How Bad Al Goe Is - 20 pages

That’s bull shit. You’re a denier which makes you science illiterate. Gore based his presentations on the science of the day, which compared to deniers, is spot on. You have nothing but out of context made up snippets. Of what Gore represented. Gore dint make up shit. He used the science of the day…you’re making up shit.
My argument is based on one simple fact. Every climate science research facility in the world, major corporation and govt supports Gore, not you, and not tha fking imbecile Trump or his fellow magotts..

Now you have no answer but pretend all climate science is wrong, and you, laughably, are right…
To believe you has but one meaning. You preach here daily that man is in charge of climate. Nothing but man controls Climate. Have you been seen by a psychiatrist?
Bet your ass….you can’t run away from this a-hole. Hey bubba…he’s your nominee, knight in black armor ready to turn back all of Gore supported legislation.

….. your hypercritical super anti climate AGW bullshitter ? Gore Is mother Teresa.. The same Trump guy who just met with big oil to sell them a promise to turn back oil regulations for a one billion dollar bribe. That criminal pro Russian pollution promoter ? That idiot ?
My bet is you have spent your whole life buying oil and it's products. You preach man controls climate and is being a shit for not doing it well enough. But that is nutty. Man does not control climate.
To believe you has but one meaning. You preach here daily that man is in charge of climate. Nothing but man controls Climate. Have you been seen by a psychiatrist?

It is indisputable that what controls how much solar energy is retained or radiated back out to space, is carbon.
CO2 at the upper boundary layer to space is what holds in heat, or the absence of CO2 at the upper boundary layer to space, allows it to leave as infrared radiation.

Since man has almost doubled the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, clearly man it what controls this aspect of climate.
My bet is you have spent your whole life buying oil and it's products. You preach man controls climate and is being a shit for not doing it well enough. But that is nutty. Man does not control climate.

That makes no sense.
It is indisputable that man has almost doubled the atmospheric CO2, and it is only atmospheric CO2 that control climate.
That makes no sense.
It is indisputable that man has almost doubled the atmospheric CO2, and it is only atmospheric CO2 that control climate.
That is what makes no sense. Climate has about 6 factors involved. Gas is only one.
There could not POSSIBLY be thousands of highly intelligent and well-educated scientists of all disciplines who have written books and published papers providing a plethora of scientific information which soundly disputes the climate change panic.

The same is true of Darwinian evolution, the proponents of which constantly compare it with gravity. There are NOT thousands of scientists who have published books and papers disputing gravity, only climate change and evolution nonsense.

There could not POSSIBLY be thousands of highly intelligent and well-educated scientists of all disciplines who have written books and published papers providing a plethora of scientific information which soundly disputes the climate change panic.

The same is true of Darwinian evolution, the proponents of which constantly compare it with gravity. There are NOT thousands of scientists who have published books and papers disputing gravity, only climate change and evolution nonsense.

When destruction is attached to concepts, for some reason humans are likely to accept fiction than deny it. We still see drawings of fire breathing dragons. Yet there is no proof any ever existed. We see false concepts in movies such as about space, yet in real life those don't happen. Who has records of some space monster attacking any spaceship. Even in movies this is common. Who has watched a movie and went home so scared they could not sleep. This happens because this kind of mischief sells. Humans want disaster. You see this on this forum. Those who want disaster scream the loudest and who do they blame? Humans of course.
There could not POSSIBLY be thousands of highly intelligent and well-educated scientists of all disciplines who have written books and published papers providing a plethora of scientific information which soundly disputes the climate change panic.

The same is true of Darwinian evolution, the proponents of which constantly compare it with gravity. There are NOT thousands of scientists who have published books and papers disputing gravity, only climate change and evolution nonsense.

That’s crappola. NONE of them were actually working scientist involved in ANY actual studies and research…so the aren’t climate scientist.
You never practice climate science. You engage in fake psychology. What is worse is you pretend you know science.
I don’t have to. I’m not pretending to be smarter than every climate science institute in the world. . You make so many mistakes in pretending you know anything about climate science, it’s hilarious…
I don’t have to. I’m not pretending to be smarter than every climate science institute in the world. . You make so many mistakes in pretending you know anything about climate science, it’s hilarious…
I have never seen you do what I do. I have defined weather and Climate. You are clueless.
This issue is not about being smart. It is about understanding climate. It translates to you don't understand this topic. You practice a funny form of psychology. Institutes' mean you make claims based on appeal to authority.
It is indisputable that what controls how much solar energy is retained or radiated back out to space, is carbon. (sic)
CO2 at the upper boundary layer to space is what holds in heat, or the absence of CO2 at the upper boundary layer to space, allows it to leave as infrared radiation.

Since man has almost doubled the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, clearly man it what controls this aspect of climate.
Do umbrellas cause it to rain? No. FIRST it rains, and then people bring out their umbrellas. Correlation is not causation. NInety-six percent of carbon dioxide is produced by nature, in decomposing plants and animals worldwide, volcanism, and other naturally occurring events. Humans produce only 4%. Moreover, as earth's mean temperature increases, the oceans degassify, releasing carbon dioxide held in solution in the same way beer and soda degassify as they warm up.

Don't be afraid. We'll all be fine

Climate Change Dead Last.jpg

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I have never seen you do what I do. I have defined weather and Climate. You are clueless.
This issue is not about being smart. It is about understanding climate. It translates to you don't understand this topic. You practice a funny form of psychology. Institutes' mean you make claims based on appeal to authority.
Of course you never saw me do what you do. I don’t
just make up shit and spread it. I don’t support anti American propaganda. You pretend to know more about climate than EVERY CLIMATE RESEARCH FACILITY IN THE WORLD. I don’t…you parrot Fix News and right wing propaganda.
Do umbrellas cause it to rain? No. FIRST it rains, and then people bring out their umbrellas. Correlation is not causation. NInety-six percent of carbon dioxide is produced by nature, in decomposing plants and animals worldwide, volcanism, and other naturally occurring events. Humans produce only 4%. Moreover, as earth's mean temperature increases, the oceans degassify, releasing carbon dioxide held in solution in the same way beer and soda degassify as they warm up.

Don't be afraid. We'll all be fine

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View attachment 947710
There could not POSSIBLY be thousands of highly intelligent and well-educated scientists of all disciplines who have written books and published papers providing a plethora of scientific information which soundly disputes the climate change panic.

The same is true of Darwinian evolution, the proponents of which constantly compare it with gravity. There are NOT thousands of scientists who have published books and papers disputing gravity, only climate change and evolution nonsense.

“ evolution nonsense”
There you go….the nail in the coffin for AGW deniers. So now, we have to include the entire medical community at odds with deniers. This fraud lumps them all together.
enlisted in the military when his family had money and he could have avoided it but he did anyway

Because his father was a sitting senator from what I recall. But he didn't want a gun so he took a camera.
"Deniers" is the latest pejorative from the Left.
In point of fact, it applies to Leftists better than those of us that they hate.
Leftists deny any debate about the evolution fraud, and simply call it "fact, fact, fact." That isn't science, it's nonsense.
Science is about discussion and producing coherent arguments, as intelligent design proponents have been doing for many years.

Leftists deny any debate about the climate change fraud, and simply claim that "97%" lie. Their predictions have been wrong, so idiots glue their hands to highways and interfere with everyone else as they virtue signal.

Al Gore has made hundreds of millions from these virtue signalers and the number of polar bears has increased from ~7000 when he was born to over 30,000 today.

"Deniers" is the latest pejorative from the Left.
In point of fact, it applies to Leftists better than those of us that they hate.
Leftists deny any debate about the evolution fraud, and simply call it "fact, fact, fact." That isn't science, it's nonsense.
Science is about discussion and producing coherent arguments, as intelligent design proponents have been doing for many years.

Leftists deny any debate about the climate change fraud, and simply claim that "97%" lie. Their predictions have been wrong, so idiots glue their hands to highways and interfere with everyone else as they virtue signal.

Al Gore has made hundreds of millions from these virtue signalers and the number of polar bears has increased from ~7000 when he was born to over 30,000 today.

Denier !
I have never seen you do what I do. I have defined weather and Climate. You are clueless.
This issue is not about being smart. It is about understanding climate. It translates to you don't understand this topic. You practice a funny form of psychology. Institutes' mean you make claims based on appeal to authority.
That’s funny……you have defined nothing. Any science book defines weather v climate. You’re typically late to the game.

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