And Now For The Correct View Of The Contemporary Presidency

Interesting that you said that.

I'm sure that everyone saw that Biden lie about no American soldiers dying on his watch. Brought to mind the 13 that the savages killed while Biden was abandoning Afghanistan.

Have you seen this, Trump's threat to the Taliban leader?

cool story, bro.
You fool. That happened because Trump's mismanagemebnt of covid ended in a 14.8% unemployment rate that devalued everything because of the lack of money. No one wants to go back to that.
Are you nuts? Low gas, affordable food, high GDP, inflation a 1%, closed borders, lower taxes, lower rent...
Is that what you consider a collapse?
Even with the Obama/Fauci bio-weapon, Trump did very well. Stop believing the bullshit.

And beats Biden by a country mile.
Where was this strategic airbase located?

US Leaves Its Last Afghan Base, Effectively Ending Operations › World › Asia Pacific

Jul 4, 2021 — With a line of snow-capped mountains as its backdrop, the Bagram airfield was built in the 1950s by the Soviet Union. It became a vital military ...

Bagram Air Base Pullout Details Are Disputed By Afghan And ... › 2021/07/06 › the-u-s-left-an-afgha...

Jul 6, 2021 — Bagram Airfield, about an hour's drive from Kabul, was the center of operations for the longest-running war in U.S. history. It housed tens of ...

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bagram air base news 2020bagram air base closingbagram air base 2020
bagram air base 2021bagram air base attack 2021bagram air base news today

U.S. military hands over Bagram Air Base to Afghan ... - CNBC › 2021/07/02 › us-military-hand...

Jul 2, 2021 — The U.S. military quietly departed Bagram Air Base, the largest U.S. military installation in Afghanistan, on Friday. · In 2012, at its peak, ...

All US forces have left Bagram Air Base as US withdrawal - CNN › 2021/07/01 › politics › us-military...

Jul 2, 2021 — (CNN) The last US troops have left Bagram Air Base, according to a US defense official, marking the end of the American presence at the ...

US left Bagram at night with no notice, Afghans say - BBC › news › world-asia-57682290

Jul 6, 2021 — At its height, Bagram base was home to tens of thousands of troops. It ballooned from a basic Afghan air base to a mini-city with swimming pools ...

“Key Trump Defense Official Refutes Blinken, Says Trump Left Afghan Withdrawal Plan For Biden

A former key Defense Department official is calling out the Biden team for claiming that the Trump administration did not leave Joe Biden a plan for the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

During an interview with Just The News, Kash Patel — the former chief of staff to Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller — hit back against claims from Secretary of State Antony Blinken for claiming that the Trump administration did not leave Biden a plan for the Afghanistan withdrawal.

Blinken testified before Congress that Trump left Biden a deadline for leaving Afghanistan without a plan. Patel responded to that claim by saying: “No, absolutely not.” Patel accused Blinken of playing “politics with the national security apparatus of the United States.”

“We actually did not leave them a deadline,” he said. “It was a negotiation between the U.S. government, the Taliban, and the Afghans. And if that date was not to work for this incoming administration, they could have moved it.”

Patel said Trump’s overall plan was to “peacefully negotiate yourself out of Afghanistan with a conditions-based withdrawal. And the world knew that was President Trump’s plan.”

“And they knew that they couldn’t cross at least President Trump’s threat to rain down on them, should they harm a U.S. personnel or allied member,” Patel said. “And that was the difference, really, between our plan and their plan.”

When asked about what the Trump administration’s plans would have been, Patel said: “American citizens would be drawn out first, safely, and we would identify them through the process that is in place when you methodically do something with the military, the State Department, and the intelligence community.”

“There’s a difference when you evacuate versus proactively go get them,” Patel added.

The plan, he said, “was to make sure we got to every American before we left the military, before we left Bagram [Air Base], before we left equipment, and left a crisis like the Biden administration did.”

As for the plan for leaving Bagram Air Base, Patel said that it was “the very last thing we do in the country after Americans were out after our equipment was out and/or destroyed, after the thousands of detainees at Bagram were adjudicated” and airlifted out of the country.”

Patel rounded out his comments by arguing that the Biden administration “bucked” NATO allies at Bagram “when Biden said, ‘We’re up and leaving.'” 'What They Chose To Do Was Break The Entire Agreement': Trump Actually Did It - Report Reveals Biden Was Left a Withdrawal Plan: Kash Patel Claims
jesus they are stupid.
Let's review: which is stupid, voting for this or against it.

  • Under Trump gasoline was about $1.80 a gallon….but you voted against that
  • Under Trump we were energy independent….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump 80% of illegal alien were kept in Mexico….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump inflation was 1.4%….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump crime was far lower, as were homicides….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump Iran was kept in a box….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump America had an airbase near both China and Iran….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump our President wasn’t on China’s payroll….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump cartels weren’t free to operate….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump government didn’t favor racism, CRT, gender mutilation….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump we didn’t have confiscatory tax policy….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump we didn’t have a government working with big tech to end free speech….but you voted against that.

US Leaves Its Last Afghan Base, Effectively Ending Operations › World › Asia Pacific

Jul 4, 2021 — With a line of snow-capped mountains as its backdrop, the Bagram airfield was built in the 1950s by the Soviet Union. It became a vital military ...

Bagram Air Base Pullout Details Are Disputed By Afghan And ... › 2021/07/06 › the-u-s-left-an-afgha...

Jul 6, 2021 — Bagram Airfield, about an hour's drive from Kabul, was the center of operations for the longest-running war in U.S. history. It housed tens of ...

People also search for​

bagram air base news 2020bagram air base closingbagram air base 2020
bagram air base 2021bagram air base attack 2021bagram air base news today

U.S. military hands over Bagram Air Base to Afghan ... - CNBC › 2021/07/02 › us-military-hand...

Jul 2, 2021 — The U.S. military quietly departed Bagram Air Base, the largest U.S. military installation in Afghanistan, on Friday. · In 2012, at its peak, ...

All US forces have left Bagram Air Base as US withdrawal - CNN › 2021/07/01 › politics › us-military...

Jul 2, 2021 — (CNN) The last US troops have left Bagram Air Base, according to a US defense official, marking the end of the American presence at the ...

US left Bagram at night with no notice, Afghans say - BBC › news › world-asia-57682290

Jul 6, 2021 — At its height, Bagram base was home to tens of thousands of troops. It ballooned from a basic Afghan air base to a mini-city with swimming pools ...

“Key Trump Defense Official Refutes Blinken, Says Trump Left Afghan Withdrawal Plan For Biden

A former key Defense Department official is calling out the Biden team for claiming that the Trump administration did not leave Joe Biden a plan for the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

During an interview with Just The News, Kash Patel — the former chief of staff to Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller — hit back against claims from Secretary of State Antony Blinken for claiming that the Trump administration did not leave Biden a plan for the Afghanistan withdrawal.

Blinken testified before Congress that Trump left Biden a deadline for leaving Afghanistan without a plan. Patel responded to that claim by saying: “No, absolutely not.” Patel accused Blinken of playing “politics with the national security apparatus of the United States.”

“We actually did not leave them a deadline,” he said. “It was a negotiation between the U.S. government, the Taliban, and the Afghans. And if that date was not to work for this incoming administration, they could have moved it.”

Patel said Trump’s overall plan was to “peacefully negotiate yourself out of Afghanistan with a conditions-based withdrawal. And the world knew that was President Trump’s plan.”

“And they knew that they couldn’t cross at least President Trump’s threat to rain down on them, should they harm a U.S. personnel or allied member,” Patel said. “And that was the difference, really, between our plan and their plan.”

When asked about what the Trump administration’s plans would have been, Patel said: “American citizens would be drawn out first, safely, and we would identify them through the process that is in place when you methodically do something with the military, the State Department, and the intelligence community.”

“There’s a difference when you evacuate versus proactively go get them,” Patel added.

The plan, he said, “was to make sure we got to every American before we left the military, before we left Bagram [Air Base], before we left equipment, and left a crisis like the Biden administration did.”

As for the plan for leaving Bagram Air Base, Patel said that it was “the very last thing we do in the country after Americans were out after our equipment was out and/or destroyed, after the thousands of detainees at Bagram were adjudicated” and airlifted out of the country.”

Patel rounded out his comments by arguing that the Biden administration “bucked” NATO allies at Bagram “when Biden said, ‘We’re up and leaving.'” 'What They Chose To Do Was Break The Entire Agreement': Trump Actually Did It - Report Reveals Biden Was Left a Withdrawal Plan: Kash Patel Claims
You wrote: "Under Trump America had an airbase near both China and Iran….but you voted against that."

In fact it was Trump who negotiated our exit from Afghanistan. Did he negotiate continued US military access to Bagram? He did not, he negotiated the exit of the US military from Afghanistan.

What you should have written was: "Under Trump, America abandoned an airbase near both China and Iran….but you voted for that." But that would have required a level of honesty, sorely lacking in your post.

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