Tonights Debate live 6-27-24

Who won the debate tonight?

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Your numbers are bullcrap laid out by those morons over at the so-called Committee for a Responsible Budget.

Here are your deficit numbers by year. Those are the facts that can't be changed.

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is Briben covering the massive difference in costs of living food ,electricity ,rent , gasoline , ect .. that you are paying since he took office ? the answer is no ! the Dems say you've never had it so good !
Right now we have a record low unemployment rate, a great stock market, GDP growth, and wage growth that is currently outpacing inflation. I’m good with that :itsok:
CNN was so in the tank for Trump it was sickening.

Interrupting Biden, asking Trump easy questions, totally expect it from Fake News Network.
You liked it better when CNN interrupted Trump constantly with their so-called 'fact checks'. Leftwingers do not like even playing fields.

Here you go. Knock yourself out. Then you can stop posting like you're a fucking imbecile.

Debating isn't fact-checking your opponent's firehose of lies. A debate is a good faith exchange of contrasting ideas.

No, anything he says that is untrue is a lie.

Are you 6 years old?

Who is throwing Biden under the bus?

He hauled in $25 million and got a bump in the polls.

Then go fuck yourself if you can't deal with reality. It's not my problem you're a mental case.

Yes, he didn't perform well. But we aren't interested in a performer. There is no situation where Joe Biden has to do the things as president that you have to do to run for president. He doesn't have to answer policy questions in under 2 minutes, as president. He isn't required, as president, to fact-check a psychopathic liar. So his "performance" isn't that important to people who want to save democracy and save America. We care about his performance as president. And that has been stellar.

Trump DID say it's not that serious.
Bruh, you're in here like a Maytag on spin cycle, and nobody's buying your lame bullshit.

"Butbutbut, Nuh uh Nuh uh", fuck off already.

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