1 in 4 American moms return to work within 2 weeks of giving birth


Registered Democrat.
Aug 9, 2015
We need guaranteed paid maternity leave.
1 in 4 American moms return to work within 2 weeks of giving birth — here’s what it's like
Pretty much all countries require companies to offer paid maternity leave to new mothers — all countries except, of course, for the United States.



So new moms in the United States don't take off much time at all: About a quarter return to work within two weeks of giving birth, a new analysis of data by Abt Associates shows.

Abt Associates worked with In These Times to look at a Department of Labor survey of when new moms return to work. Here's what they found:

Abt went back to a 2012 survey it conducted for the Department of Labor of 2,852 employees who had taken family or medical leave in the last year, looking specifically at the 93 women who took time off work to care for a new baby.

Nearly 12 percent of those women took off only a week or less. Another 11 percent took between one and two weeks off. That means that about 23 percent—nearly 1 in 4—of the women interviewed were back at work within two weeks of having a child.

Access to longer leave time appears to be a luxury good. As Sharon Lerner writes, "80 percent of college graduates took at least six weeks off to care for a new baby, but only 54 percent of women without college degrees did so."

This is how maternity leave works in a country that has no guarantee of time off: It goes to the women who have higher-income jobs with better benefit packages, or those who can afford to forgo income for a number of weeks or months. Low-income women have little option but to return to work quickly, an option that every other country in the world deems unacceptable.

What it's like to go back to work days after giving birth
Lerner's piece is worth reading in full, and you can do so here. This particular anecdote jumped out at me in underscoring what it's like for the quarter of women who return to work quickly. Lerner writes about Natasha Long, who went back to her factory job shortly after her son Jayden's birth. She would get up at 4 am to pump breast milk before work — and sneak out to pump again on breaks, in her car in the parking lot.

After just a few days of this crazed schedule, Long began to develop strange symptoms, including a headache that never seemed to go away and a choking sensation that left her feeling breathless. She started biting her fingernails to the quick—something she’d never done before—and crying a lot. "I felt like I was alone," says Long. "I wanted to fall off the face of the earth." Long had never been depressed. But when she went to the doctor, he surmised that her physical symptoms were rooted in her mental state, which was itself rooted in her schedule. When her doctor said he thought she was depressed, Long worried that if child welfare authorities found out, they might take her children away. She had seen other people’s children put in foster care. But when her doctor prescribed her antidepressants, she took them.

It's not just moms who suffer. Kids suffer, too.
Economists have looked at the relationship between maternity leave policies and children's well-being — and they find, perhaps somewhat unsurprisingly, that kids raised in countries that guarantee more time off have better health outcomes.

One 1995 study found that every extra week in guaranteed maternity leave correlated with a 2 to 3 percent decline in infant deaths. Separate research elsewhere found similar results.

And this makes pretty intuitive sense: Mothers with paid leave have more time to care for their children, giving additional time to invest in a newborn's well-being.
If we had a small government we could afford to do that, David. As it is? It's impossible.

Actually, that has nothing at all to do with it.


The US is one of only two countries who do not value newborn babies and families. Shameful.
If we had a small government we could afford to do that, David. As it is? It's impossible.

Actually, that has nothing at all to do with it.


The US is one of only two countries who do not value newborn babies and families. Shameful.

It has everything to do with it. We have the largest deficit in the world if I am not mistaken. How did that happen, Luddly? We have a govt. that is out of control - way, way too big, spending way, way too much. As for not valuing our unborn babies? It is a very serious problem America has murdered over 50 million babies already and now they are selling their bodies for profit. The judgment of God is surely hanging over America even this very second.
If we had a small government we could afford to do that, David. As it is? It's impossible.

Actually, that has nothing at all to do with it.


The US is one of only two countries who do not value newborn babies and families. Shameful.
At least not the ones your party slices into little bits while their hearts beat and their lungs scream and their remains are sold.
If we had a small government we could afford to do that, David. As it is? It's impossible.

Actually, that has nothing at all to do with it.


The US is one of only two countries who do not value newborn babies and families. Shameful.

It has everything to do with it. We have the largest deficit in the world if I am not mistaken. How did that happen, Luddly? We have a govt. that is out of control - way, way too big, spending way, way too much. As for not valuing our unborn babies? It is a very serious problem America has murdered over 50 million babies already and now they are selling their bodies for profit. The judgment of God is surely hanging over America even this very second.
Nothing you're saying makes any sense. Corporate profits are at an all time high. It's not at all the government's fault. It's not like maternity leave was available to women when the deficit was low.
I say keep 'em barefoot and pregnant, as God intended them to be, instead. Then you wouldn't be whining about maternity leave 'cause they'd be doing their true job ... supporting the Man and Raising His Progeny (and paying special attention to the needs of the male progeny).
I say keep 'em barefoot and pregnant, as God intended them to be, instead. Then you wouldn't be whining about maternity leave 'cause they'd be doing their true job ... supporting the Man and Raising His Progeny (and paying special attention to the needs of the male progeny).
Lol, what the fuck? Are you some sick paleocon?
I say keep 'em barefoot and pregnant, as God intended them to be, instead. Then you wouldn't be whining about maternity leave 'cause they'd be doing their true job ... supporting the Man and Raising His Progeny (and paying special attention to the needs of the male progeny).
Lol, what the fuck? Are you some sick paleocon?

No I'm pointing out the absurdity of your position. Either women are equal or they are not. If a woman returns to her job 2 weeks after giving birth, more power to her.

Women are either equal or they are not. Can't have your cake and eat it too.
I say keep 'em barefoot and pregnant, as God intended them to be, instead. Then you wouldn't be whining about maternity leave 'cause they'd be doing their true job ... supporting the Man and Raising His Progeny (and paying special attention to the needs of the male progeny).
Lol, what the fuck? Are you some sick paleocon?

No I'm pointing out the absurdity of your position. Either women are equal or they are not. If a woman returns to her job 2 weeks after giving birth, more power to her.

Women are either equal or they are not. Can't have your cake and eat it too.
You are the one claiming women were made by god to serve men.
If we had a small government we could afford to do that, David. As it is? It's impossible.

Actually, that has nothing at all to do with it.


The US is one of only two countries who do not value newborn babies and families. Shameful.

It has everything to do with it. We have the largest deficit in the world if I am not mistaken. How did that happen, Luddly? We have a govt. that is out of control - way, way too big, spending way, way too much. As for not valuing our unborn babies? It is a very serious problem America has murdered over 50 million babies already and now they are selling their bodies for profit. The judgment of God is surely hanging over America even this very second.

It's all about priorities. The war expenditures from the last decade would have gone pretty far. Bringing the tax rates for the wealthiest closer to historic norms would go further. Priorities.
I say keep 'em barefoot and pregnant, as God intended them to be, instead. Then you wouldn't be whining about maternity leave 'cause they'd be doing their true job ... supporting the Man and Raising His Progeny (and paying special attention to the needs of the male progeny).
Lol, what the fuck? Are you some sick paleocon?

No I'm pointing out the absurdity of your position. Either women are equal or they are not. If a woman returns to her job 2 weeks after giving birth, more power to her.

Women are either equal or they are not. Can't have your cake and eat it too.
You are the one claiming women were made by god to serve men.

That was satire doof. You're the one coddling women and treating them like special citizens. 1 in 4 women return to work within two weeks ... okay ... is that some kind of tragedy? She chose to both be a mother and have a job. Women can't have their cake and eat it too. If it's too much for them to both work and be mothers, then they should choose one. Or work for companies that CHOOSE to provide maternity leave.

Do you believe in the government controlling every aspect of our lives ... and coddling certain citizens who are "more equal" along the way?

Clearly the answer is yes.
I say keep 'em barefoot and pregnant, as God intended them to be, instead. Then you wouldn't be whining about maternity leave 'cause they'd be doing their true job ... supporting the Man and Raising His Progeny (and paying special attention to the needs of the male progeny).
Lol, what the fuck? Are you some sick paleocon?

No I'm pointing out the absurdity of your position. Either women are equal or they are not. If a woman returns to her job 2 weeks after giving birth, more power to her.

Women are either equal or they are not. Can't have your cake and eat it too.
You are the one claiming women were made by god to serve men.

That was satire doof. You're the one coddling women and treating them like special citizens. 1 in 4 women return to work within two weeks ... okay ... is that some kind of tragedy? She chose to both be a mother and have a job. Women can't have their cake and eat it too. If it's too much for them to both work and be mothers, then they should choose one. Or work for companies that CHOOSE to provide maternity leave.

Do you believe in the government controlling every aspect of our lives ... and coddling certain citizens who are "more equal" along the way?

Clearly the answer is yes.
How dense of you people not to consider the well being of child. You would rather put this all on the mother.

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