Tractor Supply issues statement. Removes it's DEI, pride support and more woke goals.

Wow, what a buncha pussies.

I don't care what your stand is, when you take it stand by it.

Only losers fold like that,

Well, losers and republicans.
I'm sure that you know what the description of insanity is. You are preaching that companies that make these bad woke decisions should continue to get kicked in the teeth, refuse to admit their mistakes, reverse course, or mindlessly go belly up.
I only shop there as a last resort. Their stuff is not cheap...

coop tractor.jpg

I won't deal with commies if I can help it. You support queers, trans, pedos and are a filthy, commie dem. Same with racist blacks and BLM.

I never shop at Target unless it is the last resort...maybe once or twice a year. I keep the TV off, I only watch nightly commie news to keep up with their propaganda and the Sunday morning commie show. When the Olympics are on I copy it to DVDs and fast forward through it. I see plenty of movies, I get hundreds of free DVD's and Bluray from the library. As I work in the daytime, I keep YT on as a podcast. I also read Reddit. (They lifetime banned me.) Reddit is very good to keep up with your enemies as well as NPR. But I gave up with NPR a few years ago.

I've been selling stuff on Facebook Marketplace for a couple of years. (Fake account, they banned me twice.) All crap I bought in a 12-year YOLO spending spree. Nothing at all of prep value. One item I had listed was $4k. A little hispanic gal from MD wrote me. I looked her up. I don't just meet with people cold. She was a lawyer for the gov in one of their woke divisions. I never replied to her. Fuck that commie...I'd rather trash it than sell it to her! Eventually I sold it to someone else.
So tractor supply took a big hit because it's supported fag pride, supported dei nonsense, pushing climate change goals and so on.

Seems they took a hit so big they issued an official statement backing away from it in a surprisingly detailed statement.

Good, good. We need more companies to completely back away from that kind of nonsense. I'm proud of them for doing something that's probably hard to do, that's that's turn your back on what people should say you do, especially other companies and the media.

Excellent news. Excellent!

Keep up the good work Americans.... with social media, boycotts with a looong history as ineffectiveness - now works.
Meanwhile back in reality Google stock surged to a new high like 4 out of 5 days this past week (after splitting recently because it was valued at over $1,000 a share).
Meanwhile, companies like Tractor Supply, Anheuser Busch, Gillette, Ben & Jerry's, Disney, and many others have taken a hit to the bottom line with this woke philosophy! Cheers!
Wow, what a buncha pussies.

I don't care what your stand is, when you take it stand by it.

Only losers fold like that,

Well, losers and republicans.
Yes .. loser companies don't care about their reputation, selling their products and services and having a slice of the market share because their clientele doesn't like it. Go losers!
Rock and a hard place.
The only reason we see this woke bullshit is out of fear of a social shakedown.
Looks like this business had to weigh out which direction caused the least financial pressure.
All because demmunists want to destroy American culture.
The Daily Show did a funny bit. Two white spokesmen said no longer is corporate America going to get involved with social issues. Stop pretending to care. No more hiring gay or black actors to pretend to represent the companies.

And go back to what they do best. Sell you their products for as much as they possibly can.

Their job, like virtually all businesses, is to provide a product or service to their communities. Over the years, that has expanded into investing back into the communities, with a lot of businesses and corporations, but there are plenty of ways to do that without getting involved in political causes. I really don't know why any business would wade in those waters knowing how volatile they can be.
I have no influence whatsoever with tractor supply and no input on their decisions

But when I take a stand I defend it and don't bend with the wind.

They are a buncha wimps with no backbone.
I've taken my stand against this woke garbage and degenerate faggotry. Yet it seems you would oppose such a thing and hope to make me change my stance. That would turn me into a loser in your own words. Why would any sensible person do that?

You do understand that businesses exist to make money, not to play social engineering games, right? Your view appears to be that companies should abandon their purpose to play social engineering games, or do I misunderand your point? Either way, bringing about change by telling people they are losers for changing doesn't seem like a winning strategy.
I haven't put forth an opinion one way or the other in this thread, All I have done is point out that if you take a stand you should... well, stand. Not puss out at the first sign trouble.
yes in fact that is so Crep

because a $$$ exists for doing so, i think you'll find a lot of biz is doing just that, they'll try to be politically correct up til public opinion turns on them

that said, anecdotally i've lost a good amount of biz in a dem controlled state simply being GOP

all i really needed to do so was watch the dem supermajority over ride 7 veto's from our ~R~ governor

an all time ~D~ high here has resulting in our presence as a ~R~ being as popular a leper

we're here to tell anyone that has brains god gave geese the damage prog policies have resulted in

wish us luck

And we care what she thinks about tractor supply's wishy-washy weakness

You are being deliberatly obtuse or you really are that incompetent in life.

DEI is nothing more than the Korean manifestation of what DEI stands for and how it is being implemented.

It is nothing more than Neo-Marxism, which is identical to what the Korean Dictator started out doing.

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