Black Americans demand to know what ‘Black jobs’ are after Trump debate comment

You can say what you want, I just ask the question. What are black jobs and what jobs are illegal immigrants taking from black folks? See I am a black man and I have never heard anyone black say, "that immigrant took my job". The only folks I hear saying that is right wingers, racist, conservatives, etc.
I asked a question also and you ran from it
In the context that Trump was speaking in - It is any job that an American Hispanic or black person has (if at a disadvantage already in the labor forces), that is being negatively affected by illegal immigrantion. It was a dig at Bidens policies on open borders, and using stats pertaining to who it is that it is negatively affecting the most in the levels or areas that are affected.

Of course the black or posers here are jumping on it as if it was racist talk, when they know better than that.

Trumps not their guy, so he's under a microscope with them trying to find anything they can to possibly save Biden with.
No, that was not the contest trump was speaking in. It Is the context yOu want to pretend he's speaking in, but when he talked about immigration he made no mention of immigrants taking white jobs. Therefore we know exactly what he is talking about.
Black jobs = jobs that black people have. The whole point is that jobs that black people currently have are likely to be eventually given to immigrants whether they be legal or illegal, and that would be done by corporations and business owners. That would mean the corporations and business owners who do that are the racists, not Trump.
In all cases Americans whether black or white choose their job's worked today. There is no discrimination in the job market's. All one has to do is bring their A-game, and bam it's a winning thing.

There's absolutely nothing it has to do with one's color, but sadly color is sometimes brought up if a person begins to fail in a job, and the next thing ya know color becomes used in hopes to secure the job at whatever standard might be applied by the individual, but only if
the bull shite works.

Gotta stop this whining crying scheming victimhood color game that is constantly going on back and forth in America.

Time to become color blind Americans who judge each other's character and merits in this country.
The victimhood color game begain on July 4, 1776. It is not bought up because people fail. Bllacks bought their A games to Flash. But what did Flash do?

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes withBlack Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

Since the Fortune 50 company I worked for had a stupid “affirmative action” hiring policies I never mentioned it to anybody and I always got away with it. A couple of times I was instructed to improve my departmental “diversity” demographics but I always ignored it and never got into any trouble. My stereotype is that anybody with a stupid ghetto Black ethnic name is probably worthless. I could have been wrong a couple of times but I was also probably right 99% of the time.

Glad I did it. I would do it again.”

And while he did this, he ran his racist white mouth about what blacs don't do and how blacks are causing their own problems. Flash is not the only white person who did this, nor is he the only white person who is a member of this forum who does this. So it's time republican whites stopped lying to themselves about this. White is a race. Whiteis a color, and it has ben whites who have played the color game. Whites invented the color game. Now it is whtes, specifically on the right, playing color victim because they cannot be given everythng.

You have ran your mouth about unity. You want unity white man?

Black Americans demand to know what ‘Black jobs’ are

It just means JOBS FOR BLACKS, stupid, whatever they are . . . jobs that blacks could and should have had to be working to earn a nice living so they can support themselves and be productive. But leave it to a racist monopole idiot like you, Isaac, to see and spin it into a 'race' thing, guess that's why you needed this 'splained to you, too.

Try THINKING for once on your own two feet, instead of always DEMANDING answers from others.
It just means JOBS FOR BLACKS, stupid, whatever they are . . . jobs that blacks could and should have had to be working to earn a nice living so they can support themselves and be productive. But leave it to a racist monopole idiot like you, Isaac, to see and spin it into a 'race' thing, guess that's why you needed this 'splained to you, too.

Try THINKING for once on your own two feet, instead of always DEMANDING answers from others.
Sorry, but we know what Trump meant. I did not expect an honest answer from you right wingers. How about you take your own suggestion, prick?
We blacks know what trump meant. And when a liong histry is shown where one race denies another jobs except in specific occupations, those who are of the group that did the denying need to just shut the hell up.
Stop living in the past dipwad.... And listen, how about you stop wanting to be led by a lying old feeble "white man" named Biden, otherwise who has ties to your dreadful past in ways that you hate, but yet you go along with just because he holds the money purse. Get some damned back bone son, and stop compromising your dignity and character because you think you can get a hand out from someone like old man uncle Joe Biden.

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