Do Federal/State/Local Governments Create Jobs?

Do Federal/State/Local Governments Create Jobs?

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We the People created a more perfect union
That more perfect union did not include a humongous government. In fact they warned. Just words to be used today to say were free. We are not. Just freer than many other nations. Authoritarians abuse the serfs. The serfs we do nothing as if we say it all evens out. So many of our relatives are jammed up in their lives due to those empowered. Only now there is revenge, and it lashes out at other people unfortunately.
The swamp found a crime for a man looking to be President. And they are so emboldened they did. The prog Party are more akin to locusts then workier ants. They consume everything in their way at will when they are in power. And they would not exist without those worker ants. Hope and change is here and it will be terrorism carnage and despair as the years move on. If this existed when the space age started, we would still be trying to put a human into space.

The Republican Party's racist lies have all been exposed and they're going batshit crazy trying to create a white nationalist government before the USA becomes a white minority country - out of the same kind of fear of minorities that drove Apartheid South Africa to keep the majority black population from gaining power there.

Now that the myth of Republican economic expertise has been destroyed, the only way Republicans have left to keep people voting for them, is fear of immigrants and minorities, and sharing power.
That more perfect union did not include a humongous government. In fact they warned. Just words to be used today to say were free. We are not. Just freer than many other nations. Authoritarians abuse the serfs. The serfs we do nothing as if we say it all evens out. So many of our relatives are jammed up in their lives due to those empowered. Only now there is revenge, and it lashes out at other people unfortunately.
Of course not…

The US at its founding was a piss poor country.
We could not afford a Government that provides services to the people, field a global military, build impressive infrastructure
Today, the US is the wealthiest nation on earth, has the most powerful military in history, provides a safety net for its people

Our founders would be proud
Our state govt provides jobs for road construction workers many of whom are making well north of $60 per hour. That's decent pay. Not great but decent.

In rural communities, if you have a son who is too dumb to be a farmer, and too lazy to get a job in town, you get him a job on the county road crew. Everyone knows, or is related to someone on council, or in HR. He'll have a decent job he can raise his family on. His parents will sever a building lot from the farm for him to build a house, and he'll have a good life.

This is a long standing tradition and a good one, in my opinion. People at all levels of ability and skills and intellect need to be able to live and to support families. Not all jobs can or should be automated, but all jobs should pay a "living wage".

When I lived in Toronto, City "outdoor workers" were paid an outrageous amount of money. $25 an hour, plus benefits. To pick up garbage, and cut the grass in public parks in summer, and make repairs to city buildings. But anyone making less than $25 per hour would be hard pressed to be able to afford living in Toronto at the time.

Now that they've "outsourced" all of these jobs and workers to "for profit commpanies" where the workers are receiving minimum wage (currently $16.55 per hr.), these workers are no longer receiving a living wage, and quite frankly, the City looks shabby and dirty.

The only winners here are the owners of the "for profit" companies. Not the taxpayers who are really getting inferior work, and not the workers.

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