The Difference between the Democrats and Republicans

I pay bills. And Biden is not the one in charge of pricing. The same thing would be happening if Trump was in office. The ignorance of our citizenry shows in the refusal to understand the impact of a pandemic. So instead of listening to trump talk shit for the last 3.5 years, perhaps people should have paid attention to what was going on all over the world. Because our economy is the best on earth and trump would not make it better. We aren't paying more for eggs because of Biden, we aren't paying more for chicken because of Biden. Biden didn't cause the Avian flu. We aren't paying more for vegetables because Biden. Biden is not responsible for the flooding, fires and hot weather that is killing crops.

So we can continue to be stupid, then once trump is elected, he'll start bragging about how great the economy is and immediately and you guys will suddenly stop being worried about your bills even though Trump would be inheriting an economy created by Joe Biden/Kamala Harris. Then as Project 2025 starts to kick in, you will learn the hard way that you should have elected Biden.
im2 you have been around long enough to know the president gets the blame for everything.....and like i have asked you before....if joe biden is so fucking great how come his approval ratings dont show it?.....and the same with harris....and i can ask the same of the trump people on why trumps rating dont show how great he is.....i can tell you why,,,because we are at the bottom rung of the ladder and are picking sub par people....
1. Reagan won the cold war with the collapse of the USSR

What did he win?

2. Clinton passed the "Community Reinvestment Act" forcing banks to give loans to the unqualified.
That is what caused the financial crash.

He did this all on his own?

3. Trump got vaccine shots in arms in 10-months when Fau-Chi said it would take 4-years, if then. You're welcome.

So the shots are Trump's fault?

4. Trump didn't crash the economy, the pandemic did, a pandemic caused by Fau-Chi by paying the Wuhan Lab to do gain-of-function research after Obama told him not to.

After the Trump administration lifted the hold.

5. Trump had the border solved, the wall and "remain in Mexico" was working just fine, until Biden and his "open borders" policy allowed 12,000,000 illegals into the US, including 100,000 Chinese, 50,000 Russians, and thousands of criminals and terrorists, including ISIS.

People were still coming by the thousands.

6. Biden's inflation means that US families lost about $1,000 a month in buying power.

Democrats are a disaster.

The inflation was because of the actions of the last 15 years.

Econ 101 (which Biden did contribute to)
We have not seen the right wing media or the MSM ask for Trump to step down after 91 indictments and 34 convictions. In fact when states tried to take Trump off the rolls for his part in inciting an insurrection, the right wing and their media raised hell about how he should not be removed. The MSM editorial boards said nothing.

But democrats, continuing to fall for a right wing generated meme, are calling for Biden to step down after a poor debate performance. We are now supposed to be more concerned about whether Joe Biden can serve 4 more years than we are for the possibiity that a motherfucking convicted criminal could possibly be given the responsiblity to enforce the laws of this nation. Just how stupid are we here in America?

Democrats: Stop Panicking​

June 29, 2024, 7:00 a.m. ET

As a former Republican who spent decades pointing out flaws in the Democratic Party, I watch the current Democratic panic over President Biden’s debate performance with a mix of bafflement and nostalgia.

It’s baffling that so many Democrats are failing to rally around a wildly successful president after one bad night. But it does remind me of why Republicans defeated Democrats in so many races Republicans should have lost.

A bad night for Mr. Biden doesn’t change the fact that Mr. Trump opposes any mandatory vaccines for public school students. Do Americans really want to live through more polio, measles and whooping cough epidemics?

It’s easy to be for your guy on good nights, but it doesn’t mean much. The test is on bad nights.

Gov. Gavin Newsom of California showed Democrats how to fight after the debate: “You don’t turn your back because of one performance. What kind of party does that?”

Unfortunately, for the moment, it’s much of the Democratic Party establishment. Many of the same people wrote off Mr. Biden in the 2020 Democratic primaries after he was crushed in Iowa and New Hampshire. Representative James Clyburn of South Carolina refused to panic, stuck by Mr. Biden and helped save the campaign. Let his courage and steadiness be a model. My one plea to my new friends abandoning Mr. Biden is simple: Suck it up and fight. It’s not supposed to be easy.


I'll speak slowly.

Y - A - W - N
partially PK

sentencing would validate conviction

which should be a rather interesting day here



No, he has been convicted. He could be given a simple sentence but he is still a convicted felon.
No, he has been convicted. He could be given a simple sentence but he is still a convicted felon.
ok, so lets say he gets>>>

What did he win?

He did this all on his own?

So the shots are Trump's fault?

After the Trump administration lifted the hold.

People were still coming by the thousands.
The inflation was because of the actions of the last 15 years.

Econ 101 (which Biden did contribute to)
1. Reagan won "The Cold War"

2. Clinton passed the "Community Reinvestment Act"

3. The rapid development and shots of Covid vaccine saved millions of lives, thanks to Operation Warp Speed.

5. Yes people were coming by the thousands, and they were deported to Mexico to wait for their hearing. Biden let in 12,000,000 including many thousands of criminals and terrorists.

6. Inflation was 1.8% when Biden took the oath. His moronic policies caused the runaway inflation.
1. Reagan won "The Cold War"

What was won outside of massive debt?

One at a time I guess.
1. Reagan won "The Cold War"

2. Clinton passed the "Community Reinvestment Act"

3. The rapid development and shots of Covid vaccine saved millions of lives, thanks to Operation Warp Speed.

5. Yes people were coming by the thousands, and they were deported to Mexico to wait for their hearing. Biden let in 12,000,000 including many thousands of criminals and terrorists.

6. Inflation was 1.8% when Biden took the oath. His moronic policies caused the runaway inflation.
Wow! Delusional
We have not seen the right wing media or the MSM ask for Trump to step down after 91 indictments and 34 convictions. In fact when states tried to take Trump off the rolls for his part in inciting an insurrection, the right wing and their media raised hell about how he should not be removed. The MSM editorial boards said nothing.

But democrats, continuing to fall for a right wing generated meme, are calling for Biden to step down after a poor debate performance. We are now supposed to be more concerned about whether Joe Biden can serve 4 more years than we are for the possibiity that a motherfucking convicted criminal could possibly be given the responsiblity to enforce the laws of this nation. Just how stupid are we here in America?

Democrats: Stop Panicking​

June 29, 2024, 7:00 a.m. ET

As a former Republican who spent decades pointing out flaws in the Democratic Party, I watch the current Democratic panic over President Biden’s debate performance with a mix of bafflement and nostalgia.

It’s baffling that so many Democrats are failing to rally around a wildly successful president after one bad night. But it does remind me of why Republicans defeated Democrats in so many races Republicans should have lost.

A bad night for Mr. Biden doesn’t change the fact that Mr. Trump opposes any mandatory vaccines for public school students. Do Americans really want to live through more polio, measles and whooping cough epidemics?

It’s easy to be for your guy on good nights, but it doesn’t mean much. The test is on bad nights.

Gov. Gavin Newsom of California showed Democrats how to fight after the debate: “You don’t turn your back because of one performance. What kind of party does that?”

Unfortunately, for the moment, it’s much of the Democratic Party establishment. Many of the same people wrote off Mr. Biden in the 2020 Democratic primaries after he was crushed in Iowa and New Hampshire. Representative James Clyburn of South Carolina refused to panic, stuck by Mr. Biden and helped save the campaign. Let his courage and steadiness be a model. My one plea to my new friends abandoning Mr. Biden is simple: Suck it up and fight. It’s not supposed to be easy.

The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans are always certain that they are right and their policies work, and Democrats are always afraid that they're wrong, and their policies won't work.
  • Fact
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We have not seen the right wing media or the MSM ask for Trump to step down after 91 indictments and 34 convictions. In fact when states tried to take Trump off the rolls for his part in inciting an insurrection, the right wing and their media raised hell about how he should not be removed. The MSM editorial boards said nothing.

But democrats, continuing to fall for a right wing generated meme, are calling for Biden to step down after a poor debate performance. We are now supposed to be more concerned about whether Joe Biden can serve 4 more years than we are for the possibiity that a motherfucking convicted criminal could possibly be given the responsiblity to enforce the laws of this nation. Just how stupid are we here in America?

Democrats: Stop Panicking​

June 29, 2024, 7:00 a.m. ET

As a former Republican who spent decades pointing out flaws in the Democratic Party, I watch the current Democratic panic over President Biden’s debate performance with a mix of bafflement and nostalgia.

It’s baffling that so many Democrats are failing to rally around a wildly successful president after one bad night. But it does remind me of why Republicans defeated Democrats in so many races Republicans should have lost.

A bad night for Mr. Biden doesn’t change the fact that Mr. Trump opposes any mandatory vaccines for public school students. Do Americans really want to live through more polio, measles and whooping cough epidemics?

It’s easy to be for your guy on good nights, but it doesn’t mean much. The test is on bad nights.

Gov. Gavin Newsom of California showed Democrats how to fight after the debate: “You don’t turn your back because of one performance. What kind of party does that?”

Unfortunately, for the moment, it’s much of the Democratic Party establishment. Many of the same people wrote off Mr. Biden in the 2020 Democratic primaries after he was crushed in Iowa and New Hampshire. Representative James Clyburn of South Carolina refused to panic, stuck by Mr. Biden and helped save the campaign. Let his courage and steadiness be a model. My one plea to my new friends abandoning Mr. Biden is simple: Suck it up and fight. It’s not supposed to be easy.

Your problem is you're treating the so-called indictments and convictions as if they are legitimate and not the partisan sideshow they are. Recall Jesus Christ, Himself was a 'convicted criminal'. It means nothing if it's all phony and ginned up. The voting public knows this
Your problem is you're treating the so-called indictments and convictions as if they are legitimate and not the partisan sideshow they are. Recall Jesus Christ, Himself was a 'convicted criminal'. It means nothing if it's all phony and ginned up. The voting public knows this
They are legit. And stop the blasphemy.
Democrat voters

Democratic voters know EXACTLY who their candidate is. He's NOT Donald Trump and that is really all that matters at this point. The people with their heads in the sand are the Trump Cult who think that Trump was a great President.

Over 1 million Americans died, and the economy crashed as a result of Trump's policies. His trade wars increased the Trade Deficit by more than any President in history. He increased the national debt by more than any President in history. The worst racial unrest since the 1960's. The worst job creation record since Herbert Hoover. Defence alliances were fractured, and Trump surrendered to the Taliban, and then failed to pull out, leaving a mess for Biden.

You may be willing to think that this "made American great again" but most Americans were horrified and embarassed by this shameless criminal.

Your problem is you're treating the so-called indictments and convictions as if they are legitimate and not the partisan sideshow they are. Recall Jesus Christ, Himself was a 'convicted criminal'. It means nothing if it's all phony and ginned up. The voting public knows this

Your problem is that you're winning to overlook the rapes, the frauds, and the graft, although I fail to understand why you would WANT to do that, but the rest of the world is not so generous.

I'm shocked that it's taken this long to bring this crook to trial. I've seen saying "Why haven't they arrested him for this?" since the Atlantic City bankruptcy frauds. I said it again when he ran that tax con on the upstate NY property that figured so prominently in his NY Fraud trial.
We have not seen the right wing media or the MSM ask for Trump to step down after 91 indictments and 34 convictions. In fact when states tried to take Trump off the rolls for his part in inciting an insurrection, the right wing and their media raised hell about how he should not be removed. The MSM editorial boards said nothing.

But democrats, continuing to fall for a right wing generated meme, are calling for Biden to step down after a poor debate performance. We are now supposed to be more concerned about whether Joe Biden can serve 4 more years than we are for the possibiity that a motherfucking convicted criminal could possibly be given the responsiblity to enforce the laws of this nation. Just how stupid are we here in America?

Democrats: Stop Panicking​

June 29, 2024, 7:00 a.m. ET

As a former Republican who spent decades pointing out flaws in the Democratic Party, I watch the current Democratic panic over President Biden’s debate performance with a mix of bafflement and nostalgia.

It’s baffling that so many Democrats are failing to rally around a wildly successful president after one bad night. But it does remind me of why Republicans defeated Democrats in so many races Republicans should have lost.

A bad night for Mr. Biden doesn’t change the fact that Mr. Trump opposes any mandatory vaccines for public school students. Do Americans really want to live through more polio, measles and whooping cough epidemics?

It’s easy to be for your guy on good nights, but it doesn’t mean much. The test is on bad nights.

Gov. Gavin Newsom of California showed Democrats how to fight after the debate: “You don’t turn your back because of one performance. What kind of party does that?”

Unfortunately, for the moment, it’s much of the Democratic Party establishment. Many of the same people wrote off Mr. Biden in the 2020 Democratic primaries after he was crushed in Iowa and New Hampshire. Representative James Clyburn of South Carolina refused to panic, stuck by Mr. Biden and helped save the campaign. Let his courage and steadiness be a model. My one plea to my new friends abandoning Mr. Biden is simple: Suck it up and fight. It’s not supposed to be easy.

those indictments are unlawful persecution by the deranged Biden regime.

everyone knows this

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