laundered through The Clinton Foundation. Now we know why Hillary Clinton proposed killing Julian Assange with a drone strike...
  11. P@triot

    WikiLeaks End Game

    Julian Assange is a global hero. Shedding light on corruption is a great thing. Seeing how paranoid he has all of the criminals brings a smile to my face. I hope we see a major movement to support WiliLeaks and get more information into their hands. “Consider what would happen if one of these...
  12. MindWars

    WIKILEAKS HILLARY MICRO MANAGED ISIS More evidence Clinton created and still runs ISIS

    It’s a bold statement. But, Hillary and Obama created and manage ISIS. And they will do everything to distract the public’s awareness of this undeniable fact. A fact born of the globalists insatiable need to create an enemy and control both sides of endless wars and social engineering that add...
  13. Cellblock2429

    Wikileaks: Clinton bashes Trump over Russia praise, but emails show she praised Putin too

    Though Hillary Clinton has bashed Donald Trump over his alleged fondness for Russia, excerpts from her purported post-State Department speeches in the WikiLeaks files show she also sought “a positive relationship” with Moscow and praised President Vladimir Putin as recently as 2014. Let's see...

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