We Can't Unsee What We Saw

Disagree. Did he use Gish Gallop successfully and within the rules of the debate? YES
Was Joe mentally up to dealing with the Gish Gallop of lies and accusations? NO, and he agreed to the rules and format of the debate.
Does it speak well in any possible way of Trump? NO
Does it speak well or act as excuse for the pitiful way Joe handled it. NO. This was not his first rodeo. He got thrown and stomped on repeatedly, able to do nothing intellectually about it, not even calling it what it was. Dems need to realize this. Joe did piss poor and Donny beat him like a step child, right in the middle of the playground.
It is not really so much trump beat him, but that Joe beat himself, as being totally unable to deal with the tactic used, though in debate, it is a known tactic, and speaks volumes to Joe's ability that night.

Again, I love Joe and the team around him. I see they are being true middle class first Democrats. FDR like. Love it. But like Carter, I can smell the blood in the water and so can the Republicans.

His performance was our worst nightmare. Exactly what Republicans have been saying. He looked like my mom who has Alzheimers. Or my 94 year old uncle who's still good, but showing signs of dementia. Can't hear, gets mad, misunderstands things, forgets, the way he looked and got mad. It was HORRIBLE. I felt sorry for him.

Well, now is the time to tell him to step down. Republicans didn't have the balls to tell Trump. We must tell Biden. He's got to go. Fresh blood. Come up with someone good. Michelle Obama.
You never know what to believe, but I'm seeing that he and Jill are being pretty obstinate. Of course their family will back them up.

You can't watch that debate and not see it. And the visual of Jill carefully helping him off the stage may be burned into my memory forever.

I dunno. Watch him stay in and win. Who knows.
Watch that exit carefully. Not only did she race up there to help Joe, she waited up there until the strong man moved into position by the stairs in order to catch him if he falls, and THEN she starts moving.

Shame on Jill. I know that the partisan Dems lie in order to keep power, but SHE is supposed to love the guy! She hails be charged with elder abuse.
Again, I love Joe and the team around him. I see they are being true middle class first Democrats. FDR like. Love it. But like Carter, I can smell the blood in the water and so can the Republicans.

His performance was our worst nightmare. Exactly what Republicans have been saying. He looked like my mom who has Alzheimers. Or my 94 year old uncle who's still good, but showing signs of dementia. Can't hear, gets mad, misunderstands things, forgets, the way he looked and got mad. It was HORRIBLE. I felt sorry for him.

Well, now is the time to tell him to step down. Republicans didn't have the balls to tell Trump. We must tell Biden. He's got to go. Fresh blood. Come up with someone good. Michelle Obama.
Team Biden has more mental health issues than Joe.


Is sealybobo right that blacks support Trump because he's a felon?
Why else? Otherwise, Trump didn't do shit for them. Black voters are getting duped too not just whites. Hell, I see a lot of hispanics and arabs for Trump. Hell, Kaytlyn Jenner is for Trump. It's because she's rich. Same with Kanye. He likes Hitler too remember. So they can vote stupidly too.

And that depends on which blacks. Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Byron Donald and Tim Scott like him because he will take care of the rich first.

All my life I've always said black voters are the only ones who get it right. 90% vote Democratic.

Jews 70% get it right.

I'm sure most arabs and hispanics vote Democratic too. Wonder why that is? Is it the GOP is not only the party for the rich, it's also the party for poor dumb racist whites?
Disagree. Did he use Gish Gallop successfully and within the rules of the debate? YES
Was Joe mentally up to dealing with the Gish Gallop of lies and accusations? NO, and he agreed to the rules and format of the debate.
Does it speak well in any possible way of Trump? NO
Does it speak well or act as excuse for the pitiful way Joe handled it. NO. This was not his first rodeo. He got thrown and stomped on repeatedly, able to do nothing intellectually about it, not even calling it what it was. Dems need to realize this. Joe did piss poor and Donny beat him like a step child, right in the middle of the playground.
It is not really so much trump beat him, but that Joe beat himself, as being totally unable to deal with the tactic used, though in debate, it is a known tactic, and speaks volumes to Joe's ability that night.
I noticed that Trump ignored some of the questions they asked him, but the questions they asked weren't what Trump wanted to talk about, so he ignored them at times.

Trump wanted to talk about specific issues and CNN didn't want anyone to hear about them, so they got mentioned despite their wishes.
You never know what to believe, but I'm seeing that he and Jill are being pretty obstinate. Of course their family will back them up.

You can't watch that debate and not see it. And the visual of Jill carefully helping him off the stage may be burned into my memory forever.

I dunno. Watch him stay in and win. Who knows.
I'm just waiting for the day the Democrats say someone else is stepping in for Biden, but how would that work? He's on the ticket.

I'd kick Kamala to the curb and pick a new VP and say WHEN we win I'm stepping down and Gavin old boy will be taking my place.

No one cared that Trump wasn't doing any work after he won. Republicans said he had people doing all the work. He surrounded himself with the best and brightest, who all left him or he fired. Most of them don't endorse him now after working with him.

Trump's former employees aren't even as dug in as you guys. They worked close with the man and said he's unfit.

The ones who puzzle me are like Nikki who for months said he's unfit but now endorse him. Nikki is a....what's the term you use for someone who has no morals or conviction? Who would endorse Hitler rather than leave the party.

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