How genius Trump outsmarted the democrats with his debate acceptance

We do have a good economy and Ukraine is winning in that Russia is losing, Vaxxes will greatly lessen the effects of Covid, you dolt. Border was not secure under Trump,
If Biden makes it to the election, we will have Wilsonian presidency part deux, and they are going to try to ballot harvest their way to victory once again.
Of course they'll cheat again but will it be enough.? They'll have to cheat twice as much as they did in 2020.

Good chance biden will start a war and cancel elections like his crime crony zelensky did.
We do have a good economy and Ukraine is winning in that Russia is losing, Vaxxes will greatly lessen the effects of Covid, you dolt. Border was not secure under Trump,

the economy is horrible. All the "official" stats are lies. If we were sensible and counted the jobless adults who live off welfare, the unemployment rate would be 25%.
A few months back Pedo Joe said he was open to debates but listed all sorts of unrealistic demands. He wanted the mics muted while the other guy was talking, wanted no audience, and wanted the debates handled by a super-liberal network like CNN.

He knew that trump would never agree to such outrageous demands and then biden could say, "We wanted debates but trump turned us down." Trump outsmarted Veggie Joe and instantly accepted !!!
IMO Trump had no strategy other than be who he is and his past record of bringing the best economy of our lifetimes to the U.S.

Biden spent at least a week secluded, being prompted by scores of advisors. He obviously memorized most of it but, could not seem to regurgitate it at the right time or, he just ran out of steam and trailed off somewhere else. At one point, the moderator had to cut him off by saying something like 'OK thank you' (IOW STFU now!)
Just be prepared for the backlash Biden can create as president to do harm to Trump's cause. Did everybody see Biden wrinkle up his nose and show his teeth during the debate? Biden has the power granted to him to turn that vicious dog threat into something more than just a threat.

America is on the verge of turning all the political shit into something more serious. Biden's mad dog snarl at Trump has to mean that Biden knows his back is against the wall!

What more can he do when weaponizing the DOJ/FBI, the court system with manufactured charges, et al against Trump has only raised Trump's poll numbers? I honestly don't think they will try to put Trump in jail because the backlash would be huge and they do somewhat still fear the Supreme Court as they didn't have control of Congress so they could pack it with their people.
Russia stared the war with the West, which it can't win,
Many years ago. Personally, I agree with Patton. We should have just kept right on going.
Since then every President has had to deal with the Russians.
Like this idiot.

Forgive the woke all's well that ends well shit. It was us he intended to bury. And sent ships to prove it. But he ran into Kennedy, and Russia blinked first. There is no peace between us, not then, not now.
If Trump didn't give Taiwan to China the first time, no reason to believe he would do it the second time. Obama gave Russia Crimea. Biden gave ISIS Afghanistan. Russia invaded the Ukraine in 2022. If you smell a rat, it isn't Trump. Putin didn't do shit while Trump was in the WH.
They also call trump an orangutan. They say it right on national tv! Imagine if we called the kenyan an ape.
Democrats are silly. A lot of it is the homosexuals who say juvenile things acting like children. They are cursed into behaving as 12 year olds for the rest of their lives.

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