As the Biden vs trump Debate Approaches, MAGA Insiders Are Beginning to Panic


As the Biden vs trump Debate Approaches, MAGA Insiders Are Beginning to Panic

Concerns over trump’s declining mental acuity have supporters “pushing unfounded claims and accusations of bias ahead of the first live 2024 presidential debate between the Republican and President Joe Biden.”

The MAGA insiders are beginning to panic after watching their cult leader’s streams of gibberish during public appearances replace the coherent, hate-filled, bigoted rantings of past presidential campaigns. In 2016, trump’s racist, xenophobic, homophobic, and misogynistic rhetoric first won the hearts of right-wingers and moderates. Red state and swing state voters’ enthusiasm for his hate-speech carried trump into the White House.

However, in 2020, his sales-pitch-of-hate was overwhelmed by his poor record as POTUS, and trump lost both the popular vote and that of the Electoral College. Moderate voters let him down.

Here in 2024, moderate voters have forgotten how truly awful trump’s years in the White House were. But, as MAGA insiders know, trump’s rambling, whining nonsense no longer has the fire to captivate the moderate voters needed. In a debate for this year’s election, trump’s ranting and sniveling can’t hurt him with his devoted followers, moderate voters, however, will expect more.

MAGA insiders know, trump just doesn’t have it in him anymore.

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Biden is being "debate prepped" by a team of 16. WTF? He's been AWOL for a solid WEEK! :dunno:

As the Biden vs trump Debate Approaches, MAGA Insiders Are Beginning to Panic

Concerns over trump’s declining mental acuity have supporters “pushing unfounded claims and accusations of bias ahead of the first live 2024 presidential debate between the Republican and President Joe Biden.”

The MAGA insiders are beginning to panic after watching their cult leader’s streams of gibberish during public appearances replace the coherent, hate-filled, bigoted rantings of past presidential campaigns. In 2016, trump’s racist, xenophobic, homophobic, and misogynistic rhetoric first won the hearts of right-wingers and moderates. Red state and swing state voters’ enthusiasm for his hate-speech carried trump into the White House.

However, in 2020, his sales-pitch-of-hate was overwhelmed by his poor record as POTUS, and trump lost both the popular vote and that of the Electoral College. Moderate voters let him down.

Here in 2024, moderate voters have forgotten how truly awful trump’s years in the White House were. But, as MAGA insiders know, trump’s rambling, whining nonsense no longer has the fire to captivate the moderate voters needed. In a debate for this year’s election, trump’s ranting and sniveling can’t hurt him with his devoted followers, moderate voters, however, will expect more.

MAGA insiders know, trump just doesn’t have it in him anymore.

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lets hear from the so called unbiased moderators ..


Like I said, you're still living in 1960. Stop acting like a damn fool! It's 2024 and you will be surprised how much the urban community will support Trump this time around.
I am really tired of whites like you lying about this. You want to go back to 1960, that's why you support MAGA. The "urban community"? There are a lot of blacks who don't live in the "urban community" and a lot of whites who do. I'm black. There are 34 million eligible black voters. This means Trump will get between 3-4 million black votes.
Sorry your comprehension skills are below average. I've never had any problems understanding what Trump was saying.
Perhaps you can translate what he really meant to say instead of the despicable things and mumbling he does here. While you're at it, I always wondered what covfefe is really supposed to mean.
I am really tired of whites like you lying about this. You want to go back to 1960, that's why you support MAGA. The "urban community"? There are a lot of blacks who don't live in the "urban community" and a lot of whites who do. I'm black. There are 34 million eligible black voters. This means Trump will get between 3-4 million black votes.
I'm not white you buffoon. Urban communities can range from multiple races. This is what makes you ignorant. President Trump is reaching out to the urban communities just like the rural. Tomorrow he will be meeting with black business leaders of America. Thanks for letting me mention this now...

You're laughing to stop yourself from crying. Because time is running out for trump and after Thursday the country will begin to see reality.

Captain Queeg(Donald Trump) is not capable of being president.

the people that see reality are voting for Trump .. no changing that fact .. this election will let the world know if common sense [republicans] or insanity [democrats] take the WH ..
No, it's about whites only. A racist like you needs to stop trying to gaslight somone smarter than you on this matter. And you show everyone just how stupid you are when you repeat what some moron made up aboutmy identity. So keep looking at the picture on the left and think its fake.

If trump doesn't like being compared to Hitler, he should quit quoting Hitler.
he dosnt quote or support Hitler .. more dem lies ..

As the Biden vs trump Debate Approaches, MAGA Insiders Are Beginning to Panic

Do tell. I am replying to the OP, correct?

Concerns over trump’s declining mental acuity

I reject your premise. Please to show us video examples of Trump's so-called "declining mental acuity." Besides SlowJoeScarborough saying it's so.

I'm sorry, BertramN, I guess we haven't met. I'm Marchimedes, I'll be taking apart your OP line by line. It's not fair and all that I happened across this thread and decided to spend some time on it but then it's not my fault you deiced to su(k.

Moving along...

Concerns over trump’s declining mental acuity

Again, cite one time anyone but the left "cited" such things. Then cite them so I can take them apart. Right now, junior your entire OP is based upon anonymous hearsay. I'm not even done with your third sentence.

Again, how do? I'm Marchimedes. I can build a thread off a simple sentence/question. For instance: "What should the highest federal income tax rate be and at what income level should it start?"

I kid, that would be a one sentence thread. Damn, son, girl, non-binary individual. You really drew the short straw with me finding you and digging in.

Moving along...

have supporters “pushing unfounded claims and accusations of bias ahead of the first live 2024 presidential debate between the Republican and President Joe Biden.”

Nowz when you cite said "unfounded claims and accusations." And support it with sources.

Damn, (so-called human) I can't make it though a sentence fragment with you.

The MAGA insiders are beginning to panic

I'm fairly right-wing yet I'm not an insider. I don't know the secret handshake. I'm waiting for my decoder ring. I voted for Ronaldus Reaganus, I'm a balls interweb political debate site debater cents 2002 and I am undefeated. I'm a very low key big deal. I'm not panicking. Who are they that are begining to panic? Name names!

after watching their cult leader’s streams of gibberish



Should be very easy for you to do now to post a youtube of Trump's gibberish. Gibberish. Do that. I can do that for SlowJoeBiden.

Oh, I'm sorry, OP author, BertramN, I'm Marchimedes and I bring extra to the game. Please to not mind the insults and jokes, I'm quite sure you have your politics thought out well and can easily withstand my trolling.

Am I on the fourth sentence of the OP yet?

The fu(k then, every single time I do this I enjoy it. It's a character flaw of mine. A fu(kin newb vs. 60 year old genius Marchimedes? Obviously I can go through the rest of the OP, with jokes and come out on the other side with one of us weeping. I can go through the rest of this thread, post by post and I'll be a "thread derailer." Staff and admin, Coyote well knows who I am. I would now like to take this time to thank the staff and admin, Coyote for allowing me to be though I have never broken a site rule. Normally, by now at a site I've been banned without cause. Yes, I am certainly thanking a pack of fu(k liberals for not banning me without cause. I'm used to getting banned cause of crap like "taxes. Here's" I'm banned everywhere without cause. Sure Coyote has to keep me outta the main thread "politics." I accept that, it's a badge of honor that to find me ya'll have to goto a sub-forum where you agree that the powers that be can not protect you and then you find me. It is reasonable that you puzzies have to waive your rights to be able to read me. Billo_Really. After all my railing again this site and what not I'm suddenly "serenity now." In this post I've logiced myself into a newer, more compassionate Marchimedes. I'm suddenly less angry, if I'm less angry I'll tell more jokes. I know me. This was cathartic for me and ya'll got to watch it happen. Consciousness streaming. I been doing that long time. Less angry does not mean I point out less liberal lies. Less angry does not mean I type less. Oh my, I've been going on.


America was never great once, so remaking America into Jim Crtow a second time will not be allowed.
As if you have any say in it. The democrats say you’re to fucking stupid to get an ID. Are they right?
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As the Biden vs trump Debate Approaches, MAGA Insiders Are Beginning to Panic

Concerns over trump’s declining mental acuity have supporters “pushing unfounded claims and accusations of bias ahead of the first live 2024 presidential debate between the Republican and President Joe Biden.”

The MAGA insiders are beginning to panic after watching their cult leader’s streams of gibberish during public appearances replace the coherent, hate-filled, bigoted rantings of past presidential campaigns. In 2016, trump’s racist, xenophobic, homophobic, and misogynistic rhetoric first won the hearts of right-wingers and moderates. Red state and swing state voters’ enthusiasm for his hate-speech carried trump into the White House.

However, in 2020, his sales-pitch-of-hate was overwhelmed by his poor record as POTUS, and trump lost both the popular vote and that of the Electoral College. Moderate voters let him down.

Here in 2024, moderate voters have forgotten how truly awful trump’s years in the White House were. But, as MAGA insiders know, trump’s rambling, whining nonsense no longer has the fire to captivate the moderate voters needed. In a debate for this year’s election, trump’s ranting and sniveling can’t hurt him with his devoted followers, moderate voters, however, will expect more.

MAGA insiders know, trump just doesn’t have it in him anymore.

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Suuuuure they are....
MAGA insiders know, trump just doesn’t have it in him anymore.
This may turn out to be true, but elections are still about contrasts and image.

As weird as it may seem, there are still some who are undecided. It's probably fair to guess that most of these folks are not really politically engaged (and who can blame them), so there's no way to know what their priorities are -- and that's EVEN IF they watch this.

Trump is Trump, and that's enough to say here. But Biden has plenty of weaknesses, and one of which is that he appears weak, fading and frail. Trump's pro wrestling showman adrenaline will kick in and he'll be a hurricane, as usual, and the opposite of Biden.

There's just no way to know the priorities of the undecided.

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