Black Americans demand to know what ‘Black jobs’ are after Trump debate comment

Oh you mean you never knew that the black people voted for Democrats almost 98% of the time ?
When you are smart enough to understand that it is Republican policies that make us vote Democrat, let me know.
Come on URNot....Obama drove a racial wedge for a reason, and as a white boy, you fell for it....
Like I said, this nation has never been united. Obama didn't drive any racia wedges. You are apparently a dunce cap who can be race pimped to believe that Obama divided the country by race and that I am white despite my picture being my avatar.

In December 2021, the Biden administration announced a new goal: to increase the percentage of federal contract dollars going to SDBs to 15% by government fiscal year 2025.

And there are no open borders. You're making me laugh. You claim to be a black woman, :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
How does that link say I am wrong? It actually supports it

Haha yeah there are no open borders and xiden is not senile
LOL, It's the internet....You can say and post anything you want....What a dumbass you are white boy....
I wouldn't doubt it.. Remember the white lady that became the chapter president of the NAACP ? 😆
😆.... Are you stupid or something ? I gave great examples of job's that were being held by lower income blacks until the invasion came in to take away those job's. The poultry industry was the hardest hit back in the late 90s, and on up until Trump became president. All Obama could do is say, "uhhhh it's a new day folk's, and uhhhhhh job's are no longer available or uhhhh where's those job's going to come from or how is Trump going to bring back the job's ???
The poultry business? So out of the number of black folks in this country what % would you say was working in the poultry business? Also tell us how many whites were working in the poultry business.
We'll surprise, Trump brought back the job's, curtailed immigration, put American's back to work by the hundreds of thousands, and lowered the poverty stats in the country.
Now the fun begins, show us the statistics that prove this.
Y'all hated it because your black skinned savior botched the situation, and it was all because he ended up being just another slick talking do nothing politician that played everybody like a yo-yo. Sadly the black community let Obama cuddle up with white leftist hollyweird, white crooked leftist politician's, and throw scraps to every other group that he needed to appease in order to make him appear as being presidential to them.
Hmmm, it was because of the black savior that this country came out of a recession, brought us low unemployment, gave us a reliable healthcare system, etc. We are still waiting on the affordable healthcare plan your orange god promised.
I drive by a poultry plant in my home town, and for year's the only people going into that plant were Mexican's or Guatemalan's. After the huge crack down on illegals working under the radar, and crossing the border illegally, I began to see a huge shift back towards American's working the job's that the illegals were occupying before hand.
Really? Tell you what go to Gainesville, Ga and see who is coming out of those plants.
Black's became the main majority work force at the poultry plant(s) again (not sure why), but that was the facts being seen with the naked eye on the scene.
Black folks were also once upon a time the majority of the work force, picking beans, tomatoes, corn, apples, peaches, etc. you don't see that happening too much anymore either do you? Now tell us why that is.
Black's also began occupying many labor intensive job's that were lost in the construction industry (not sure why it is that mostly blacks began to occupy or re-occupy those job's), but that was the case.
So why is it that whites occupy many of these labor-intensive jobs as well?
Look, people make choices in life, and who are you to try and manipulate those choices or look at those choices as wrong somehow or worse attempt to blame other's for those choices being made ?
Are you serious? It was you that manipulated the system on what black folks could and couldn't do, it was racism from folks like you that hampered what black folks could and couldn't do in this country. Man, if you don't go on somewhere with that bullshit.
They do but no one gives a shit about those people. They are like the white people shot by cops, no one care about them either.

No one panders to poor white people.
Panders to poor whites? Hell, the system was set up for you, by you. When was the last time you saw a black cop murder someone white? When was the last time you saw a group of black cops assault a white man or beat him to death?

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