Biden warns about the Supreme Court

Never said, that keep your filthy words out of my mouth.

You didn't say it was ok for Trump to pre pick a female after appointing two judges previously?

That was your claim, right?

You are defending him or allowing a double standards for him, but you being a lying sack of shit is hardly new.
I allowed no double standards.

Can you link where you believe I did that?
Hollywood Elitist hate everyone who lives outside of LA and NYC
The Supreme Court is stacked with Judges who more Conservative views than the average American. 6 of the 9 have been nominated by Republican Presidents when a Republican Presidential Candidate has only won the popular vote once in 35 years...

That is way out of step... More Americans wanted Hillary to be President than Trump, get that... Trump then nominates three very conservative justices, even though most people want the other candidate...

So Biden is right, most people wanted a different person to nominate those Justices, so the court is out of step with the country....
Joe Biden wants anti-constitution far left crackpots on the Supreme Court, like Jackson who cannot define what a woman is.
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The Supreme Court is stacked with Judges who more Conservative views than the average American. 6 of the 9 have been nominated by Republican Presidents when a Republican Presidential Candidate has only won the popular vote once in 35 years...

That is way out of step... More Americans wanted Hillary to be President than Trump, get that... Trump then nominates three very conservative justices, even though most people want the other candidate...

So Biden is right, most people wanted a different person to nominate those Justices, so the court is out of step with the country....
Republican Presidential Candidate has only won the popular vote once in 35 years...
popular vote doesn't decide who sits in the Oval Office,

Biden ripped into the U.S. Supreme Court at a high-profile fundraiser in Los Angeles on Saturday night, calling Donald Trump’s ability to nominate more justices to the bench “one of the scariest parts” of a potential second Trump term.

Biden predicted that the “next president is likely to have two new Supreme Court nominees,”

“This has never been a court that’s so far out of step,” Biden said at the star-studded fundraiser.

The comments came during a fundraiser that featured a conversation with Biden and former President Barack Obama, moderated by late night host Jimmy Kimmel. The campaign confirmed earlier on Saturday that the event drew at least $28 million, the largest single-night haul for a Democratic candidate ever. The event featured several actors, including George Clooney, Julia Roberts, Jason Bateman and Kathryn Hahn.

The Radical Left Democrats are the people who are "far out of step" with the constitution.
They want to stack the Supreme Court.
They want to abolish the Electoral College.
They want to abolish the 1st and 2nd amendments.
They want to allow non-citizens to vote in our election.
Their open border policy is an act of cultural genocide.
The three Radical Left judges who are on the Supreme Court vote against the constitution.
The Democrats want a one party autocracy.
Hollywood Elites hate the mainstream people who make America a functioning country
I guess you haven't been following their decisions too closely. If you're going to be honest about it the so-called conservative justices of siding with the liberal ones more often than not. That's how a judge is supposed to act. Any judge that has a straight, lopsided voting record doesn't belong there.
Hollywood Elitist hate everyone who lives outside of LA and NYC

Joe Biden wants anti-constitution far left crackpots on the Supreme Court, like Jackson who cannot define what a woman is.
Surprisingly she voted to give Trump immunity. Because any moron realizes that now that the genie has been let out of the bottle that political prosecutions are about to become the norm. somebody b
had to do something quick before this country turns into a total, giant banana tree.
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The Radical Left Democrats are the people who are "far out of step" with the constitution.
They want to stack the Supreme Court.
They want to abolish the Electoral College.
They want to abolish the 1st and 2nd amendments.
They want to allow non-citizens to vote in our election.
Their open border policy is an act of cultural genocide.
The three Radical Left judges who are on the Supreme Court vote against the constitution.
The Democrats want a one party autocracy.
Hollywood Elites hate the mainstream people who make America a functioning country

The right in Louisiana are the ones trying to get the Bible into schools.
The right have already stacked the Supreme Court.
The right just destroyed the US by giving the president immunity to do whatever the fuck they like. How fucking stupid can anyone be?
Surprisingly she voted to give Trump immunity. Because any more on realizes that now that the genie has been let out of the bottle and political prosecutions are about to become the norm somebody better and do something quick before this turns into a total giant banana tree.

The separation of powers was designed not to give too much power to any one side. It was assumed that one branch would not give power to another. That has just changed.

The US is about to die.
The separation of powers was designed not to give too much power to any one side. It was assumed that one branch would not give power to another. That has just changed.

The US is about to die.
The US will be fine. Any president that walks into office and tries to take advantage of the new arrangement by being a dictator won't be there for very long. First of all everyone's assuming that those under his command will blindly obey him which just isn't the case. If Trump takes office and tries to do mass arrests of political enemies.... The way the Democrats just did by the way.... they'll find a way to get rid of him and Democrats won't even have to help.

Stop with the Henny Penny bullshit. You guys are such control freaks that unless you have part and parcel of every single decision made by every single person you think the world is ending.

Biden ripped into the U.S. Supreme Court at a high-profile fundraiser in Los Angeles on Saturday night, calling Donald Trump’s ability to nominate more justices to the bench “one of the scariest parts” of a potential second Trump term.

Biden predicted that the “next president is likely to have two new Supreme Court nominees,”

“This has never been a court that’s so far out of step,” Biden said at the star-studded fundraiser.

The comments came during a fundraiser that featured a conversation with Biden and former President Barack Obama, moderated by late night host Jimmy Kimmel. The campaign confirmed earlier on Saturday that the event drew at least $28 million, the largest single-night haul for a Democratic candidate ever. The event featured several actors, including George Clooney, Julia Roberts, Jason Bateman and Kathryn Hahn.

The Radical Left Democrats are the people who are "far out of step" with the constitution.
They want to stack the Supreme Court.
They want to abolish the Electoral College.
They want to abolish the 1st and 2nd amendments.
They want to allow non-citizens to vote in our election.
Their open border policy is an act of cultural genocide.
The three Radical Left judges who are on the Supreme Court vote against the constitution.
The Democrats want a one party autocracy.
Hollywood Elites hate the mainstream people who make America a functioning country
Couldn’t he fire and replace the SCOTUS judges he doesn’t like? As long as he says it’s for the protection of the country it should be legal for him to do, right?
Couldn’t he fire and replace the SCOTUS judges he doesn’t like? As long as he says it’s for the protection of the country it should be legal for him to do, right?
Not without the Senate.... And none of the liberal justices would agree with him on that action either.
Couldn’t he fire and replace the SCOTUS judges he doesn’t like? As long as he says it’s for the protection of the country it should be legal for him to do, right?
Not without the Senate.... And none of the liberal justices would agree with him on that action either.
Why does he need any of them? Couldn’t he just order it? He is President
He can't do it without the Senate. That simple.
Not without the Senate.... And none of the liberal justices would agree with him on that action either.

He can't do it without the Senate. That simple.
He can’t according to the law but didn’t SCOTUS just say he was immune to the law? So he could order his military to remove the judges he doesn’t like, replace them with his choices by executive order and jail anybody in congress who tries to get in the way. If anybody tries to make a stink of it after he leaves office he gets presidential immunity, right? Isn’t that what SCOTUS just determined?
He can’t according to the law but didn’t SCOTUS just say he was immune to the law? So he could order his military to remove the judges he doesn’t like, replace them with his choices by executive order and jail anybody in congress who tries to get in the way. If anybody tries to make a stink of it after he leaves office he gets presidential immunity, right? Isn’t that what SCOTUS just determined?
There's a difference between written law and congressional procedure. Nobody's going to roll with that shit. But hey if they think it works let them give it a try! There's always a number of unintended consequences when you change things. Maybe this is one of them.
The US will be fine. Any president that walks into office and tries to take advantage of the new arrangement by being a dictator won't be there for very long. First of all everyone's assuming that those under his command will blindly obey him which just isn't the case. If Trump takes office and tries to do mass arrests of political enemies.... The way the Democrats just did by the way.... they'll find a way to get rid of him and Democrats won't even have to help.

Stop with the Henny Penny bullshit. You guys are such control freaks that unless you have part and parcel of every single decision made by every single person you think the world is ending.

No, it won't be.

You don't understand how all this works. You're same as the Brexit crowd in the UK, thinking that nothing matters. That you can do this thing and everything will be fine.

Take a look at how dictatorships are formed in other countries, especially Latin America.

The US is headed down such a bad route it's ridiculous.

You can already see how the people have been conditioned for all of this. You and those who support the Republicans/MAGA are like "It's the Democrats" and the Democrats are "It's the Republicans" and neither of you can see the harm you're doing to the country.

But what Koch brothers started in the 1980s by making the Republican Party go more radical is just become worse and worse and worse.

And you people are like "It'll be fine".

Do I think every decision is about the world ending? No. Not at all. But hey, it makes your argument simpler and easier, so why not go ahead and say it instead of looking at the reality.

The US is fucked. It might not happen in the next 10 years. But it will happen.
He can’t according to the law but didn’t SCOTUS just say he was immune to the law? So he could order his military to remove the judges he doesn’t like, replace them with his choices by executive order and jail anybody in congress who tries to get in the way. If anybody tries to make a stink of it after he leaves office he gets presidential immunity, right? Isn’t that what SCOTUS just determined?
Beyond ludicrous.

You shitlibs are wetting an entire Vegas hotel's worth of beds over this. :rofl:
There's a difference between written law and congressional procedure. Nobody's going to roll with that shit. But hey if they think it works let them give it a try! There's always a number of unintended consequences when you change things. Maybe this is one of them.
It sets up for all kinds of ridiculous scenarios. Biden doesn’t have the guts and utter disregard for process to follow through with any of it… but I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump does

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