Reminder: swastika-palestine arose right after genocidal-Arab "palestinian" Oct/7 atrocities

Best Humour thread on the site , Sayimanarse .
You. , just mumbling to yourself but nobody interested in your propaganda filth .
Even your other novice Hasbara trolls have deserted you .

Fancy a kid like you falling for filth and posting office material day after day which nobody is interested in .

So Go , Forum Outcast .

Lord have mercy.


Also posted a Haaretzism (extremist Gideon Levy) piece... (immediately backed by FranklinRoosevelt_FTW) strangely suddenly 1 or 2 people who happened to be Jews are acceptable... Lol
Last edited:
IDF troops find 'Mein Kampf' copy in Nuseirat, Gaza Strip - report.
By Jerusalem Post Staff,
Jun 19, 2024.

"A picture sent to me just today by soldiers from the Nusirat refugee camp in central Gaza.
"Yes, from the area where the Israeli hostages who were rescued in a daring operation a week and a half ago were held," Haddad’s post read.
Haddad added, “Hitler's manifesto "Mein Kampf" in a local house...This is the kind of "leader" the Palestinians adore, this is how they become the successors of the Nazis, and this is how the "uninvolved" can hold hostages and be complicit in the terrorism of Hamas!"

Aviva Klompas @AvivaKlompas:
IDF soldiers found (yet another) copy of Mein Kampf in a Gaza home.

The terrorists don't see the irony in idolizing Hitler for the Holocaust while denying the Holocaust ever took place.

June 22, 2024.
Best Humour thread on the site , Sayimanarse .
You , just mumbling to yourself but nobody interested in your propaganda filth .
Even your other novice Hasbara trolls have deserted you .

Fancy a kid like you falling for filth and posting office material day after day which nobody is interested in .

So Go , Forum Outcast .
Swastika palestine rioters are being paid by Islamist lobbies. Cloaked as "human rights"

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How about what really matters to Pro Palestinian generation Z? What was the public opinion of Arabs in Palestine towards Nazi Germany?

How about what really matters to Pro Palestinian generation Z? What was the public opinion of Arabs in Palestine towards Nazi Germany? Let's see:

1936-9, Hilda Wilson, a teacher at Birzeit university throughout the revolt, noted that most of her students were pro-Nazi and approved of Hitler.

Segev, T. (2001). One Palestine… United Kingdom: Picador. p. 412.
100 or so Arabs, including from Palestine, represented in Nuremberg
Arabs and Nazi officials at ‘Palestine’ ball in Berlin. Hatzofeh, Aug. 3, 1938, 2. (In Heb.).
“Nazi flags and pictures of Hitler were prominently displayed in store windows. Booklets explaining Nazi methods of forcing Jews from the Reich were distributed freely… The shout of ‘Heil Hitler’ became a catchword which rang insolently over all Palestine.”

Journalist John Gunther in 1939: “The greatest contemporary Arab hero is — Adolf Hitler.”
Ahmad Shukairy's testimony in his (1969) book that they (all) sympathized with the Nazis referring to (1940-1).

Kedourie, E. (1964). Arabic Political Memoirs and Other Studies. Cass books on the Middle East, Psychology Press, pp. 189-190.

Sakakini’s Feb. 1941 poll – 88% of Arab-Palestine favoring the Axis.

Morris, B. (2008). 1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War, p. 21.

1942, reaction of most Arabs in Palestine upon hearing the fate of the Jews in Europe, was: ‘open joy.’

1. Cohen, M. J. (2014). “The Arabs and Nazi Germany,’ in ‘Britain’s Moment in Palestine: Retrospect and Perspectives,’ 1917-1948.’ United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis.

2. Herf, J. (2009). ‘Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World,’ p.139.

Dec 21, 1942 letter, representatives of the Reich and the NSDAP in Palestine described the Arabs' hope for a great Arab state:

"Arabs in Palestine were waiting for Hitler to come to Palestine and expel all the Jews. They hoped for a German intervention to solve their conflict with consideration of their needs. Rommel was their legendary hero."


CIA August 1942 report: “majority of the Arabs in Palestine Palestinian Arabs are fiercely ‘anti-Jewish’… the radicals, who form a majority, see in the approach of Rommel an ideal opportunity to murder all Jews their seize their property.”

Herf, J. (2009). ‘Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World,’ p.139.

Enough public opinion, no? CIA, German, Arab, teachers, Journalist (real journalists), next.
4:24 PM · Jan 5, 2024

The Jerusalem Post
New film “A Century and Six Years,” revolves around Sheikh Hareth, a grandson of Islamist leader Hajj Amin Al-Husseini, who meets a grandson..

You are well triggered.Have you been paid your blood money this week ?

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