Rittenhouse Family In Dire Straits

He did not panic.

he only shot in self defense when that slightly smaller homeless bum attacked him with intent to kill
Self defense against a homless guy half your size who is unarmed isn't self-defense.

Trump invents viruses. What a superpower. But comics are in fact fine literature to uneducated liars like you
Here's the thing. Every president before Trump had to deal with some kind of virus... and none of them fucked it up because they didn't call it a hoax, they didn't undermine agencies that controlled it, and they didn't lie to people about how serious it was.
Self defense against a homless guy half your size who is unarmed isn't self-defense.
When he's grabbing for a weapon you're carrying so he can use it against you, it is. Ask any cop how he would react to a smaller homeless guy who is grabbing at his firearm.
Here's the thing. Every president before Trump had to deal with some kind of virus... and none of them fucked it up because they didn't call it a hoax, they didn't undermine agencies that controlled it, and they didn't lie to people about how serious it was.
And they didn't fast track vaccines in the face of opposition from his own supporters either. You do seem to forget that he was opposed by democrats when he wanted to shut down travel from infected areas as well. Now, how many COVID deaths is Quid Pro responsible for?
Rittenhouse never denied it was him on the tape. His lawyers just claimed it was immaterial and Judge Senile agreed.
And they were right, because it WAS immaterial. Why put any effort into denying something that doesn't impact the trial that the usual idiots are simply going to ignore? He needed to put all his time and effort into the defense for the trial, knowing there were a lot of idiots out there who had already judged and convicted him on no evidence beyond a few panting and lying headlines about some kid going hunting for black people.

It would make absolutely zero impact on you if he had denied it, you'd just insist he was lying and keep right on saying it was him.
And they were right, because it WAS immaterial. Why put any effort into denying something that doesn't impact the trial that the usual idiots are simply going to ignore? He needed to put all his time and effort into the defense for the trial, knowing there were a lot of idiots out there who had already judged and convicted him on no evidence beyond a few panting and lying headlines about some kid going hunting for black people.

It would make absolutely zero impact on you if he had denied it, you'd just insist he was lying and keep right on saying it was him.
If someone had a fake tape an purported it was me saying something awful, I would forcefully and publicly deny it.

RIttenhouse didn't because he knew it was his voice on the tape.
Self defense against a homless guy half your size who is unarmed isn't self-defense.

Here's the thing. Every president before Trump had to deal with some kind of virus... and none of them fucked it up because they didn't call it a hoax, they didn't undermine agencies that controlled it, and they didn't lie to people about how serious it was.

Being homeless is irrelevantand he was only slightly smaller. When any adult attempts to steal your weapon from you it IS self defense you ignorant fucktard

He never called it a hoax DIPSHIT He did not lie about it or undermine any agencies
If someone had a fake tape an purported it was me saying something awful, I would forcefully and publicly deny it.

RIttenhouse didn't because he knew it was his voice on the tape.
That foil helmet doesn't give you mindreading powers. Another reason he didn't say anything is it wasn't worth responding to. The bottom line is, you can't prove it was him on the recording. That, plus the reality that it had absolutely nothing to do with the case, was why it wasn't entered as evidence in the trial. No matter what you think of Kyle, racism wasn't on trial, so you're reduced to whining and complaining because the simple mind has to ascribe all manner of evil to someone out of favor. What's next, accusing him of making dogs and cats live together and people wear white after Labor Day?
Like others on the racist right, Rittenhouse saw black Americans engaged in lawful protest; motivated by racism, Rittenhouse traveled to another state with the intent and hope of killing black Americans engaged in lawful protest, hiding behind the façade of ‘self-defense.’
You know this is a lie.
But, you hate the fact Rittenhouse was found not guilty for shooting/killing your people so much, you just can't help yourself but to lie.
You know this is a lie.
But, you hate the fact Rittenhouse was found not guilty for shooting/killing your people so much, you just can't help yourself but to lie.

People like Coward Jones and JoeB will tell you they 'hate' racism, but what they really seem to hate is that a kid diddling, drug abusing, woman abusing, n-word using lowlife was suicided by this incident. Rosenbaum was caught on camera using a racial slur that night. If Coward Jones and JoeB had their way, Rosenbaum would still be alive today, slinging racial slurs back and forth as he abused the next girl stupid enough to shack up with him. They will tell you it's because they have 'integrity,' but we all know the real reasons.
Like others on the racist right, Rittenhouse saw black Americans engaged in lawful protest; motivated by racism, Rittenhouse traveled to another state with the intent and hope of killing black Americans engaged in lawful protest, hiding behind the façade of ‘self-defense.’
I see the foil helmet trade is alive and well. People are actually believing the back page of the comic book when it says the helmet will give you mindreading powers for just 3 easy payments of 9.95 each, 9-volt battery not included.
The Point is Rittenhouse has n more money then his family does. He is being sued to death. Why hi9s family thinks he has any money is beyond me?
People like Coward Jones and JoeB will tell you they 'hate' racism, but what they really seem to hate is that a kid diddling, drug abusing, woman abusing, n-word using lowlife was suicided by this incident. Rosenbaum was caught on camera using a racial slur that night. If Coward Jones and JoeB had their way, Rosenbaum would still be alive today, slinging racial slurs back and forth as he abused the next girl stupid enough to shack up with him. They will tell you it's because they have 'integrity,' but we all know the real reasons.

Hey, guy, here's the thing.

I am sure that I could find or make up a moral fault about you. I doubt you have lived a perfect life because no one has.

Doesn't make it right for someone to shoot you in the back like was done to Rosenbaum.
Meanwhile, the hits keep coming for Weepy McFlopsweat

Kyle Rittenhouse, acquitted in the August 2020 killing of two men and wounding a third during a tumultuous night of protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin, announced his participation in an upcoming clay shoot tournament in Texas, but the social media post backfired as countless voices warned participants about the danger they might be getting themselves into.

“Get your tickets today!” the 21-year-old gun enthusiast wrote above an image touting the first TXGR Clay Shoot, scheduled for Sept. 12 in Fort Worth.

But social media users had a field day, making sure the world did not forget Rittenhouse’s controversial past.

“It’s gonna be KILLER!” user CoachMike commented on Rittenhouse’s status.“Lemme guess … Clay made you feel ‘threatened’?” asked another user named Hawt Mike.

“Hell no!! I know how you are with guns and crowds. I’ll stay far away, you little freak,” another user wrote.

Others called Rittenhouse a “murderer,” “grifter” and a “fraud,” with some users mocking Rittenhouse with photos showing him breaking down in tears when the jury found him innocent of all charges in 2021 when he was 18.

Many of the comments are laced with profanities and insults and are too extreme to repeat.

Some users also accused Rittenhouse of turning his back on his family while their lives have been uprooted due to the controversy over his acquittal, saying his mother was destitute after she was (incorrectly) accused of driving him across state lines with a loaded assault weapon and depositing him at the scene of the demonstrations where he shot three people in the presence of Kenosha police, who did not arrest him. (Rittenhouse’s gun actually was kept in Kenosha at the home of his sister’s boyfriend’s stepfather. The boyfriend was friendly with Rittenhouse and had bought the gun for him.)
Hey, guy, here's the thing.

I am sure that I could find or make up a moral fault about you. I doubt you have lived a perfect life because no one has.

Doesn't make it right for someone to shoot you in the back like was done to Rosenbaum.
It does make it right when you attack a kid and try to take his gun which is a life threatening act

That is what rosenbaum did and why it is self defense

You can only lie about it like the cowardly fuck you are

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