Biden donors asking for their money back.

If you vote for convicted felon Trump at least you won't have to ever worry about retirement anymore because there won't be any.
Trump will tank the economy. All investments, 401K's, bonds, and so on will be worthless. Everything you've spent your lifetime saving and working for gone. All wealth in the economy nationalized and hoarded up by the few.
Well at least you'll still have Social Security right?
Under a second Trump term seniors, the disabled, the poor, and all other non-productive undesireables will be categorized as an unnecessary burden on society.
They'll be systematically rooted out and sent to concentration camps with the other "vermin" for eventual liquidation.
See, that's the problem with casting your lot in with authoritarian tyrants whom you think are cool just because they seem to hate the same people as you.
It only works as long as you are a good useful idiot to them.
As soon as you have outlived that usefuleness then YOU become the enemy as well.
Whhen all you have is ORANGE MAN BAD, you have nothing.

Anything on topic, Troll?
I donated $1 to the DNC. That gives me standing in a court of law. If they do not support Biden as the Democratic presidential candidate, I'm starting a class action lawsuit against the DNC in Ohio.

Wouldn't it be great if the Democratic party of slavery, Jim Crow, oppression and authoritarianism was tossed into the dustbin of history?

When the DNC emails were leaked to Julian Assange, it proved what we all already knew. The DNC oligarchs were committing fraud (BTW, like murder, there is no legal statute of limitations in cases of fraud) by rigging the election against Bernie Sanders.
Yep....Bernie was the first algorithm victim IMO. Or at least the first one of note. I'm sure the algo-monkeys have been rigging elections for payola all over the world for the past decade.

If you vote for convicted felon Trump at least you won't have to ever worry about retirement anymore because there won't be any.
Trump will tank the economy. All investments, 401K's, bonds, and so on will be worthless. Everything you've spent your lifetime saving and working for gone. All wealth in the economy nationalized and hoarded up by the few.
Well at least you'll still have Social Security right?
Under a second Trump term seniors, the disabled, the poor, and all other non-productive undesireables will be categorized as an unnecessary burden on society.
They'll be systematically rooted out and sent to concentration camps with the other "vermin" for eventual liquidation.
See, that's the problem with casting your lot in with authoritarian tyrants whom you think are cool just because they seem to hate the same people as you.
It only works as long as you are a good useful idiot to them.
As soon as you have outlived that usefuleness then YOU become the enemy as well.

So when do you plan to publish this fictional work?
If you vote for convicted felon Trump at least you won't have to ever worry about retirement anymore because there won't be any.
no way I can vote for a party that puts its opponent in jail during an election cycle.
Whhen all you have is ORANGE MAN BAD, you have nothing.

Anything on topic, Troll?
The topic you are replying to is the long term result of electing convicted felon Trump (and Project 2025) and how everybody is going to be fucked.
Even you MAGAts who thought you voted for your "own team" in 2024.
Have you got anything relevant to add MAGAt?
The topic you are replying to is the long term result of electing convicted felon Trump (and Project 2025) and how everybody is going to be fucked.
Even you MAGAts who thought you voted for your "own team" in 2024.
Have you got anything relevant to add MAGAt?
No stupid, the topic of the thread is Veggie Joe's donors wanting their money back because he sunk his small chance at getting reelected with his debate debacle. Trump isn't part of this topic, Simp.

But you are so stupid you are unable to discuss ANY topic without bleating ORANGE MAN BAD........and thinking you don't look like a complete idiot for doing it.

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