The left has embraced fascism in its purest form

Haha no you thought it was a bill, this is how clueless you are on the topic
actually I went back and looked at all my posts... except for one that says bill the rest say program ... we know what you are trying to do here ... stop it ... mistakes are made ... just remember pay backs are a bitch and you will make a mistake i'm sure
actually I went back and looked at all my posts... except for one that says bill the rest say program ... we know what you are trying to do here ... stop it ... mistakes are made ... just remember pay backs are a bitch and you will make a mistake i'm sure
We know you are clueless, been busted, and won’t accept the facts because they run counter to your false narrative
Haha yes a commissioner runs the police force, to educate yourself
the commissioner runs the program for his officers to follow ...all actions and programs come from the commissioner to have his officers to run it... the program that his officers who are enforcing it came from the mayor Rudy... stop with your childish games here ... you know damn well what the reference was
the commissioner runs the program for his officers to follow ...all actions and programs come from the commissioner to have his officers to run it... the program that his officers who are enforcing it came from the mayor Rudy... stop with your childish games here ... you know damn well what the reference was
He created the program you idiot.
We know you are clueless, been busted, and won’t accept the facts because they run counter to your false narrative
bull shit... total bull shit... and you know it ... that's the last I'm saying on this matter you and you little games here ... you know dam well it was a mistake... and if you keep it up i will block you ... because you sir are a childish asshole
bull shit... total bull shit... and you know it ... that's the last I'm saying on this matter you and you little games here ... you know dam well it was a mistake... and if you keep it up i will block you ... because you sir are a childish asshole
Hahab what’s bullshit is you thought it was a bill written by the mayor! Haha

Mayors don’t write bills you idiot
He tried to use it but found out he couldn't use it...
“Tried” 🤣

You literally just make shit up as you go under your burner account, Mac. He apologized for doing it. It wasn’t ruled unconstitutional until after Bloomberg left.
the fact remains the same it was Mayor Rudy Giuliani who wrote the bill
Mayors don’t write bills, Mac 🤣

Furthermore, it wasn’t the even a bill. It was a policy. Thank you for proving to the entire internet that you don’t know a damn thing about this subject matter, and that you just make shit up out of thin air in a desperate attempt to try to hide the fact that the Democrats have embraced fascism in its purest form.
...passed it and ran it for his entire time as mayor ...
Even if that were true (and it’s not), why wouldn’t Bloomberg & de Blasio revoke it?? Oops! Now you’re backed into a corner.
he didn't wright the program he just tried to use it to cut crime in New York ... that s a big difference ...
  1. It’s “write the program”, you uneducated child 🤦🏼‍♂️
  2. How is there any difference (much less a “big” difference) between a mayor who uses stop & frisk and another mayor who uses stop & frisk? 🤣
Do you even hear yourself, Mac? You’re making the dumbest comments ever out of desperation.
Nancy Pelosi was in control of the house for a total of 8 years from 2007 to 2011 and 2017 to 2023 so you are wrong that she had control a half of a century
So only the Speaker of the House has power?? Every other Congressman and Senator is powerless? Really? 🤣🤣🤣

You’re embarrassing yourself, Mac. Delete your burner account.
Isn't if fascinating how everyone who "protests" (ie riot) for left-wing causes has a long criminal history? It's almost like the left-wing ideology attracts dirt-bags. It's also almost like Kyle Rittenhouse was completely justified in acting in self-defense.

So Rittenhouse knew their history before he shot them?
you are so wrong on everything you say... you don't understand the meaning of fascism ... just because a Democrat has a bill passed and you don't like it, you now claim that bill is a fascist bill ... it doesn't work that way ... you are using the word fascist so wrong its sad ... you don't realize how big of a fool you are making yourself look ... it's getting real hard now for me wanting to respond to your far right nonsense...
why are you… so illiterate that… you can’t use proper… capitalization… or punctuation… and you obnoxiously… use ellipsis… and you don’t even… use them properly… you’re an… embarrassment to the… education system in the… us
So Rittenhouse knew their history before he shot them?
Nope. Even if he did, their past alone wouldn’t be justification for using lethal force. It simply proves that they are in fact thugs.

Not all Democrats are thugs. But all thugs are Democrats. The fucked-up liberal ideology attracts thugs.
never said he did... I clearly said he was the mayor who wrote the bill Stop and Frisk how you came up with me saying he stopping and frisking people from that is beyond me...
again… mayors do not… write bills… you… uneducated child who… obnoxiously uses ellipsis… and who… doesn’t even use them properly… and worse… doesn’t use any punctuation or… capitalization…
... not the Democrats as you keep trying to claim and was repealed in New York in 2014 as being unconstitutional ... but you guys keep trying to say the program was written by a democrat where it wasn't ...which was the whole post was about ...
…i love… how… you act… like you… knew about… stop & frisk… and like… you’re an authority on it… when in fact… you didn’t even… know about… it… until I… brought… it… to… your… attention

Your improper… and obnoxious use… of ellipsis… is… nauseating… as is… your lack of… proper punctuation… and… proper capitalization

you’re… sickeningly… uneducated… and… illiterate

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