Black Americans demand to know what ‘Black jobs’ are after Trump debate comment

You don't know?
In the context that Trump was speaking in - It is any job that an American Hispanic or black person has (if at a disadvantage already in the labor forces), that is being negatively affected by illegal immigrantion. It was a dig at Bidens policies on open borders, and using stats pertaining to who it is that it is negatively affecting the most in the levels or areas that are affected.

Of course the black or posers here are jumping on it as if it was racist talk, when they know better than that.

Trumps not their guy, so he's under a microscope with them trying to find anything they can to possibly save Biden with.
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That's not what Trump meant. And the OP start working when he was 9. Funny how the lazy shiftless descendants of people who owned slaves because they were too lazy to work always want to make comments such as the quote.
If you knew what trump met why did you start a thread asking? Clearly you had no clue….and it’s obvious why, you aren’t black and two you don’t work.
Im saying neither.

why is it ok for Biden to say thing like this but not trump?
You can say what you want, I just ask the question. What are black jobs and what jobs are illegal immigrants taking from black folks? See I am a black man and I have never heard anyone black say, "that immigrant took my job". The only folks I hear saying that is right wingers, racist, conservatives, etc.
Huh? What white man has used me? What do you even mean? Like have white people hired me? Purchased my services? Yes they have…and yes that helps me make money and move up on the world.
I guess tricking is a business, well do what you gotta do.
You on the other hand are being used by the demklan for a vote, while still living in your mother’s basement waiting on some sort of handout.
My mother passed away in the 80s boot licker, so tell me what exactly is a handout?
Seems that you and other whites like you don't seem to understand that white is a race. You also fail to understand that whites have been considered for everything because of their race. The fact that whites have something that doesn't have white in the title doesn't recognize the fact that black was included as a signifier to let blacks know that the service was accessble to them.

If we are going to solve this problem, whites like you have got to start being honest about what whites have done instead of disingenuously trying to make such comparisons.
You can't stop racism with more racism duh !!!!

Ever heard of the word "UNIFY" or "UNITY" ?
Only one way to get it - GO AMERICAN, and drop the bull shite activism and color thing.
Black jobs = jobs that black people have. The whole point is that jobs that black people currently have are likely to be eventually given to immigrants whether they be legal or illegal, and that would be done by corporations and business owners. That would mean the corporations and business owners who do that are the racists, not Trump.
She can't answer any of those questions. That is why she won't debate me on the topic of the experiences of blacks and Jews in Americaa. Shes scared, and like the rest of the racists here, she depends on te other morons to gang up on those opposing the racism.
Well, she loves fools in her corner like Struth who are anti-black or will sit quietly in the corner while they attack black.
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I guess tricking is a business, well do what you gotta do.

My mother passed away in the 80s boot licker, so tell me what exactly is a handout?
I guess we shouldn’t be surprised that tricking is the first thing you thought of when you think of African American women.

You demklan folks just never change
Please tell me the war that was fought to free the Irish from slavery in America.

Please tell me the Civil Rights Movement that took place to give them the right to the freedoms of America.

Not saying it didn't happen either I missed it or it wasn't taught in school.
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Well it sounds to me that you are advocating for doing away with any race based identificational standards or any check box standards or race based stats, or any other special interest speak or privilege talk that goes on in society today........

So what then ?

Maybe start addressing everyone by way of their "character's", and their neat and super cool accents, their physical abilities or any other such unique qualities a person has besides the controversial color of one's skin ???????

What's the congressional "black caucus" ? Is that a job for just blacks ?

What are historical "black colleges" ? Are they places that prefer blacks over whites ? Is that even legal under the civil rights laws ?

What is "Ebony Magazine" ? A magazine that prefers blacks to participate as the majority, with maybe a few ads that has a mystery white person who might be seen ??

What is BET (black entertainment network) ? Is that a channel where "blacks" are preferred in the network scheduling as the majority over any other color ?

Can "whites" have anything that states "white" in the title ? Not no, but hell to the no right ?

Best stop this idiotic thread, otherwise while you people got some kind of dignity left... rotflmbo 🤣
So tell me what are white jobs?

What are black jobs?

What are Jewish jobs?

What are Hispanic jobs?

What are Asian jobs?

Are they listed on the Department of Labor website?
You can't stop racism with more racism duh !!!!

Ever heard of the word "UNIFY" or "UNITY" ?
Only one way to get it - GO AMERICAN, and drop the bull shite activism and color thing.
When has racist white men like you ever wanted to unify with black folks?

You constantly attack black folks and then in the next breath speak of unity?

Is that supposed to be a sick joke?
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Black jobs = jobs that black people have. The whole point is that jobs that black people currently have are likely to be eventually given to immigrants whether they be legal or illegal, and that would be done by corporations and business owners. That would mean the corporations and business owners who do that are the racists, not Trump.
Hmmm, so if I am an electrician and a white man is an electrician how is that job classified as?
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And here we see more 2024 white racism.

We are owed. That is a fact. The grifters are whites like you.
We’ve dumbed down society as low as we can trying to keep you people afloat. It just doesn’t work. You’re apparently, as a generalized group, an anchor to progress and success. Let’s look at just a couple examples.

1-We can’t have voter ID to stop fraud because blacks are too fucking dumb to get ID. So that makes ID’s racist.

2-We can’t have high standards for academic success because blacks aren’t smart enough to participate in such a system. Therefore we must lower our expectations and even then still need quotas to get any blacks in these schools.

3-All government jobs have to be racially quota based so blacks can get some of those jobs. We can’t just hire based on merit.

Any you want to add?
Im saying neither.

why is it ok for Biden to say thing like this but not trump?
In all cases Americans whether black or white choose their job's worked today. There is no discrimination in the job market's. All one has to do is bring their A-game, and bam it's a winning thing.

There's absolutely nothing it has to do with one's color, but sadly color is sometimes brought up if a person begins to fail in a job, and the next thing ya know color becomes used in hopes to secure the job at whatever standard might be applied by the individual, but only if
the bull shite works.

Gotta stop this whining crying scheming victimhood color game that is constantly going on back and forth in America.

Time to become color blind Americans who judge each other's character and merits in this country.

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