The left has embraced fascism in its purest form

Why did you respond to my response to Billy, claiming I misquoted you??

You messed up 😂
I replied to billyerock123, and you responded to me with your weird meltdown.

You blew it here, child. You're out of your league. But I already knew that.

Now, get a mod in here to punish me for what you're pretending I did. If you don't, you've folded.
Isn't if fascinating how everyone who "protests" (ie riot) for left-wing causes has a long criminal history? It's almost like the left-wing ideology attracts dirt-bags. It's also almost like Kyle Rittenhouse was completely justified in acting in self-defense.

Trump's Third Act? American Gangster.

In recent months, Donald Trump has been trying out a new routine. At rallies and town halls across the country, he compares himself to Al Capone. "He was seriously tough, right?"

Mr. Trump told a rally in Iowa in October, in an early rendition of the act. But "he was only indicted one time; I've been indicted four times." (Capone was, in fact, indicted at least six times.) The implication is not just that Mr. Trump is being unfairly persecuted but also that he is four times as tough as Capone. "If you looked at him in the wrong way," Mr. Trump explained, "he blew your brains out."

Trump's Third Act? American Gangster.

In recent months, Donald Trump has been trying out a new routine. At rallies and town halls across the country, he compares himself to Al Capone. "He was seriously tough, right?"

Mr. Trump told a rally in Iowa in October, in an early rendition of the act. But "he was only indicted one time; I've been indicted four times." (Capone was, in fact, indicted at least six times.) The implication is not just that Mr. Trump is being unfairly persecuted but also that he is four times as tough as Capone. "If you looked at him in the wrong way," Mr. Trump explained, "he blew your brains out."

He has a criminal mind.
…i love… how… you act… like you… knew about… stop & frisk… and like… you’re an authority on it… when in fact… you didn’t even… know about… it… until I… brought… it… to… your… attention

Your improper… and obnoxious use… of
So only the Speaker of the House has power?? Every other Congressman and Senator is powerless? Really? 🤣🤣🤣

You’re embarrassing yourself, Mac. Delete your burner account.

… is… nauseating… as is… your lack of… proper punctuation… and… proper capitalization

you’re… sickeningly… uneducated… and… illiterate
you are a dream you think you are so superior ... you are not ... I knew very well which program it was, you didn't ...what you brought to my attention was you have no clue who started stop and frisk ... you don't know how to use the word fascist that's clear for sure ... have you look at your post ??? Every one of my posts is spell checked and the use of proper grammar is done by grammarty ... so you have no clue again... this is your attempt to try and save face ... you lied about Stop and Search you lied about who were Democrats who are fascist ... you just posted democrats who you hate ... that doesn't make them fascist ... you made a list of democrats who you hate lie about those democrats who you hate said want to be a Dictators ... everything you say is a lie and this is your way of saving face

now about proper punctuation have you looked at your post ?? you are all over the place on proper punctuation ... ... seems you missed it yourself ... if anyone is sickeningly uneducated and… illiterate that would be you and by the way paybacks are a bitch ...seems you have spelling errors so should I be enraged that you can't seem to spell that would ne a no sickeningly
Trump's Third Act? American Gangster.

In recent months, Donald Trump has been trying out a new routine. At rallies and town halls across the country, he compares himself to Al Capone. "He was seriously tough, right?"

Mr. Trump told a rally in Iowa in October, in an early rendition of the act. But "he was only indicted one time; I've been indicted four times." (Capone was, in fact, indicted at least six times.) The implication is not just that Mr. Trump is being unfairly persecuted but also that he is four times as tough as Capone. "If you looked at him in the wrong way," Mr. Trump explained, "he blew your brains out."

your hero lies so much it just is sad any more... 30 lies he kept repeating ...those are the facts about your liar in chief ...
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