Former Chief Science Officer for Pfizer Dr. Mike Yeadon: The COVID Lies

Even if it is true, we do not live with great men anymore as leaders. We have sniping 24 hours a day and it is endless. Progs do it a lot better than non progs. Progs could have worked with Trump. The media/entertainers could have also. Instead, it was the usual insults and deriding agendas. Fauci changed his forked tongue spewisms nearly every week. Progs vaccinated were delirious against those who were not. Even now we still debate what COVID is. And that means a lot of lies have passed over the years on it. It was a biological weapon purposely released to affect a Presidency that was having success.
You tend to collapse into a large paragraph diatribe of irrelevant narratives when your central argument is challenged.

All I know from your post is you really like Trump and you don't like groups/individuals that don't like Trump.
You tend to collapse into a large paragraph diatribe of irrelevant narratives when your central argument is challenged.

All I know from your post is you really like Trump and you don't like groups/individuals that don't like Trump.
All I am doing is spewing like the 95% Prog controlled media/entertainers only from another view. When I watch commentators on TV it's like listening to the Soviet Union's five-year plans. Its surreal as they would be wearing Communist fatigues in other nations however here they live opulent lives of capitalist extremes. It is not about liking Trump as much as there are too many people in D.C. not as advertised. And it makes those who are as advertised not look good because of it. Trump had a good agenda when he was elected in 2016. He had fights within his own party on getting things passed because of what I typed on them. Your views on Republicans are like cookie cutters making the same product.
All I am doing is spewing like the 95% Prog controlled media/entertainers only from another view. When I watch commentators on TV it's like listening to the Soviet Union's five-year plans. Its surreal as they would be wearing Communist fatigues in other nations however here they live opulent lives of capitalist extremes. It is not about liking Trump as much as there are too many people in D.C. not as advertised. And it makes those who are as advertised not look good because of it. Trump had a good agenda when he was elected in 2016. He had fights within his own party on getting things passed because of what I typed on them. Your views on Republicans are like cookie cutters making the same product.
Another good example. Thanks.

All I am doing is spewing like the 95% Prog controlled media/entertainers only from another view. When I watch commentators on TV it's like listening to the Soviet Union's five-year plans. Its surreal as they would be wearing Communist fatigues in other nations however here they live opulent lives of capitalist extremes. It is not about liking Trump as much as there are too many people in D.C. not as advertised. And it makes those who are as advertised not look good because of it. Trump had a good agenda when he was elected in 2016. He had fights within his own party on getting things passed because of what I typed on them. Your views on Republicans are like cookie cutters making the same product.

Science experts lied about Covid to protect Biden and Fauci. About 50 "intelligence" officers lied about Hunter's laptop to protect Biden. How long is the media going to continue to cover for these people?

As long as the RINO GOP allows them to.
All I am doing is spewing like the 95% Prog controlled media/entertainers only from another view. When I watch commentators on TV it's like listening to the Soviet Union's five-year plans. Its surreal as they would be wearing Communist fatigues in other nations however here they live opulent lives of capitalist extremes. It is not about liking Trump as much as there are too many people in D.C. not as advertised. And it makes those who are as advertised not look good because of it. Trump had a good agenda when he was elected in 2016. He had fights within his own party on getting things passed because of what I typed on them. Your views on Republicans are like cookie cutters making the same product.

The far left and the far right meet in totalitarianism and authoritarianism. In communist societies the party leaders become the new capitalists and live opulently which paying lip service to egalitarianism.
The far left and the far right meet in totalitarianism and authoritarianism. In communist societies the party leaders become the new capitalists and live opulently which paying lip service to egalitarianism.
You have you head so far up your ass mink.

Which party believes the Democracy is too inconvenient for a white minority rule party?

Which party wants to replace our civil servants with patronage positions, and loyalty oaths?

Which party wants to dismantle the FBI and DOJ for retribution and revenge politics?
You have you head so far up your ass mink.

Which party believes the Democracy is too inconvenient for a white minority rule party?

Which party wants to replace our civil servants with patronage positions, and loyalty oaths?

Which party wants to dismantle the FBI and DOJ for retribution and revenge politics?

The party that is actually putting people in jail for their political beliefs?
The party that is actually putting people in jail for their political beliefs?

Well that would be Republicannwho are promising to round up all Democrats.

The only politicians who are currently being arrested from either party, are those who are facing criminal charges, because they have committed crimes.

Nobody is being arrested for their political beliefs. They’re being arrested for the criminal actions.
Well that would be Republicannwho are promising to round up all Democrats.

The only politicians who are currently being arrested from either party, are those who are facing criminal charges, because they have committed crimes.

Nobody is being arrested for their political beliefs. They’re being arrested for the criminal actions.
like this POS


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