Biden said not only do criminal aliens rape, but so do inlaws,spouses, brothers and sisters?

You are too well informed to think that a minefield would be allowed on the border

If proposed it would be tied up in court for years if not decades

Meanwhile with no wall millions of poor foreigners would enter the US
I would start with a lot more Border Patrol, automatically dumping the wetbacks and fence jumpers back over the border, photo and fingerprint on side of the road when captured, and automatic lifetime ban from admittance.
I hope that means you support building the wall along with electronic survielence and adequate boots on the ground to prevent illegal entry

Eh, they have been told walls don’t work, even to assist border patrol in slowing down crossings. These people would believe that wheels don’t work if the Democratic establishment told them so.
Eh, they have been told walls don’t work, even to assist border patrol in slowing down crossings. These people would believe that wheels don’t work if the Democratic establishment told them so.
With very few exceptions the anti trumpsters support the alien invasion rven as they pretend not to

These globalist libs are intelligent enough to know that the wall would put a stop to that in spite of their feigned ignorance
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What the fuck is Joe talking about?

Is he trying to pivot from illegals raping and murdering innocent American women to abortion?

"He went to the funeral. The idea that she was murdered by an immigrant. But here's the deal, a lot of young women are being raped by their inlaws. By their spouses. By their brothers and sisters. It's just ridiculous."

What is God’s name is he babbling about?

What the fuck is Joe talking about???? He's talking about the notion that Republicans don't care about women and children being sexually assaulted, unless an illegal is the perp.
Since Roe was overturned, 65,000 women and children have been forced to bear their rapists' children. Girls as young as 12 are entering middle school as "mothers", and thousands of women have been raped and murdered by American born perps, but the ONLY rapes or deaths that Republicans give a rat's ass about are the two or three women who are raped or killed by immigrants.

If Republicans can't use these women for their own political purposes, they don't care what happens to them. 80% of the women who die from the complications of pregnancy and childbirth could be save and Republicans do NOTHING to save them.

So don't tell women about how Joe Biden is killing women and children, because Donald Trump and the Republican Party are killing women by the THOUSANDS with their wrong headed abortion bans.
Eh, they have been told walls don’t work, even to assist border patrol in slowing down crossings. These people would believe that wheels don’t work if the Democratic establishment told them so.

The ONLY way walls work is if they are manned every 40 feet to prevent breaches. See prison walls. And even then people still get out.

Tell us again how effective that wall in Israel has been. You really pushed that one as the ultimate defense. How did that work out for the Israeli's????

What works is prosecuting the employers. Trump locked up thousands of illegals and still they came. Obama prosecuted thousands of employers, and they stopped hiring illegals and border crossings fell to their lowest levels in 50 years. Trump stopped prosecuting employers and just rounded up illegals and the numbers skyrocketed and he declared a National Emergency in February of 2019.

This chart in the Wall Street Journal tracks how Republican Policies continue to create havoc at the Southern Border.

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Watch this discussion in the UK.
Very much parallels the discussion here in the USA.

These globalist libs are intelligent enough to know that the wall would put a stop to that in spite of their feigned ignorance

Sure, the leaders get this, but evidently the average Democrat voter doesn’t. That is the scary part.

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