Why many on the left irrationally fear "fascism"

I believe, that, in some cases, it isn't really "fascism", nor "oppression" which those on the left fear, so much as the reality of their immoral behaviors, views, lifestyles, and so forth.

And that's it's not really a case of fascism, so much as just a wake-up call from reality, it itself having a "fascist bias" to those on the left.

A left-wing degenerate, for example, may simply not like the idea of being told that pedophilia is wrong or evil, not merely just "socially unaccepted", that elements of society are naturally hierarchical, and that much of their misery Is self-created, as a result of their own immoral worldviews, miseducation, misinformation, and lifestyles, rather than a conspiracy theory invented by "rich cis white heterosexual male Christian capitalist NWO elites" designed to oppress them, publicly and privately, merely a case of society naturally rewarding moral, thinking men and women at the rightful expense of less moral and competent ones.

In the same vein, one of a degenerate, 6th grade education, to whom their favorite progressive blog or media network, marketed to those who's intelligence and education stunted at those levels, designed to exploit them by preying on their immorality, vices, and sociopathic lust for a since of victimhood.

They may be adverse, for example, to being taught that not being a fatuous consumer of degenerate mass media isn't an equal or better "lifestyle choice", than being a man or woman of some morality, character, and merit, such as one who is entrepreneurially minded, and more concerned with helping others is some mature, adult and sincere way (whether based on our Common Law's notion and concept of intentions, or so forth), requiring much in the way of personal development and sacrifice, as is the case of mature men and women, presently and historically who have stood the test of time, and manifested themselves as inspiring role models in whatever their endeavor of choice, from sports, to sciences, to arts, to business.

They might also simply be adverse to having to be told that indoctrinating their children into a worthless worldview, such as nihilistic atheism, progressivism, or materialism isn't just an "alternative lifestyle choice", but is morally and ethically wrong, immature, and ultimately worthless, easily debunkable, and deconstruct able, along with the false faiths, lies, misinformation, conflations, or other silly axioms upon which it is founded on or predicated on to begin with.

Instead having an aversion to society and its institutions, such as the Common Law system, founded on principles, including "religious" ones, such as respect for other people, their families, their property rights, their personal autonomy, and so forth - objecting instead to the notion of this religious morality, and the thinking men and women behind it, such as Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendall Holmes, who helped to founded it and ensure it's perpetuation.

The very notion of law or morality of any sort being imposed upon them, when in reality that is the function of the law and those who make it, to impose it on those who have none, and refuse to do it themselves, living only for the satiation of primitive impulses, self-invented myths and fabrications to justify their immoral sentiments and worthless life pursuits, and drives, such as revenge - which the very law itself was intended to subordinate and take precedence over - much as the very notion of other institutions which they attribute to their sociopathic victimhood and persecutory conspiracies, whether families, traditions, healthy marriages, culture and civilization itself, even maybe the very English language.

Ultimately, what I believe they fear are just well-adjusted normal people, or any civilization of any lasting merit, and those of whom have been any lasting merit to them, from Mill to Kirk, would thankfully have no use for them, given that objections, say to the notion that pedophilia is morally reprehensible, not merely "socially unaccepted", or that genetics, psychology such as the evolutionary psychology of Steven Pinker and others, medicine, and biology indicate that sex and gender have innate origins, with most growing out of various "confusions" upon social maturation past adolescence, not requiring genital removal, nor being part of a "religious" conspiracy theory, just something universally observable enough that all sources, whether erroneously described as "religious" or "secular" have been able to make some measure of observations upon it, nor any childish myths of "trans people" having existed, or held any "sacred status" in ancient cultures only to be "repressed" as part of the conspiracy. or whatever silly little myths the cult members in question might like to content themselves with.

Ultimately, it isn't "fascism" that they fear; sure, fascists would object to this, but so would most well-adjusted normal people of some character, merit or decency - much as how a Communist might insincerely decry "greed" in a general sense (except for his own private property, in the case of the typical "bourgeoise" communist), but Jesus doing so does not make him a communist, nor does it mean he wants to "abolish private property".

So no, ultimately many or most of the conspiracists in question do not really fear "fascism", they simply don't like being told what they do, believe, feel and so forth, are morally wrong, by society and its institutions as a whole. If they want to believe, that pedophilia or pedastry is simply a "lifestyle choice", or that their inability to succeed in society isn't based on a "racist, white" conspiracy theory, but simply on the basis of better men and women who make up society wanting nothing to do with them, and for good reason.

MLK would want no more to do with these ilk than any white person of some reknown, such as a scientist like Marie Curie or Issac Newton would want to do with the KKK merely by the misfortune of having shared genetic ancestry with them.

Perhaps changing your behaviors, beliefs, lifestyles, and so forth is the better option, then you won't rightfully have to fear "fascism", "the law", or "society", in the sense of the meritocratic, thinking men and women who comprise most of it that has any lasting value or merit having to object to you, tell you "what to do" when you should be doing it own your own, and so forth. Nor will you have to appeal to your naïve faith in "the Constitution", not even knowing what your own "rights", "freeze peach", and so forth are to begin with, as per thinkers on the subject such as Supreme Court Justice Scalia, per Originalism who argues that it doesn't technically give you a right to utter "fighting words", including on the internet.

You fear that reality and the whole world is against you, because you are against reality and the whole world, it merely having a "conservative, Christian, or white" bias, depending on your flavor of conspiracy theory, or other archaic notions, ideas, dishonesties, or sentiments, from which you derive said silly things to begin with.
I'll give you an example locally here of what I consider to be fascism. Recently there was a large influx of people from Muslim nations into my area.
It just so happens that right down the street from me a family moved in across the street from a Christian family who decided to hang up Christmas decorations.

Immediately the Muslim family decried Christmas decorations as something that they will be forced to look at and therefore felt violated. At first the city paid no attention until it escalated into a violent confrontation when the Muslim family actually crossed the street and tried to take down the Christmas decorations.

After a lengthy battle the city asked the Christian family simply not to put up the decorations. There's your fascism.
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There have been many states in history with strong government power, the Chinese Empire, the Kingdom of Louis 14, etc. etc. They were not fascist.
A strong government is far from the main defining feature of a fascist state. Fascism is capitalism on steroids, without any democratic cover.
It is capitalism that uses nationalism and racism to replace democracy, to pit one part of the people against another, trying to replace the class struggle with the feud of nations and races.
And if fascism is capitalism, its main feature, like any capitalist state, is private ownership of the means of production. Who owns the land and industry. If they are in private hands, it is capitalism or fascism.
If they are in collective ownership and exploitation of a person using ownership of means of production is prohibited.
Socialism can be also easily separated from fascism by the fact that in fascist ideology there will never be internationalism and equality of all people before the law and in relation to the means of production. Fascism is always nationalism and racism.
I believe you're confusing economic status and structure with cultural status and structure. You need neither wealth nor capitalism to propagate fascism.
Immediately the Muslim family decried Christmas decorations as something that they will be forced to look at and therefore felt violated. At first the city paid no attention until it escalated into a violent confrontation when the Muslim family actually crossed the street and tried to take down the Christmas decorations. After a lengthy battle the city asked the Christian family simply not to put up the decorations. There's your fascism.

If this really happened there would be news stories of it happening.

If you cannot provide them, then the story can only be assumed to be made up
I'll give you an example locally here of what I consider to be fascism. Recently there was a large influx of people from Muslim nations into my area.
It just so happens that right down the street from me a family moved in across the street from a Christian family who decided to hang up Christmas decorations.
Immediately the Muslim family decried Christmas decorations as something that they will be forced to look at and therefore felt violated. At first the city paid no attention until it escalated into a violent confrontation when the Muslim family actually crossed the street and tried to take down the Christmas decorations. After a lengthy battle the city asked the Christian family simply not to put up the decorations. There's your fascism.
I would not call that Fascism

I would call that bending over backwards to keep the peace
I would not call that Fascism

I would call that bending over backwards to keep the peace
Which is basically what fascism does. Eliminates individual rights in favor of the collective; But I suppose it's not what most people see as a classic definition.
I would not call that Fascism

I would call that bending over backwards to keep the peace

I would call the story bull shit, but if it did happen it would indeed be fascism.

What I put on my private property is none of the business of anyone else if I am not breaking any laws.
I'll give you an example locally here of what I consider to be fascism. Recently there was a large influx of people from Muslim nations into my area.
It just so happens that right down the street from me a family moved in across the street from a Christian family who decided to hang up Christmas decorations.

Immediately the Muslim family decried Christmas decorations as something that they will be forced to look at and therefore felt violated. At first the city paid no attention until it escalated into a violent confrontation when the Muslim family actually crossed the street and tried to take down the Christmas decorations.

After a lengthy battle the city asked the Christian family simply not to put up the decorations. There's your fascism.

Islamofascism backed by a spineless government.
Which is basically what fascism does. Eliminates individual rights in favor of the collective; But I suppose it's not what most people see as a classic definition.
No Facism does so by force
Asking someone to take down Christmas decorations is just accommodation to keep the peace

I would have to see the specific details of what the complaint was and what they were asked to do

Seems strange because anywhere that Muslim family goes, they are going to encounter Christmas decorations and music
I believe, that, in some cases, it isn't really "fascism", nor "oppression" which those on the left fear, so much as the reality of their immoral behaviors, views, lifestyles, and so forth.
This is obviously projection from immoral conservatives, used to justify their own immoral lifestyles.

The left is moral. The right is depraved. That's why the right hates the left, because evil hates good.

Proof? Just look at the posts from the conservatives on this thread.

It's not the liberals censoring. That all comes from the right.

It's not the liberals trying to use government power to control people's lives. That all comes from the right.

It's not the liberals who rely entirely of Goebbels-like propaganda. That all comes from the right.

It's not the liberals using political violence. That all comes from the right.

It's not the liberals engaging in hypernationalism, demonizing minority groups, marching in lockstep as a collective hivemind, worshippting a strong daddy figure, worshipping big government (as long as they control it), and doing every other thing fascists are known to do.

Only the right behaves in a fascist manner, and every rightie here loves it.
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No Facism does so by force
Asking someone to take down Christmas decorations is just accommodation to keep the peace

I would have to see the specific details of what the complaint was and what they were asked to do

Seems strange because anywhere that Muslim family goes, they are going to encounter Christmas decorations and music
If it was one neighbor asking another I would agree with you.
But when local government gets involved the request is escalated to higher forum.

As I recall the Muslim family was cited for trespassing and property destruction. That however did not stop the process of the city reaching out to the Christian family and asking them to change some of their traditions.... Neither the family is here anymore so I have no idea what they went on to do.

Yes you're correct The idea that Christmas decorations on someone else's property violate your rights is insane especially in a nation that celebrates the holiday.
They fear it, and believe that faith in quaint notions or rituals, such as 'radical art" will save them from it.

My argument still stands, they fear it, or 99% of reality as it presents itself presently and historically, simply because they don't like having to be "told what to do", told that what they believe is stupid, misinformation, immoral, unethical, archaic, dishonest, or otherwise, preferring instead to cloister themselves in a childish echochamber, only sustainable by being stunted at a 6th grade level of education, and opposed to any learning, cultural or self-development beyond that fatuous and childish state.

Sometimes, if they really fear being "told what to do" by society, its institutions, its history, and its men and women that much, it's probably just because they know how silly, infantile immoral, or otherwise irredeemable it really is, and would be better simply to engage in behavior or belief modification, rather than wait for society, the law, the police, the whoever to do it for them and blame "fascism" instead.

Why don't you start with the actual definition of Fascism?
No Facism does so by force
Asking someone to take down Christmas decorations is just accommodation to keep the peace

I would have to see the specific details of what the complaint was and what they were asked to do

Seems strange because anywhere that Muslim family goes, they are going to encounter Christmas decorations and music
I was in a similar situation myself with a neighbor just directly on the other side of me on the same side of the street.

He decided he was going to become a Uber Patriot which I have no problem with. This guy literally painted his house red white and blue and put stars all over it which made it look something like a carnival shack but hey I really had no problem with it.

Then he started with the fences a long stretch of one which faces my property and forms one boundary of my backyard space. He painted the fence red white and blue. I just rolled my eyes and let it be since the painters had to come on my side in order to paint his fence which faced my property.

Once again I had no problem with it but it was annoying to have to look at it. I'm not anti-patriotic but a red white and blue striped fence is one ugly piece of shit.

It didn't stop there. He started putting up flagpoles all over his yard, in front of his house and his backyard. He started passing out reefs that were red white and blue to other neighbors including me and I told him yes I would put it on the front door but please don't bring any more.

So while I completely disagree with the Muslim family's compulsion to take it upon themselves with the Christmas decorations which were put up in July by the way, I found myself in a similar situation wanting to repaint the fence, hop over it and cut down some of the flagpoles, and shove the red white and blue reef up the guy's ass. I didn't do any of that by the way but I sure as hell thought about it.

The house has since been sold and sided.... I negotiated with the new owner to repaint the fence and I paid for the paint.
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I'll give you an example locally here of what I consider to be fascism. Recently there was a large influx of people from Muslim nations into my area.
It just so happens that right down the street from me a family moved in across the street from a Christian family who decided to hang up Christmas decorations.

Immediately the Muslim family decried Christmas decorations as something that they will be forced to look at and therefore felt violated. At first the city paid no attention until it escalated into a violent confrontation when the Muslim family actually crossed the street and tried to take down the Christmas decorations.

After a lengthy battle the city asked the Christian family simply not to put up the decorations. There's your fascism.
It’s not fascism. Not even close.

What it is, is a local government that is gutless. The Moslems should have been told that they have no right to complain and that if they do anything physically they will be arrested

I have my doubts as to the truth of the entire story.
I'll give you an example locally here of what I consider to be fascism. Recently there was a large influx of people from Muslim nations into my area.
It just so happens that right down the street from me a family moved in across the street from a Christian family who decided to hang up Christmas decorations.

Immediately the Muslim family decried Christmas decorations as something that they will be forced to look at and therefore felt violated. At first the city paid no attention until it escalated into a violent confrontation when the Muslim family actually crossed the street and tried to take down the Christmas decorations.

After a lengthy battle the city asked the Christian family simply not to put up the decorations. There's your fascism.

Tell the city and the Muslims to pound sand
No Facism does so by force
Asking someone to take down Christmas decorations is just accommodation to keep the peace

I would have to see the specific details of what the complaint was and what they were asked to do

Seems strange because anywhere that Muslim family goes, they are going to encounter Christmas decorations and music
I was in a similar situation myself with a neighbor just directly on the other side of me on the same side of the street.

He decided he was going to become a Uber Patriot which I have no problem with. This guy literally painted his house red white and blue and put stars all over it which made it look something like a carnival shack but hey I really had no problem with it.

Then he started with the fences a long stretch of one which faces my property and forms one boundary of my backyard space. He painted the fence red white and blue. I just rolled my eyes and let it be since the painters had to come on my side in order to paint his fence which faced my property.

Once again I had no problem with it but it was annoying to have to look at it. I'm not anti-patriotic but a red white and blue striped fence is one ugly piece of shit. It didn't stop there he started putting up flagpoles all over his yard, in front of his house and his backyard. He started passing out reefs that were red white and blue to other neighbors including me and I told him yes I would put it on the front door but please don't bring any more. So while I completely disagree with the Muslim families compulsion to take it upon themselves with the Christmas decorations which were put up in July by the way, I found myself in a similar situation wanting to repaint the fence, hop over it and chop down some of the flagpoles, and shove the red white and blue reef up the guy's ass.

The house has since been sold and sided.... I negotiated with the new owner to repaint the fence and I paid for the paint
If this really happened there would be news stories of it happening.

If you cannot provide them, then the story can only be assumed to be made up
Believe what you like....
It happened and I watched it.

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