Black Americans demand to know what ‘Black jobs’ are after Trump debate comment

You need to stop whitesplaining Dr. King to blacks. We know exactly what he was about and what he was intentending to do before a white man killed him. You talk about one sentence cherrypicked from a full throated denigration of white Amerca.

Don't be white talking about others being dependent on government.

Part I examines the U.S. government’s housing practices—from the New Deal until the 1968 Fair Housing Act and its 1988 Amendments—to reveal that although the New Deal’s national housing programs revolutionized homeownership and home equity in the United States, the U.S. government’s federal housing programs were racially discriminatory. Specifically, and quite shockingly, the U.S. government actively created and promulgated racist neighborhood rating systems that constructed black neighborhoods and black property as unstable, volatile, hazardous, and not worthy of investment. Using these racist rating systems, the federal government endorsed racial covenants and invested federal money into the creation and accumulation of white wealth, the value of whiteness, white suburbia, and white homeownership. Meanwhile, the government denied blacks federal housing funding, fueling black stigma and barring black-Americans from the invaluable twentieth century opportunities of homeownership and home equity.

Understanding the U.S. government’s discriminatory housing practices, Part II discusses and quantifies the effects of the government’s housing discrimination on black-American households and communities. Finding that approximately 120 billion 1950s dollars—or more than 1.239 quintillion 2019 dollars—were invested to subsidize and create white-American wealth through homeownership.
well someone needs to educate you on his policies. Your behavior in here would be seen as egregious by Dr. King. He never wanted pity, he wanted blacks to stand up and fight for things. Instead, plantations were built and run by white demofks, with paying Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to keep the plantation voting for them.
Sorry, but we know what Trump meant. I did not expect an honest answer from you right wingers. How about you take your own suggestion, prick?
Hey, BTW, why aren't you insulted by Xiden saying blacks can't get fair healthcare? Shit, the demofk mayors and governors are throwing money out for illegals to get it. Why not blacks?
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Why do you guys continuallly try this disingenuous bs?

But since you want to play, Republicans were the party of reparations for slavery.

Republican William Shermans Feild Order 15 was a provision for newly freed slaves to receive land as reparations for slavery. It was a promoise broken because of a Democrat. Since you want to talk like this, then you need to support your partys promise of black reparations.
you weren't a slave! No one today was a slave. Your beef remains with the demofks and you still support them. Hilarious and sad at the same time. They mock you all.
Nice try dumbass, but that is not what he meant and you racist know it.

Of course that is what he meant; there is nothing else he COULD have meant as there is no job I have ever heard of that is ONLY for black people, unless maybe one as an acting role PLAYING a black character in a movie, et al. But thanks for admitting you really KNEW that, too, otherwise you WOULDN'T have resorted to ad hominems.

Another racist troll baiter goes off to IGNORE. Bye. 👈
Well, duh. That’s why they got reparations - for being imprisoned.
What did black folks receive after slavery?

What did blacks receive for Jim Crow?

What did black men receive after the Tuskgee Experiment?

You don’t get reparations for racism, or every Jew would be getting reparations for antisemitism. If ANYTHING, only blacks living in Jim Crowe states with state laws get anything.
Some type of Jim Crow was in effect from NC to California.
But why should the grandchildren of the black students who went to college with my parents 75 years ago get a penny? They had the benefit of a college-educated family AND likely got preference for college admissions.
What college are we speaking of?
Give me an example of a non Jim Crowe laws, and what the laws were. If it sounds valid, I could consider reparations for those blacks (still living of course), but not a cent for descendants who went to school with whites, played on the golf course with whites, and bought houses next door to whites.
A non Jim Crow Law, WTF is that? Please tell us where this was happening?
Of course that is what he meant; there is nothing else he COULD have meant as there is no job I have ever heard of that is ONLY for black people, unless maybe one as an acting role PLAYING a black character in a movie, et al. But thanks for admitting you really KNEW that, too, otherwise you WOULDN'T have resorted to ad hominems.

Another racist troll baiter goes off to IGNORE. Bye. 👈
Keep making excuses for your Orange God's racism. Idiot.
Well of course a racist POS thinks that, especially when you can't refute what he was saying.
Feel free to quote a single post by me that is racist, asswipe.

And I just did refute what he said. I said he isn't owed a dime, and neither are you, loser. Get a job if you want money.
Feel free to quote a single post by me that is racist, asswipe.

And I just did refute what he said. I said he isn't owed a dime, and neither are you, loser. Get a job if you want money.
I'm still waiting for one from me they claim!! been about a year now.
I'm still waiting for one from me they claim!! been about a year now.
Hell, I have been called a racist by all those clowns since I got here. Happens every time they can't bring a coherent post.

Not a single one has ever actually been able to quote a racist post by me.
Affirmative Action
Voting Rights
Police Reform
Do I really need to go on?
Affirmative Action, or discrimination based on someone's race is illegal.

Voting right? Nobody is trying to take away anyone's voting rights....

Police reform? what the F are you talking about? The GOP proposed police reform years ago, andthe Dems blocked it

Yes, you need to actually come up with something.
Hell, I have been called a racist by all those clowns since I got here. Happens every time they can't bring a coherent post.

Not a single one has ever actually been able to quote a racist post by me.
Their standard response to me is that everything I post is racist. So this is racist.

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