Who has been running the country for the last year???

Who has been running the country for the last year???​

Bitch Warren, Bernie Sanders, the bastard son of Frank Marshall Davis aka; the dick-sucker in chief, Chuckie Schemer, Nazi Pelousy.

Probably, in that order

Who has been running the country for the last year???​

Bitch Warren, Bernie Sanders, the bastard son of Frank Marshall Davis aka; the dick-sucker in chief, Chuckie Schemer, Nazi Pelousy.

Probably, in that order

Nope, nope, and nope, lol.

Who has been running this country is a bunch of UNELECTED officials, who will lose all of their power if Biden is not re-elected. They can (most of them anyway) run themselves, but know they are unelectable because of their ideas. So in Joe, they found a perfect vessel. Someone who COULD get elected, but so out of it, they COULD manipulate him to move the country in the direction they wanted. This is why the surrogates NEED him!

Honestly.........and I am a conservative----------->does anyone who even now looks up Joe's career in government believe he has done this?!?!?!?!?! He was always dizzy, hardly ever on the correct side of foreign policy, but from his past stances on issues, you have to realize that this poor old guy is being manipulated.

That being said, also understand this--------------->if you believe Joe is totally losing it; and as you can see, he probably is............you can understand how the Left and Jill (who wants to hold power more than Joe does) have convinced a basically senile old dude, that he is the only thing standing between America and disaster, because of Trump. Biden has NO IDEA what is going on, go back and watch the debate. It is downright ELDER ABUSE by these people, including his HARPY wife. If they can convince their base of Trump being totally evil by gaslighting them on a regular basis, imagine what they can do to an old guy who is losing it, who they hold in a cocoon of like minded individuals.

I am not telling ANY of you to forgive Biden, but if you want to scream at someone, scream at that HARPY Jill. She is downright EVIL for what she is doing to her almost invalid husband!
Let me add this------------->everyone knows how downright NASTY Trump can get. Do we all agree on this?!?!?!

Rewatch the debate. Trump let Joe off the hook, he could have totally embarrassed him by mocking him like he did Hilly, but he did not.

Does that mean we should now think Trump is a nice guy, deserves accolades for his humanity? Hell no!

But what it does show, is how a supposed dirty felon had enough compassion to not totally embarrass the sitting President of the United States, while Bidens handlers had no such compassion, and sent an old man out to be slaughtered in hope they could hold power if he could do it, just 1 more time, while they gaslighted the American public up to, and including that night.

Shame on these Democrats. These people are heartless, and deserve nothing more than to be kicked out of power. And trust me, it is looking more and more like that is going to happen, not from just my opinion, but many talking head Democrats!
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Let me add this------------->everyone knows how downright NASTY Trump can get. Do we all agree on this?!?!?!

Rewatch the debate. Trump let Joe off the hook, he could have totally embarrassed him by mocking him like he did Hilly, but he did not.

Does that mean we should now think Trump is a nice guy, deserves accolades for his humanity? Hell no!

But what it does show, is how a supposed dirty felon had enough compassion to not totally embarrass the sitting President of the United States, while Bidens handlers had no such compassion, and sent an old man out to be slaughtered in hope they could hold power if he could do it, just 1 more time, while they gaslighted the American public up to, and including that night.

Shame on these Democrats. These people are heartless, and deserve nothing more than to be kicked out of power. And trust me, it is looking more and more like that is going to happen, not from just my opinion, but many talking head Democrats!
This should be it's own thread.

It's easy to notice what people do...but not as often what they could have done but didn't.
How was Biden bad, other than being hoarse?

None of you cowards wants to answer that.

Did you watch his confused face throughout the "debate"?
Did you see him completely freeze up at one point, looking like he was completely lost?
Did you see Trump walk briskly off stage at the end, while Joe looked like a nursing home patient needing a nurse to help him step six inches down?
It was much more than just his voice, but you wouldn't know since apparently you didn't watch it.
For you, yes.

None of you droolers can explain why Biden was supposedly bad. "He talked softly" is literally the best you have.

You're all just lying badly on orders of TheParty, and praying nobody notices that you're lying. And I'm calling you all out, and boy howdy are you butthurt.

You can call out all you like, but there are publications, for instance, like the New York Times that are calling for him to end his campaign.
We didn't make that up!
For you, yes.

None of you droolers can explain why Biden was supposedly bad. "He talked softly" is literally the best you have.

You're all just lying badly on orders of TheParty, and praying nobody notices that you're lying. And I'm calling you all out, and boy howdy are you butthurt.

Here read this, then tell us again we are all lying.

who the fuck is running the country??
The same bunch that's been doing it for 60 years, the Pentagon, the federal reserve, the spooks, the trilateral commission and recently the social media and silicon valley savants. Globally it's the rothschild's many many tentacles.
This should be it's own thread.

It's easy to notice what people do...but not as often what they could have done but didn't.
Missourian, thank you. I do not know how old you are, but rest assured I have been fighting this battle for YEARS, even with 2 of my own children, lol.

What I post, is almost exactly what I told them from the time they were 12 years old, maybe even younger. I was the devil incarnate! I had zero compassion! I was almost EVIL because I did not get it! I lived in the past according to them; and then they got jobs, wanted to buy homes for their families, wanted to travel, and all of the sudden.........OMG........I wasn't so damn dumb!

Point is--------------> Older people can no longer fight this fight; they can help, but younger people who know the truth have to become the tip of the spear. It is very easy for me.......and maybe you.......to come on this site, and proclaim what we know to be facts from the past. We lived them, so have 1st hand knowledge.

And for our efforts, we get lambasted by every far Leftist on this board, lol. They are either young and know what is best because like all young people, they ALWAYS know everything, or they are old commies, and want America to see it their way and smell weakness, wanting to take advantage while the iron is hot.

We have lambasted Joe Biden for 3 and 1/2 years, and yet this old man opened the door to prove that the DNC, the MSM, and almost every Democratic talking head has been GASLIGHTING the American public, and he did it accidentally as he was being ABUSED by his power hungry wife, AND the DNC.

If we can NOT push these facts to victory in November, then while I always wanted to be young again, I will sadly be happy I am not. What is coming for the American people, including my children and grandchildren, is something I can not tolerate..........because people my age, where to damn busy making money, and let the Left take over everything in the public sector.

This is the 2nd chance we have as older people to fix our mistake because we fell asleep at the wheel. Let us NOT F*** it up, and protect those who come after us!
Holy shit, this is a stupid thread.

The fuktards here actually think Biden isn't running the country. And they think that's not a stupid thing to say. They're not embarrassed to be morons in public.

I blame the internet. They're all alone, and there's no one around to tell them they're being pissheads. They only hang out with other cult fuktards, who reinforce their stupid.
Holy shit, this is a stupid thread.

The fuktards here actually think Biden isn't running the country. And they think that's not a stupid thing to say. They're not embarrassed to be morons in public.

I blame the internet. They're all alone, and there's no one around to tell them they're being pissheads. They only hang out with other cult fuktards, who reinforce their stupid.

So you're just going to ignore what I've pointed out to you.
Comment: We've been saying Biden is suffering from mental decline... it was obvious to anyone with eyes.

But the Democrats have been lying to us for years! Gaslighting us. Telling US we're the crazy ones.

But here is the $64,000 question.

While they... The democrats, the media, Biden's staff, KJP... have been covering for Biden and lying to our faces...who the fuck is running the country???

I have a one-word answer.......Jill. In 1921 it was Edith Wilson.
Not this guy he's lost in space.

Him... yes Barack Ovomit and all his communists, globalists American traitors lap dogs!

Who has been running the country for the last year???​


For you, yes.

None of you droolers can explain why Biden was supposedly bad. "He talked softly" is literally the best you have.

You're all just lying badly on orders of TheParty, and praying nobody notices that you're lying. And I'm calling you all out, and boy howdy are you butthurt.

You fucking retard
Harpy is one of you.

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