This country has no choice but to increase the number of supreme court justices.

and it will be done to overturn the destruction of the values ,law and democracy of this country perpetrated by a corrupt paid for lying supreme court. They get paid by corporations and people to make their decisions in behalf of those corporations and people. That never was the idea of our finding fathers for this court. That will be accomplished by adding 4 new justices selected by Biden. and completely overturn the last multiple decisions over the last few decades. Maybe a good place to start erasing is corporation being people. Including every decision that were made during this last session. The court and law has to be revised so that it isn't owned by the money that is strained into it.
Win elections...appoint Supreme Court Justices. Packing the court is nothing more than perverting the process. You on the left add four Justices and then when a Republican is in the White House he or she will add another four. Where does it end?
The number of Congresspersons apportioned by States is regulated by population, whereas the Constitution stipulates only two Senators can be sent to Congress per state, originally appointed by the Governor of each state and Changed in 1914 to be elected by the people of each State.
Progressives are unbound by the Constitution, it’s about time we tilt the table when we win! Voter ID, paper ballots, only overseas military gets absentee ballots, voter fraud punishment is immediate deportation
That’s actually exactly the opposite

You dope
Yeah, look at congress for an example. As John Adams said in 1776, “one useless man is a disgrace, two become a law firm and three or more become a congress, and by god I have had THIS congress…”
Win elections...appoint Supreme Court Justices. Packing the court is nothing more than perverting the process. You on the left add four Justices and then when a Republican is in the White House he or she will add another four. Where does it end?
Just long enough to dump every decision that the Hate Nazi judges on the high court made over the last couple of decades.
Just long enough to dump every decision that the Hate Nazi judges on the high court made over the last couple of decades.
The Court has swung from the left to the center and then to the right. In time that pendulum will most likely swing back the other way. That should take place because the people have elected representatives that then nominated and confirmed Justices. Packing the court perverts the system and becomes a slippery slope.
Perhaps I am... perhaps I am... oh... BTW... it's spelled "wit" in this context... :auiqs.jpg:

Who are "they"?

I am a registered (D) who firmly believes that the size of the US Supreme Court should remain fixed.

Marxists believe that the end justifies the means.

You have manifested a "the end justifies the means" position (see above).

"Your Honor... the Prosecution rests".

What is a Nazi? Other than parroting Woke Leftist bumper-sticker phrases, you don't have the faintest clue what a Nazi is.


But if they're laughing at mine...

They're doubled-over, holding their bellies, with tears falling from their eyes, belly-laughing at you-and-yours.

Consequently, I am content...


The number of justicies on the US Supreme Court will remain at Nine...

Finally... on a more personal note, after being subjected to your unsolicited ad hominem attack... :fu:
You are a 100% MAGA maggot. Scum like you can't hide that or try to change PEOPLES OPINION BY LYING ABOUT BEING A democrat. no DEMOCRAT IS A PIG LIKE YOU. There hasn't been a candidate that loves or acts more like Hitler then Trump and there hasn't been a party in this country more like the Nazi's then MAGA . They are more of a threat to our democracy and country than the NAZI's were in the 30 and 40's.
You are a 100% MAGA maggot. Scum like you can't hide that or try to change PEOPLES OPINION BY LYING ABOUT BEING A democrat. no DEMOCRAT IS A PIG LIKE YOU. There hasn't been a candidate that loves or acts more like Hitler then Trump and there hasn't been a party in this country more like the Nazi's then MAGA . They are more of a threat to our democracy and country than the NAZI's were in the 30 and 40's.
Speaking as a history major, Jbander? Calling conservatives "NAZI'S" is just plain stupid! Hitler and the Nazi's were truly evil people who murdered millions of innocent civilians because of their religion or place of origin. When you claim that the GOP and Trump are like Nazis and Hitler it's pure nonsense.
The Court has swung from the left to the center and then to the right. In time that pendulum will most likely swing back the other way. That should take place because the people have elected representatives that then nominated and confirmed Justices. Packing the court perverts the system and becomes a slippery slope.
what destroyed this court is Trumps last three selections , that were picked because of their willingness to kiss his ass and do what he tells them to do. That is a problem. Getting rid of these hateful anti American judges is the solution. This court is hated more today then it has been in its whole history of this country right now. So it will be easier then in anytime in history to find the support needed to dump these Hate Nazi Judges , They all should be dumped and if we can't do that we will add 4 more justices now during the time Biden is in office so a honorable person will choose the supreme court justices and not s shitstained piece of shit like the one that appointed the last three. Literally a traitor to this country picked the last three.
Speaking as a history major, Jbander? Calling conservatives "NAZI'S" is just plain stupid! Hitler and the Nazi's were truly evil people who murdered millions of innocent civilians because of their religion or place of origin. When you claim that the GOP and Trump are like Nazis and Hitler it's pure nonsense.
There has never been a closer match in our history to the Nazi's then the MAGA Maggots are now and there has never been a president or any American politico closer to Hiitler then Trump. Go ahead and try to deny that. Whats nuts is you calling MAGA conservatives and saying I said they are NAZi's now is that really what I did , you are trying to make a point with lies and distortions. And yes trying to destroy our country and it's democracy by beating their way through the police putting 140 of them in the hospital to overturn this country's almost perfect election. Doing this while shitting out the biggest lie in American history to bring down this country as a excuse.
The Court has swung from the left to the center and then to the right. In time that pendulum will most likely swing back the other way. That should take place because the people have elected representatives that then nominated and confirmed Justices. Packing the court perverts the system and becomes a slippery slope.
what a hoot , you are worrying about perverting the system . The court was perverted to be used as a tool of power and corruption for a price by Trump , also look at the other conservatives that make up the rest of the court , they are no better then pond scum , They sell anything for a price,, Try to deny that , simply look at Uncle Tom Thomas and what a crook he is and what he has put in his pockets without claiming it.
Being an atheist, abortion is not a huge issue for me but I will say that the Democrat position on abortion is just as much based on emotion as the Republican position.

Democrats have strong convictions on the matter of a woman’s right to choose and that is no less an emotional basis than anything else.
Stupid remark. This genius defines issues by whether they are decided with emotion or without , now I have to ask this mental marvel what amount of emotion can be allowed to make decisions on . 10% no percent 50%, what a clown.
My, my, my.... what a light-in-the-loafers little wanker-princess you are... time to crawl back under your rock, Woke Scum...
I bet this worm doesn't even have a definition for his favorite word WOKE!!!!!!!!!! these microbes are a hoot. Look at his list of silly remarks in his response. That's a person faking his way here because the poor puppy has been made speechless by , in this case me!
It has not been fine all along , right now the supreme court is hated more then in any time in history. When that happens and they become the enemy of the country and go against what the people of the country want , then dump their asses. Giving corporations the same right as people , allowing the president to kill his enemy's , or not being able to be prosecuted for trying to bring down our democracy to force himself in a s a dictator. Taking away the right of women to choose what they can and can not do to their own body. The ultimate point and the only real reason we need to dump him is allowing shitpants to be above the law. Dump their treasonous asses.
The current Supreme Court Justice majority are interpreting the cases before them, as the text of the Constitution is literally written, not watering it down, which is what the minority on the Court seek to do. The only traitors are those that seek to undermine our Constitution and its Bill of Rights. Allowing the president to "kill" his enemies??! As for letting women do what they want to do with their own bodies, the Supreme Court just put it back where it should stay, in the respective states, as it's not in the Constitution. If you're in a deep blue state, you can rip the kid out of the wombs to your hearts content. If you're in a deep red state, you simply need to wear some damn protection (condoms, birth control pills, IUD's). It's not difficult.
If you want to bump and grind with a woman/man without protection and consequences for your recklessness and you live in a deep red state.....MOVE. Republicans who live in deep blue states, have to either suck up the left's garbage or, MOVE.
In a later message you call republicans, NAZI's, which is B.S. The NAZI party was the "National SOCIALIST German Workers Party." It was total government control of the people and businesses. The only difference between Germany's Socialist government and the Soviet Union's Socialist government, was that the German leadership, wore military style uniforms, as opposed to the Soviet Union's politburo wearing civilian clothing.
The republicans want less government intrusion in most matters, as opposed to Marxists who seek total government control of absolutely everything.
and it will be done to overturn the destruction of the values ,law and democracy of this country perpetrated by a corrupt paid for lying supreme court. They get paid by corporations and people to make their decisions in behalf of those corporations and people. That never was the idea of our finding fathers for this court. That will be accomplished by adding 4 new justices selected by Biden. and completely overturn the last multiple decisions over the last few decades. Maybe a good place to start erasing is corporation being people. Including every decision that were made during this last session. The court and law has to be revised so that it isn't owned by the money that is strained into it.
this is the most diverse court in the history of our country and because of that it is under racist attack...we should be uniting in its diversity, not disrespecting it based on its historic contribution to call it corrupt or in need of change is to give credence to those who object to diversity.
This court has also unmasked those who pretend they believe diversity is a good thing when it has been nothing more than a place for them to hide.
Stupid remark. This genius defines issues by whether they are decided with emotion or without ,

Stann is the one who broached the subject of emotions and issues, dumbass.
now I have to ask this mental marvel what amount of emotion can be allowed to make decisions on . 10% no percent 50%, what a clown.
I’ll answer your question when you answer mine:

What gave you the idea I’m MAGA?

What did I say to make you think I’m a traitor?
I bet this worm doesn't even have a definition for his favorite word WOKE!!!!!!!!!! these microbes are a hoot. Look at his list of silly remarks in his response. That's a person faking his way here because the poor puppy has been made speechless by , in this case me!
Says the idiot who thanked his own post.

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