Bidens 20 yr term limit on Supreme Court Justices would have an immediate effect on several members of the court .

"First, the Constitution does not expressly grant “life tenure” to Supreme Court justices. Rather, this idea has been derived from the language that judges and justices “shall hold their offices during good behaviour.”
Our proposal does not contravene this requirement, as it would keep justices on the federal bench as “senior justices” for life, either serving on lower federal courts, as many retired justices have done, or filling in on SCOTUS if there’s an unexpected vacancy.
Some may still feel that pushing justices into senior status would be too similar to forcing them into retirement. But “senior status” in the judiciary is a congressional creation, and one that has been almost universally accepted as a constitutionally valid interpretation of Article III".

At the same time, we should be demanding 'Term Limits' for Congress and the Senate.
Look at people like Pelosi and Wtaers both are older than Bidem and been in Congress much too long.
Word play by Potato doesn’t change the fact that his proposal would modify the Constitutional provisions concerning the Justices. Accordingly, Potato’s proposal would require a Constitutional Amendment.

The suggestion by Pocahontas that the SCOTUS is on the ballot is true to an extent. If we don’t want the vermin Democraps to tinker with our Constitution, Potato has just given us a great reason to vote for Trump.

make it an amendment, term limit all federal judges and members of congress
It would absolutely require the use of one of the processes for amending the Constitution.

Side note: term limits for Congresspersons and Senators (which I am content to see made permanent by Amendment) happens to be very undemocratic. No wonder our liberal Democraps support it. They hate democracy.
It would absolutely require the use of one of the processes for amending the Constitution.

Side note: term limits for Congresspersons and Senators (which I am content to see made permanent by Amendment) happens to be very undemocratic. No wonder our liberal Democraps support it. They hate democracy.
An amendment is better but not absolutely necessary
if Biden succeeds in getting a 20 yr term limit on the SC it will have an immediate effect on several members of the court ..
Thomas a [republican appointee] and Breyer [ considered by many as a moderate although appointed by a Democrat ] would immediately effected as both have served well over 20yrs .. and then 2 more republican appointees Roberts and Alito would be within 1 to 2 yrs of serving their 20 yr term .. that's 3 republicans gone from the SC ! if Dems win in Nov they could replace 3 conservatives on the court with liberal justices !

Tater is the lamest of lame ducks. He has no power, and doesn't know what day it is.
It would absolutely require the use of one of the processes for amending the Constitution.

Side note: term limits for Congresspersons and Senators (which I am content to see made permanent by Amendment) happens to be very undemocratic. No wonder our liberal Democraps support it. They hate democracy.
The process to amend the Constitution is long.
Before it can pass it requires two thirds of the states to agree. Something that does come easily.
I'm more amenable to term limits on Congress both the Senators and repreentatives limited to the number of years they may serve.
AS an example of the "Democrat Neo-Marxist" hypocrisy, please remember that they virtually kept Judge Ruth Ginsburg alive so they could bring in another Leftist Judge, who can't define "what a woman is".
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if Biden succeeds in getting a 20 yr term limit on the SC it will have an immediate effect on several members of the court ..
Thomas a [republican appointee] and Breyer [ considered by many as a moderate although appointed by a Democrat ] would immediately effected as both have served well over 20yrs .. and then 2 more republican appointees Roberts and Alito would be within 1 to 2 yrs of serving their 20 yr term .. that's 3 republicans gone from the SC ! if Dems win in Nov they could replace 3 conservatives on the court with liberal justices !

Biden cannot possibly succeed. It is virtually impossible.

You thought my comment was funny. Sometimes we have to look to the deeper problem, not the bumper sticker.

I don't look at the bumper sticker. I've called for term limits of Congress for more that a decade.
Both you and I know that there are no poor Congress person's.
In most cases by Congress person's by their third term have become multi-millionaires.
Their avarice only becomes more each year.
Examples are numerous from Duke Cunningham, to Bob Menendez, to Nancy Pelosi.
I dont think lifetime appointments are in the Constitution
They are. The phrase s actually fairly clear:

“The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behaviour ….”

If someone says they have engaged in misbehavior, that’s fine. Impeach the alleged offender. But otherwise, they hold their offices. That is a lifetime position.
They are. The phrase s actually fairly clear:

“The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behaviour ….”

If someone says they have engaged in misbehavior, that’s fine. Impeach the alleged offender. But otherwise, they hold their offices. That is a lifetime position.
I think its arguable to limit judges tenure

But the final say on that would go to the Supreme Court who will vote 9-0 for lifetime appointment
I don't look at the bumper sticker. I've called for term limits of Congress for more that a decade.
Both you and I know that there are no poor Congress person's.
In most cases by Congress person's by their third term have become multi-millionaires.
Their avarice only becomes more each year.
Examples are numerous from Duke Cunningham, to Bob Menendez, to Nancy Pelosi.

Term limits is the bumper sticker. What difference does it make if Congress critters can stay in Congress multiple terms when the problem is their HUGE advantage in staying in Congress once there. What difference does it make if they can stay 10-, 15-, 20-years before they have to leave? None.

We have an incumbency problem, not a term limits problem. IMHO...

#1 No elected official in the Congress or the President is eligible for election in any other Federal elected position until at least 1 year has passed from the end of their current or 1 year after leaving their current federally elected position through retirement, resignation, or expulsion.

#2 No elected official may campaign or raise campaign funds while holding any federally elected office. You want to raise money to run for office, do it on our own time - not the taxpayers dime.
There would be no term limits on Presidents or members of Congress, however no individual may serve consecutive terms in any federal elected position even if the positions are different.

That means the President and members of Congress must leave the White House and Congress for at least 1 year before they can run for election again.

There would be no “incumbent” advantage as each seat starts with a clean slate.

Maybe if Presidents and members of Congress were more concerned about doing their jobs instead of raising campaign funds on the taxpayers time and running for reelection they would perform better. Get elected, do your job, leave and run again after a break on your own time.

I dont think lifetime appointments are in the Constitution

Technically it's only their compensation that has to remain the same. It doesn't say they can't be moved out of the SCOTUS back to a federal judge position or even a "Senior Status" SCOTUS gig.


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