Zone1 If the perp who did this is brought to trial, what should the verdict be?

Because two parents families are the cause of wealth disparity between whites and blacks?
I think its a big contributor

Why though? Because of that simple graph? Do you understand the difference between causation and correlation?
marriage involves commitment that shacking up does not

Single mothers ALWAYS struggle to raise children, particularly boys

And the results speak for themselves in wealth disparity and crime rates
marriage involves commitment that shacking up does not

Single mothers ALWAYS struggle to raise children, particularly boys

And the results speak for themselves in wealth disparity and crime rates
What kind of evidence of causation is this supposed to be? I didn't ask for supposition. Your evidence does not speak for itself, that's not how debate works. You have to actually lay your evidence out.
Who continued enslaving them and who enslaved their children. In fact only about 388,000 Africans came to America from Africa. The 4 million slaves that were here in America at the start of the Civil War were born and bred and enslaved here. If you can't accept simple facts even at this early a juncture in your argument then this is going to be a very amusing discussion.

And that red herring doesn't really address all the enslaving they did after.

Why do you assume America would even exist at all without slavery? Either way your fantasies aren't compelling to me.

You just described D.C., a place rich with Black American culture.

Now you're just back to describing fantasy. That exists everywhere in America because we refuse to address the availability of guns. The worst movie shooting in America happened in majority white Aurora Colorado by a white guy.
"enslaved" is an active verb. A slave cannot be enslaved because he is already a slave. It is like a dead man cannot be killed because he is already dead.
Why do you assume America would even exist at all without slavery? Either way your fantasies aren't compelling to me.
Slaves provided nothing but unskilled labor. Southern whites should have grown their own cotton and tobacco.
"enslaved" is an active verb. A slave cannot be enslaved because he is already a slave. It is like a dead man cannot be killed because he is already dead.
That red herring still does not address all the babies born into enslavement in America. Your Founders were slavers. Deal with it. Emotionally.
Slaves provided nothing but unskilled labor. Southern whites should have grown their own cotton and tobacco.
That unskilled labor produced the vast majority of the world's cotton and sugar.
The main cause of the disparity of wealth and income between whites and blacks is the disparity in average IQ.
Prove it with your supposedly superior IQ. I'd love to see that effort.
That red herring still does not address all the babies born into enslavement in America. Your Founders were slavers. Deal with it. Emotionally.

That unskilled labor produced the vast majority of the world's cotton and sugar.

Prove it with your supposedly superior IQ. I'd love to see that effort.
I have never said I have a superior IQ. Whites have average IQ's of 100. Blacks have averages of 85. Nearly one fourth of blacks have averages of under 75. At that level they cannot be educated and they are unemployable.
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That unskilled labor produced the vast majority of the world's cotton and sugar.
The South has always been the economic backwater of the United States. During the 1850's the vast majority of European immigrants moved to the Northy, because that was where the economic opportunities.

The industrial revolution happened in the North. The computer revolution is happening on the West Coast.
I deal with it emotionally everytime I read about black crimes against whites.
So reading about black crime makes you more emotionally comfortable with chattel slavery? That's a hell of an admission. :laugh:
I have never said I have a superior IQ. Whites have average IQ's of 100. Blacks have averages of 85. Nearly one fourth of blacks have averages of under 75. At that leve they cannot be educated and they are unemployable.
So blacks have the same average IQ of what Americans call the "greatest generation" and this is your intellectual answer for why black Americans have high rates of crime and poverty?
The man is Louis Armstrong

Ask yourself if you should care
I'm asking you why I should care. I'm not having a conversation with Louis Armstrong, I'm having one with you asking you if you're capable of providing supporting evidence for your claims. Can you?
So reading about black crime makes you more emotionally comfortable with chattel slavery? That's a hell of an admission. :laugh:
How do you interpret regret as being "emotionally comfortable?"

I feel no guilt about what happened to blacks in the past. I am angry about their high crime rate in the present.

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