Trump supporters supporting Trump for the same reasons Obama supporters supported Obama and it is Cruz supporters off the rails?Where does he provide corroboration that Trump is the source of a "huge amount of corruption"?He made very specific statements and your lack of knowledge is not his fault.You make broad and general statements with nothing to back them up. Your comments will be dismissed without corroboration.He has taken every single issue, from abortion to the proper way to pay the zither and has 5 diametrically points of view in the same sentence. Ias he go to secure the border? he has 10 views about that. He has a history of hiring illegals as well. How about his views on the guest worker program? He says that' its a bad thing, but he uses guest workers extensively, and he even married one.
He says he is going to be a good friend to Israel, but will be neutral as Israel faces terror between Israel and the Terrorists.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. He says he is going to halt corruption, but he is the source of a huge amount of corruption.
What is it going to be? Trump says both.
Trump has reversed positions on virtually every issue over the last 5 years. He has no principles at all. Bleating "America First" is like "Hope N Change." Only stupider.
Trump is for single payer healthcare
Trump is pro abortion
Trump is anti abortion
Trump is for war crimes
Trump has never held elective office
Trump's business career is a disaster
Trump is nothing more than a media invention on steroids.
Your list doesn't mean shit to me.
The healthcare system is fucked up because we pay for every fucking illegal immigrant and welfare bum in our country and none of the other candidates have come up with any alternatives for Obamacare except to say they'll dismantle it (which is a lie).
I don't care what his position is on abortion, it's not gonna change no matter WHO the president is.
War crimes? Drama queen. I don't give a damn about pouring water on a terrorist's face, we SHOULD do that.
Never held elective office? That's why people like him, stupid. He's not part of the corrupt establishment like Cruz, Kasich, and the other two commies.
His business career? You can only dream of having that kind of success? How much are YOU worth, loser?
I did notice, however, in your list you conveniently left out the most important issue to most voters, which is our open borders. Of course you had to leave that out because Trump is the ONLY candidate who has addressed it.
Good grief the Cruz supporters have truly gone off the the rails.