The left has embraced fascism in its purest form

Donald J (jerk) Trump is the only politician who ever claimed he wanted to be a dictator ... how he want to trash the constitution and remove us as being a democracy
Everyone notes how you’ve ranted for tons of posts and have yet to add a single link with facts. Meanwhile, I’ve posted links dozens of times and all of them “trigger” you because you know your party and your ideology is being exposed.
"Fascist" means the same as communist, Marxist, socialist,
If you weren’t illiterate, you could read “The Road to Serfdom” by Friedrich Hayek (who held PhDs in law, economics, and political science) and learn that it really does.

Unfortunately for you though, you’re a typical low-IQ leftist. Unwilling to learn. Unable to think. Committed to being an obedient lapdog.
stop and frisk was Rudy Giulian's plan not any Democrat plan ... you seem to have botched that one accusation ...seems you aren't as bright as you think you are In New York City, stop and frisk gained momentum under Rudy Giuliani, who served as mayor of New York City from 1994 to 2001. Giuliani adopted a “zero-tolerance” policy for low-level offenses, i... nice try comrade
You’ve yet to make a single post where you weren’t making lie after lie after lie! There’s a reason you’ve yet to add any links to your posts!

From the hard-left Vox:
Bloomberg, the former New York City mayor, was under fire for his embrace of stop and frisk, a policing strategy that disproportionately targeted minority communities and was later deemed unconstitutional. “I was wrong,” he said in November. “And I am sorry.”
How humiliated are you right now?

I'm glad that I've reduced you to misquoting me and twisting the meaning of my post.

Outstanding. You are a weak coward. A fine example of a Trumpster.

Good stuff!

Uh-oh!!! Looks like Mac1958 just got caught with a burner account!! I wasn’t quoting “you” nor did I respond to “you”. And here is a screenshot proving it:

I'm glad that I've reduced you to misquoting me and twisting the meaning of my post.

Outstanding. You are a weak coward. A fine example of a Trumpster.

Good stuff!

Typical fucking immature leftist. Creates a burner account, spews total lies and disinformation (thus cannot add a single link).

This is epic. You forgot what account you were logged in under 🤣🤣🤣

stop and frisk was Rudy Giulian's plan not any Democrat plan ... you seem to have botched that one accusation ...seems you aren't as bright as you think you are In New York City, stop and frisk gained momentum under Rudy Giuliani, who served as mayor of New York City from 1994 to 2001. Giuliani adopted a “zero-tolerance” policy for low-level offenses, i... nice try comrade
Stop and frisk was developed by then NYC Commish Bill Brattain he later served in the Obama admin and currently the xiden admin
Uh-oh!!! Looks like Mac1958 just got caught with a burner account!! I wasn’t quoting “you” nor did I respond to “you”. And here is a screenshot proving it:

View attachment 969132
I don't know what this means. Everything is on post 1684.

But again, I'm glad I reduced you to lies so quickly and easily. And now you're trying to put me on the defensive.

Good stuff!


no i ask for facist who follow fascist ways ... all you did was give a listed of Democrats who believe in human righs and the right to be freed still waiting

hope you learn it meaning by now ... because your use of the word doesn't fit your accusations ... because so far you haven't shown any remote use of the word ... no democrat has ever been led by any dictator or tried to be a dictator or told Americans if elected he will become a Dictator ...... the only person I know that says he will become a dictator and imprison people or have people who disagree with him killed is Trump your list
1. Gavin Newsome, never claimed he wanted to be a Dictator
2. Maxine Waters, never claimed she wanted to be a Dictator
3. Barack Obama, never claimed he wanted to be a Dictator
4. Joe Biden, never claimed he wanted to be a Dictator
5. Kamala Harris, never claimed she wanted to be a Dictator
6. AOC, never claimed she wanted to be a Dictator
7. Rashida Tlaib, never claimed she wanted to be a Dictator
8. Ilhan Omar, never claimed she wanted to be a Dictator
9. Nancy Pelosi, never claimed she wanted to be a Dictator
10. Every mindless minion registered Republican such as Donald J (jerk) Trump is the only politician who ever claimed he wanted to be a dictator ... how he want to trash the constitution and remove us as being a democracy now I ask again, can you give me a factual list of democrats who claim they want to be Dictator ... so far is you gave a list of democrats that you fear that they will force you to follow the laws of this country or be held liable for not following the laws here... just like the convict, rapist, trump has been held responsible in following the laws of this country... so give us the list of fascist democrats that you claim are fascist not some list of people you hate because they make your types follow the laws of a democracy ... still wating
for a list of fascist
xiden, Nancy P have been in power for half a century If. It longer, like a dictator

Trump, like Washington, and Jefferson is a business man that wants to serve, not maintain power for half a century
xiden, Nancy P have been in power for half a century If. It longer, like a dictator

Trump, like Washington, and Jefferson is a business man that wants to serve, not maintain power for half a century
Nancy Pelosi was in control of the house for a total of 8 years from 2007 to 2011 and 2017 to 2023 so you are wrong that she had control a half of a century ... she never forced a bill onto the country without a vote ..a dictator would ...
Joe Biden was in the House for 2 years ...he was elected ... not force the country to take him... the majority of his time was in the Senate... again he never forced himself on us or claimed he was a dictator... he was elected ... then for 8 years as VP ...still elected ... he never took control of the country and he never jailed people who don't like him .... last I check he never claimed he was going to be a dictator ... being elected is nothing even close to being dictator ...something you don't get

Donald J Trump was no businessman 26 Of Donald Trump's Businesses have Failed... he bankrupted casinos can you believe it, he failed at running casinos if it wasn't for The Apprentice. he would be dead ass broke ... the show The Apprentice. will never air again NBC CBS ABC refuses to air it with trump behind the helm... when he loses this election which he will, he will be so far in debt its won't be funny for him ... I predict he will end up with court-appointed lawyers cause he will be forced to sell everything he owns to pay off his legal debts... that's if he's forced to pay them ...he's a loser and it's all coming to light for all with a brain to see happen
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