This country has no choice but to increase the number of supreme court justices.

One day Trump will realize who his problems were created by. It has nothing to do with main stream politics, great policies, and even economic equations, but rather it has everything to do with specific lifestyle's, newly formed culture's, and the lie's created in hopes to protect the agenda's that surround such things.

It has all been an agenda in hopes to increase change by leaps and bounds (within this nation), the things that have been foriegn or rejected by many average everyday citizen's or families over the year's, otherwise changes that are rejected by traditionalist that don't want changes in which they will regret if can't stop such an encroachment into their area's of life.

This has caused Christian beliefs and leaders be it government or whoever that gaurd those beliefs, to then be targeted for infiltration or to be outright politically attacked in hopes to weaken the resistance of the change that the left is wanting to become wider spread within societies.

Trump representing or going along with the protections of Christian beliefs in America today, has made Trump an enemy to the change and agenda's sought after by the leftist. They are confused with Trump though, because they figure that he is a traitor due to his past history that suggest Trump would be more of a centrist or left leaning politician instead of a right leaning politician in their mind's. For his traitorous ways, they hate the man with a passion, and will do anything to derail or stop his rise to power again.
Thanks Beagel9, I understand that, and the enemy of Marxist Socialist constructs is a belief in a higher power than themselves. For Marxist Socialism control to work, God must be removed from the construct...

These people are sick individuals, and we have to resist their attempts to do that.
Biden won't relent or step aside because he is using the power of the office to shield his past indiscretion's or alleged criminality. He should be forced out through a bipartisan effort that will enact the 25th on him.

If not that, then the impeachment process should be sped up expeditiously in order to shut him down for the good of the country.

I really think that we have a situation where Biden is using the office to shield him, his brother, and his son from being federally charged for crimes involving the violation of many statutes prior to being elected as president.

The violations were caused by their entanglement in nefarious dealing's that had allegedly turned into a money laundering network in which compromised the Democrat's genda's when trying to protect their puppet from investigation or indictment (i.e. too old and senile to face charges).

When the nation looks back on this stuff, it's going to feel so ashamed for what it was willing to conceal and lie about in the situation, and all just to protect these people for a greediness and corrupt mindset that it developed all due to their agenda wants and needs.
It was set at 9 in 1869 when the population of the USA was 38 million. Your population is ten times that number now and the SC is hardly representative of the population.
What the fuck does the number of Justices have to do with population size ? The job of the SC is to interpret Constitutional law. They are the Judicial branch of government not Legislative. The education system in this country has gone to shit. Idiot.
What the fuck does the number of Justices have to do with population size ? The job of the SC is to interpret Constitutional law. They are the Judicial branch of government not Legislative. The education system in this country has gone to shit. Idiot.
They will try and say anything now... 😆
Let’s remember how we got here.
Scalia died leaving a seat open almost a year before the 2016 election.

Republicans refused to even consider appointing the Justice that Obama proposed claiming that you can not appoint a Justice in the last year of a Presidential term.

Total bullshit as we will see in a minute.

Trump quickly appointed Gorsuch (picked from a list of Federalist Society judges provided to him). In order to ram his appointment through that “nuked” the SC filibuster making all appointments going forward much more partisan.That held the court at 5-4 to the right instead of 5-4 left.

Then… in 2020 RBG died and Republicans slammed another Federalist Society pick into that seat just weeks before a presidential election. According to the “Gorsuch rule” mentioned above… that appointment should have been made by Biden after winning the election and approved by a Dem Senate.

The Court SHOULD be 5-4 or 6-3 to the left… but Republicans managed to game the system (essentially pack the Court) to a 6-3 right wing majority

And that’s how we got Dobbs/Roe and Presidential immunity among other really bad right wing decisions

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