Zone1 If the perp who did this is brought to trial, what should the verdict be?

How do you interpret regret as being "emotionally comfortable?"

I feel no guilt about what happened to blacks in the past. I am angry about their high crime rate in the present.
Do I look like your emotional support group or your diary or something?
I'm asking you why I should care. I'm not having a conversation with Louis Armstrong, I'm having one with you asking you if you're capable of providing supporting evidence for your claims. Can you?
Here is some supporting evidence.

BellCurve 4.jpg
I'm asking you why I should care. I'm not having a conversation with Louis Armstrong, I'm having one with you asking you if you're capable of providing supporting evidence for your claims. Can you?
Every time you panhandle for black reparations either directly or indirectly you may hear uncomfortable facts about black failure
Every time you panhandle for black reparations either directly or indirectly you may hear uncomfortable facts about black failure
Your command of the facts is the sort of uncomfortable that is pure comedy. Like watching Steve Carell in The Office.
What does my support for reparations have to do with how talks about it make you uncomfortable?
Talk about reparations make me angry. Whites owe blacks nothing. They syhould pay us reparations for the benefits of living in a civilization incomparably superior to anything they have created on their own.

They should also pay us for the crimes they commit against us, our welfare money that supports their illegitimate children, and the way they ruin white working class neibhborhoods by moveing into them.
What does my support for reparations have to do with how talks about it make you uncomfortable?
You failed to answer my question

Since you didnt I’ll answer it for you

Of course you want free money for black people

But you are the worst panhandler in the history of panhandlers
You failed to answer my question

Since you didnt I’ll answer it for you

Of course you want free money for black people

But you are the worst panhandler in the history of panhandlers
Economic justice isn't free money. It's money that's owed.
You failed to answer my question

Since you didnt I’ll answer it for you

Of course you want free money for black people

But you are the worst panhandler in the history of panhandlers
When I give a white panhandler a dollar he thanks me. When I give a black pangabdler a dollar he damands moe. The is an implication of threat in his demand. I say to him, "No. A dollar is all you get."
It is commonly understood to be true. The correlation between light skin and intelligence has been known for centuries.
Is it commonly understood to be true? Prove that. And again I'm asking for causations not correlations which don't speak to causes.

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