Is music dying?

Interesting video from Rick Beato. He has a few videos on this subject about how music has changed over the years, and how it’s becoming sterilized and bland.

This is a pretty good take on the state of music today:

I have been teaching music for over thirty years. I have good news for music lovers in this thread. About 15 years ago, my students expressed interest in hearing and playing instruments like I hadn't seen previously. With the advent of "push button sounds", they became a lot more interested in how real musical sounds are made.

A trip to the orchestra used to be a drag to them, tbh. Now? A favorite field trip. No kidding.

They are OBSESSED with 70s and 80s music. We did two 70s songs at our 5th grade concert and the kids sang them everywhere. On the bus, during lunch. Parents emailed me to thank me for introducing them to "good music". Well, I did introduce them, but I can't make them love it. They just love it because even if they can't express the difference, they KNOW the difference.

In short:

Humanity loves music too much for music to ever die. Do not lose hope.

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