Biden really lied. Did the Media mention he lied?

Nope. Just as those waving the US Flag don't mean they are freedom lovers.

What president put up on the White House the colors of the cock suckers?

Ps, read at the top the shit Horses hurled at me first!!!!
the colors of the cock suckers? Really?

I Don't have ANY problems with Gay People. Let them be GAY.
You do....or you would NOT have made the "Cock Suckers" comment.

You REALLY despise GAY people, don't you.
Don't deflect, just admit it.
Were you NOT previously offended when people called you names?
Yes, Yes you were.

Now, you become one.
You have NO quality CHARACTERISTICS at all.
Weakness is your best quality.
I never called you a vile name but you got a laugh when Slow Horses lashed out at me using a vile name.
Worse, you joined him.
the colors of the cock suckers? Really?

I Don't have ANY problems with Gay People. Let them be GAY.
You do....or you would NOT have made the "Cock Suckers" comment.

You REALLY despise GAY people, don't you.
Don't deflect, just admit it.
Given I had a homosexual brother, don't try to pull that shit on me.
Homosexuals do not need a Pride day. They do not need a president who paints the white house with any colors. Maybe you like Biden thinking he is a homosexual.
Given I had a homosexual brother, don't try to pull that shit on me.
Homosexuals do not need a Pride day. They do not need a president who paints the white house with any colors. Maybe you like Biden thinking he is a homosexual.
I have gay relatives. Why not give them a Pride day? What's it to you that in unmans you so,
Just because you MAKE up some idiotic statement, don't make it true. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Democrats want us to believe
It's true. Democrats think there are the rich, and then there are the rest of us. "Quintiles" don't fit in their narrative.
Biden got his ass kicked. He was blubbering train wreck. It’s not going to get any better for him.

Trump's Third Act? American Gangster.

In recent months, Donald Trump has been trying out a new routine. At rallies and town halls across the country, he compares himself to Al Capone. "He was seriously tough, right?" Mr. Trump told a rally in Iowa in October, in an early rendition of the act.

But "he was only indicted one time; I've been indicted four times." (Capone was, in fact, indicted at least six times.) The implication is not just that Mr. Trump is being unfairly persecuted but also that he is four times as tough as Capone. "If you looked at him in the wrong way," Mr. Trump explained, "he blew your brains out."

Robert W's heroes.


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