Africans Did Not Do This.

Most of the Barbary pirates were Europeans who'd lost their letters of marque and made their home ports along the coast of Libya.
Bullshit, only some were.

Now you have jumped the shark.

That is like racist Trump supporters coming on here saying most slaves in the confederacy were Irish. A few Europeans were Barbary Pirates, and now, because you have cognitive dissonance, "most," are.

You are so full of shit.
Then stop making excuses because white racism didn't stop after slavery and the Irish were not slaves in America. So if you are owed by the U.K. go to the U.K. government that Irish people chose to be part of and demand reparations.
Blacks had slaves in America dumbass
This OP is trying to drown us with bullshit. There should be a limit with how long these posts are
Go look at:
The Corwin Amendment.
The 1877 Compromise.
And go look at the votes in Plessy. 4 republicans and 3 democrats voted for apartheid.
But democrats we're the supporters of slavery
Blacks had slaves in America dumbass
Blacks purchased enslaved family members and I believe that 97 percent of all slaves owned, were owned by whites. Try again, but instead of making factless comments, look up some facts.
Blacks purchased enslaved family members and I believe that 97 percent of all slaves owned, were owned by whites. Try again, but instead of making factless comments, look up some facts.
Bullshit some were family members others were not
But democrats we're the supporters of slavery
Thomas Corwin was a republican. His amendment would have made slavery constitutional. Republicans supported this amendment. There were several factions in the republican party, the radical republicans were anti slavery, not all republicans were in this faction. Today's republican party would be democrats back then. You guys are dishonest about your party now.
Bullshit some were family members others were not
Wrong. The majority were family members and again whites owned 97 percent of the slaves. So really black ownership of slaves was minimal and your claim made as if blacks and whites owned slaves equally is disingenuous.
wow, you must be really really old to know all about slavery...wasnt it ended 1863/// does fried baloney really prevent alzheimers......why were there so many slaves up north before waves of european immigrants arrived to tackle the workload.....besides most southern plantation owners werent even americans...they came from the british isles mostly
It's called an education. Get one.
I'm not going to read all that stuff. Rape will get you the death penalty in Arabia .... Be specific. What countries have legal slavery?
Rape of an ISLAMIC woman CAN get you the death penalty IF she can find three MALE witnesses to the rape that will testify.
The Barbaries went all over hell and high water. Who the hell do you think you are talking to?


I don't know why you are denying history and facts. This is like having an argument with a flat Earther. I suppose you believe that they were the good guys, when America finally came and took care of them, when the Europeans would not?

The Muslims enslaved EVERYONE that did not believe what they did. Those fanatics would chop the nuts off anyone that was foreign, and put them in chains.

The US marines put an end to that shit.

What do you think, "To the shores of Tripoli?" Refers to, and why do you think the US president sent them there for? FUN?

Why are you even arguing about this on an American forum? To prove you are an anti-American piece of shit, and you don't know history? Why?

Actually the force was mostly Berber mercenaries. American ships only carried a few Marines
Bullshit, only some were.

Now you have jumped the shark.

That is like racist Trump supporters coming on here saying most slaves in the confederacy were Irish. A few Europeans were Barbary Pirates, and now, because you have cognitive dissonance, "most," are.

You are so full of shit.
The Europeans who were Barbary pirates had converted to Islam rather than face a lingering and unpleasant death as slaves.
Wrong. The majority were family members and again whites owned 97 percent of the slaves. So really black ownership of slaves was minimal and your claim made as if blacks and whites owned slaves equally is disingenuous.
I'm not wrong
Have you ever been to the Middle East?
Nope, but I’ve read a lot about it. I’ve never been to the moon either, but my reading has taught me that it has extremes of temperature and no atmosphere. This is the modern age there are ways of finding out things besides personal experience,

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