Black Americans demand to know what ‘Black jobs’ are after Trump debate comment

You can say what you want, I just ask the question. What are black jobs and what jobs are illegal immigrants taking from black folks? See I am a black man and I have never heard anyone black say, "that immigrant took my job". The only folks I hear saying that is right wingers, racist, conservatives, etc.
Google 'black jobs", dumbass.
So tell me what are white jobs?

What are black jobs?

What are Jewish jobs?

What are Hispanic jobs?

What are Asian jobs?

Are they listed on the Department of Labor website?
If a majority of a race is found generally holding down job's in certain fields of work, and they've shown a long history of doing those job's, otherwise because they might excel at it or just choose it due to many factors maybe, then the statistics might show that Black's (if the case), could dominate the field or skill set in which allows that domination to be seen very easily.

At this point it's easy to categorize the job as being held primarily by black worker's aka a black job. It doesn't mean that the job is literally a black job, but the overwhelming numbers might list it as such in a percentage category.

So if something begins to change those percentages or stats in a hostile way, then the talk could be said that black job's are being affected greatly, and in a negative impactful way all due to Bidens open border policies, and due to his inaction by letting millions past through the border by design. That is on Biden, so let's watch the poor fella try to weasel out of his own bull shite...
Please tell me the war that was fought to free the Irish from slavery in America.

Please tell me the Civil Rights Movement that took place to give them the right to the freedoms of America.

Not saying it didn't happen either I missed it or it wasn't taught in school.
Where was it? Read up
Seems that you and other whites like you don't seem to understand that white is a race. You also fail to understand that whites have been considered for everything because of their race. The fact that whites have something that doesn't have white in the title doesn't recognize the fact that black was included as a signifier to let blacks know that the service was accessble to them.

If we are going to solve this problem, whites like you have got to start being honest about what whites have done instead of disingenuously trying to make such comparisons.
Like Jews?
ALL Rise!

This evenings lesson is titled:

The Disingenuous Rght Wing False Equivalence

When it comes to issues of race and racism the use of false equivalences is prevalent in modern American society. The false equivalence is one of the main weapons used by white racists and if you are not paying attention you will think they are making sense.

One use of the false equivalence by right wing whites pertains to the issues of history and cultural identification. For example, there are whites who have been whining for years about why they cannot have a white history month. To ask this question, one must either be severely mentally challenged, suffering from psychosis, or are a racist purposefully building a strawman. I am always stumped when I am asked that question. Are these people really that stupid? Do they not pay attention to how American history has been portrayed? Is it that just because it’s not called white history do they not think that whites have not been described as part of history?

How plain does it need to be made? The founders of this nation were all white men. Do we need to say that 55 white men founded this nation for whites to feel they have been given their accurate place in American history? Do we describe George Washington as the first white president and continue to name 45 presidents as the white presidents for some whites to understand just how much white history has been taught? They whine about February but what do we call the other months in reference to American history? Should we call the 11 other months of the year white history month so that whites can understand?

It’s funny how some people think.

I have heard whites crying about Miss Black America. The usual whining is how unfair it is and how the outcry would be huge if whites had a pageant that was named Miss White America. What do they think the pageant was from 1921 until 1970 when no one of color was allowed to compete in the pageant? It was not until 1970 that a black contestant participated in the Miss America pageant, Miss Cheryl Browne. So then it was apparent the pageant was for whites only. For 50 years it was the Miss White America Pageant. Now just because white people didn’t call it that doesn’t mean that wasn’t what it was. It took until 1983 for a woman of color to win the pageant and these two things alone were why there was and is a Miss Black USA. Are whites that blind to the things they have done to think they are not included just because they did not expressly name something the white this or that even while excluding anyone not white?

There are whites who complain about Historically Black Colleges. The fact a school is named Harvard doesn’t exclude the fact that Harvard is historically white. I can say that for almost every university, private or public, in this country. Blacks built colleges because we weren’t allowed into historically white colleges and today just because whites don’t call these colleges exactly what they are, we must endure the white grievance section of America whining about HBCU’s like there is no such things as an HWCU.

Then we have the granddaddy of them all. The substitution theory. I call this the substitution theory because this is when some whites decide to build the scarecrow. This theory holds that if you substitute the word white instead of black things are treated differently. For example, it’s cool for blacks to have a TV station called BET, but if you let whites have such a station it is racist.

Whites on the rght cannot be this dumb. For years ABC might have well stood for American Broadcasting for Caucasians. NBC, National Broadcasting for Caucasians and CBS the Caucasian Broadcasting Service. The lack of black reporters news anchors, news shows and entertainment broadcast on these networks is why Black Entertainment Television was founded. It is apparent that alternative facts did not start during the Trump Administration.

It's time for whites, specifically those on the right to start being honest and stopped the fucking whining about some fake ass anti white racism. White racism created the need for non whites to name things by race so the people of those populations knew they had places to go to get help. Whites can go to HBCUS. Whites can register their businesses in the Black Chamber of Commerce. Whites are members of the NAACP. There is nothing with black in the name that discriminates aganst whites. But the white lead businesses and organizatIons that have not used white as part of the name, have always discriminated against people of color.

Like Jews?
White Jews need to be honest about things too.
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He never intended for blacks to be dependent, it’s why he was taken out. Demofks needed plantation’s back. He’d be disappointed in you
You need to stop whitesplaining Dr. King to blacks. We know exactly what he was about and what he was intentending to do before a white man killed him. You talk about one sentence cherrypicked from a full throated denigration of white Amerca.

Don't be white talking about others being dependent on government.

Part I examines the U.S. government’s housing practices—from the New Deal until the 1968 Fair Housing Act and its 1988 Amendments—to reveal that although the New Deal’s national housing programs revolutionized homeownership and home equity in the United States, the U.S. government’s federal housing programs were racially discriminatory. Specifically, and quite shockingly, the U.S. government actively created and promulgated racist neighborhood rating systems that constructed black neighborhoods and black property as unstable, volatile, hazardous, and not worthy of investment. Using these racist rating systems, the federal government endorsed racial covenants and invested federal money into the creation and accumulation of white wealth, the value of whiteness, white suburbia, and white homeownership. Meanwhile, the government denied blacks federal housing funding, fueling black stigma and barring black-Americans from the invaluable twentieth century opportunities of homeownership and home equity.

Understanding the U.S. government’s discriminatory housing practices, Part II discusses and quantifies the effects of the government’s housing discrimination on black-American households and communities. Finding that approximately 120 billion 1950s dollars—or more than 1.239 quintillion 2019 dollars—were invested to subsidize and create white-American wealth through homeownership.
If a majority of a race is found generally holding down job's in certain fields of work, and they've shown a long history of doing those job's, otherwise because they might excel at it or just choose it due to many factors maybe, then the statistics might show that Black's (if the case), could dominate the field or skill set in which allows that domination to be seen very easily.

At this point it's easy to categorize the job as being held primarily by black worker's aka a black job. It doesn't mean that the job is literally a black job, but the overwhelming numbers might list it as such in a percentage category.

So if something begins to change those percentages or stats in a hostile way, then the talk could be said that black job's are being affected greatly, and in a negative impactful way all due to Bidens open border policies, and due to his inaction by letting millions past through the border by design. That is on Biden, so let's watch the poor fella try to weasel out of his own bull shite...
We blacks know what trump meant. And when a liong histry is shown where one race denies another jobs except in specific occupations, those who are of the group that did the denying need to just shut the hell up.
We blacks know what trump meant. And when a liong histry is shown where one race denies another jobs except in specific occupations, those who are of the group that did the denying need to just shut the hell up.
Yes they did, they miss when america was great and by in large miss being better off under trump
ALL Rise!

This evenings lesson is titled:

The Disingenuous Rght Wing False Equivalence

When it comes to issues of race and racism the use of false equivalences are prevalent in modern American society. The false equivalence is one of the main weapons used by white racists and if you are not paying attention you will think they are making sense.

One use of the false equivalence by right wing whites pertains to the issues of history and cultural identification. For example, there are whites who have been whining for years about why they cannot have a white history month. To ask this question, one must either be severely mentally challenged, suffering from psychosis, or are a racist purposefully building a strawman. I am always stumped when I am asked that question. Are these people really that stupid? Do they not pay attention to how American history has been portrayed? Is it that just because it’s not called white history do they not think that whites have not been described as part of history?

How plain does it need to be made? The founders of this nation were all white men. Do we need to say that 55 white men founded this nation for whites to feel they have been given their accurate place in American history? Do we describe George Washington as the first white president and continue to name 45 presidents as the white presidents for some whites to understand just how much white history has been taught? They whine about February but what do we call the other months in reference to American history? Should we call the 11 other months of the year white history month so that whites can understand?

It’s funny how some people think.

I have heard whites crying about Miss Black America. The usual whining is how unfair it is and how the outcry would be huge if whites had a pageant that was named Miss White America. What do they think the pageant was from 1921 until 1970 when no one of color was allowed to compete in the pageant? It was not until 1970 that a black contestant participated in the Miss America pageant, Miss Cheryl Browne. So then it was apparent the pageant was for whites only. For 50 years it was the Miss White America Pageant. Now just because white people didn’t call it that doesn’t mean that wasn’t what it was. It took until 1983 for a woman of color to win the pageant and these two things alone were why there was and is a Miss Black USA. Are whites that blind to the things they have done to think they are not included just because they did not expressly name something the white this or that even while excluding anyone not white?

There are whites who complain about Historically Black Colleges. The fact a school is named Harvard doesn’t exclude the fact that Harvard is historically white. I can say that for almost every university, private or public, in this country. Blacks built colleges because we weren’t allowed into historically white colleges and today just because whites don’t call these colleges exactly what they are, we must endure the white grievance section of America whining about HBCU’s like there is no such things as an HWCU.

Then we have the granddaddy of them all. The substitution theory. I call this the substitution theory because this is when some whites decide to build the scarecrow. This theory holds that if you substitute the word white instead of black things are treated differently. For example, it’s cool for blacks to have a TV station called BET, but if you let whites have such a station it is racist.

Whites on the rght cannot be this dumb. For years ABC might have well stood for American Broadcasting for Caucasians. NBC, National Broadcasting for Caucasians and CBS the Caucasian Broadcasting Service. The lack of black reporters news anchors, news shows and entertainment broadcast on these networks is why Black Entertainment Television was founded. It is apparent that alternative facts did not start during the Trump Administration.

It's time for whites, specifically those on the right to start being honest and stopped the fucking whining about some fake ass anti white racism. White racism created the need for non whites to name things by race so the people of those populations knew they had places to go to get help. Whites can go to HBCUS. Whites can register their businsses in the Black Chamber of Commerce. Whites are members of the NAACP. There is nothing with black in the name that discriminates aganst whites. But the white lead businesses and organizatIons that have not used white as part of the name, have always discriminated against people of color.

White Jews need to be honest about things too.
Who you idle

Who you idle

Why do you guys continuallly try this disingenuous bs?

But since you want to play, Republicans were the party of reparations for slavery.

Republican William Shermans Feild Order 15 was a provision for newly freed slaves to receive land as reparations for slavery. It was a promoise broken because of a Democrat. Since you want to talk like this, then you need to support your partys promise of black reparations.
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