Zone1 If the perp who did this is brought to trial, what should the verdict be?

I wont say that guilt-ridden white libs are not informed

They are just misinformed by bad logic
It is easy to be sympathetic toward blacks if one has never seen them up close and been a victim of black crime. Show me a white, Hispanic, or Oriental person who attended a black majority public high school and I will show you someone with an implacable hatred for Negroes.
How do we know that it is not Fake ?
Looks that way .

Victim never once shows the slightest fear via body or speech .
Victim conveniently sits down allowing perp to be behind him .
Victim is apparently not shot in the head from close up .

Too many possible Red Flags for this to be not Fake on this partial evidence .
I didn't hear any audio.
Blood splatters post shot are hard to fake~stage.
Looks like cold-blooded murder to me.
1. Jury nullification. The suspect is clearly a victim of white racism, and social and economic injustice. He should be released.

2. Not guilty by reason of insanity. He needs years of expensive psychotherapy at government expense.

3. A slow, painful, humiliating, and public execution.

4. other
My "other" is staked out naked over a fire-ant nest.
Left there until dead.
This slimy sleaze needs no mercy.
Just an ending that assures long thought on what he did and why he is where he's at.
Maybe he'll do better in the next lifetime.

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