How genius Trump outsmarted the democrats with his debate acceptance

What more can he do when weaponizing the DOJ/FBI, the court system with manufactured charges, et al against Trump has only raised Trump's poll numbers? I honestly don't think they will try to put Trump in jail because the backlash would be huge and they do somewhat still fear the Supreme Court as they didn't have control of Congress so they could pack it with their people.
You keep regurgitating nonsense,
The economy is good despite your lies. Your statement is just stupid.

The economy sucks. People are getting 2nd jobs to try to pay for groceries. Rent has almost doubled under potatohead. Gas is up 60%. Inflation peaked at 9%, still at 3%, TWICE what it ever got to under 4 years of Trump.

Potatohead is a fucking failure, through and through.
A few months back Pedo Joe said he was open to debates but listed all sorts of unrealistic demands. He wanted the mics muted while the other guy was talking, wanted no audience, and wanted the debates handled by a super-liberal network like CNN.

He knew that trump would never agree to such outrageous demands and then biden could say, "We wanted debates but trump turned us down." Trump outsmarted Veggie Joe and instantly accepted !!!
I think it's become crystal clear that whatever cabal that has been pulling the strings outsmarted Joe and Jill and talked them into this June debate, knowing full well that his dementia would be on display for all.
Trump got his wish and exposed Biden to the world

Left Democrats no choice but to push Biden to pull out for health reasons and replace him with a younger charismatic candidate without the baggage
Problem is, ALL of your replacements have TONS of baggage.
The economy sucks. People are getting 2nd jobs to try to pay for groceries. Rent has almost doubled under potatohead. Gas is up 60%. Inflation peaked at 9%, still at 3%, TWICE what it ever got to under 4 years of Trump.

Potatohead is a fucking failure, through and through.
Fewer people have second jobs now than in Trump's economy,

The lowest sustained UE in more than 50 years.

Higher sustained wages.

The voters know MAGA is lying.,

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