confirms it is Ashly Biden's diary

Wow, first the diary was not real, for years, not real. Now that the diary is real, the propaganda is, "there is no crimes."

Could be true no crimes. Crime is not the issue. Character is. The Character of the Biden crime family and the Democrats and Republicans who have been covering up for the Deep State while persecuting Trump.
And if they publish it, it's a crime. Publishing someone's personal journal or diary unless you have their explicit consent is illegal. Especially when it was likely stolen from them.
Well, if you’re talking about the picture of the blob in bed with his daughter...we have a picture...of the blob in bed with his daughter. It was a photo op, quite clearly, not a candid “moment caught in time”. It was staged. He’s looking right at the a third party takes the picture....of his daughter kissing bed.
Another partisan moron, photo op? Good you take it to court and we can watch the court laugh at you?
Trump beat up and raped a 13 year old girl - in front of a witness. And when she tried to sue him, he threatened her family.

That's WHY you keep trying to paint Joe Biden as a sick pervert. Because your candidate truly is one.
No reason for anyone to believe your unfounded lies and falsehoods are true. As usual you have no proof of your frantic claims.
While the diary is real, we have no way of knowing if that page is real and Snopes did not comment on the veracity of the pages published. In fact, they pointedly did not confirm the pages published as real.

You certainly don't care about the truth of Donald Trump who has been found guilty of rape, sexual assault. More than 25 women have accused Trump of sexual assault which you ignore, while obsessing over unproven allegations that no member of the Biden family will comment on.

There were no criminal or sexual allegations against Joe Biden ever, until he started running against a self admitted serial sexual predator and corrupt criminal conman. And suddenly Joe Biden, the man Republicans called "The most honest man in Washington" is the head of a "Criminal Crime family involved in worldwide scheme of bribery and corrupation". They'll get back to us with the evidence someday real soon - as soon as they find it.

Now Biden, who has never been investigated, charged, or found guilty of any crime, much less crimes of bribery or corruption, is "guilty" of more crimes than Donald Trump who has already been found guilty of rape, extortion, tax evasion, fraud, and contempt of court.

You elected a lying conman who was in the middle of a $100 million fraud trial when you elected him.
I think both are just stupid partisan BS, but you are a partisan and proved my point. Thanks, and the Democrats nominating Hillary for president is how Trump got elected and they got no help from me, I wouldn’t vote for Hillary, Don, or Joe, all three are an embarrassment to our gret nation.

But again, thanks for proving what a partisan hateful hack you are. Glad you don’t live in my great country.
I think we're seeing a full-on press to discredit Biden to force Democrats to put up another candidate because they now concede he's not electable.

Those media outlets who have been cheer-leading and covering for him all these years will now start eating their own.
I'm curious who gave them the green light to finally print some truths about their cult leader
It's quite self evident, but you can't recognize it.
Poor fella. :itsok:
If it’s so evident then please explain it. Should be easy for you to win a debate about it and face some scrutiny. So go ahead and make your argument. Explain how it’s evident
What does that screenshot prove? If it’s still in possession of PV, therefore unverifiable. But I guess it’s alright for Trump to tell everyone he lusts after his daughter?

Awe, he said if she wasn't his daughter he would date her. When you support the leader of your party showering with his daughter. Your mind stays in the gutter.
Trump beat up and raped a 13 year old girl - in front of a witness. And when she tried to sue him, he threatened her family.

That's WHY you keep trying to paint Joe Biden as a sick pervert. Because your candidate truly is one.
Liar also Trump has not been convicted of rape another lie by you
Awe, he said if she wasn't his daughter he would date her. When you support the leader of your party showering with his daughter. Your mind stays in the gutter.
He’s said a lot more than that. He’s truly a sick man!


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