Zone1 A question for the USMB left.

I read just fine. Your personal opinion has everything to do with the issues. To begin with, our OP, clearly intended to bait liberals broadcasts your opinion loud and clear. Subsequently, throughout you numerous posts , you derisively refer to us as “libs” and rail against “lib policies” Now you expect us to believe that support for abortion and gay marriage is somehow exempt from your wrath? It takes a special kind of stupid to believe that we are stupid enough to afford you any credibility
You can obviously read, but your comprehension blows. The topic is a query regarding accusations of hatred, not the examples offered nor my personal positions on such.
Try smarter.
You can obviously read, but your comprehension blows. The topic is a query regarding accusations of hatred, not the examples offered nor my personal positions on such.
Try smarter.
It is all just Orwellian Newspeak.

The "haters" are not the ones who support aborting children, having sex with them or mutilating their genitals, but the ones wanting to PROTECT innocents involved.
I'm left of anarchists. What was the question? Oh, "Why do you so many of you label disagreement as “hate”?"
That just sounds like 'Karen complaints' to me. Is this a trick question?
I have a sincere question for the lefties here.
Why do you so many of you label disagreement as “hate”?
“I believe marriage is a religious institution, between a man and a woman.”
Lefty answer: “Why do you hate gays?”
“”I’m against abortion.”
Lefty answer: “Why do you hate women?”

Is it an Alinsky thing, painting your adversaries as extremist haters?
Something else?
How is this thread still here ?
Do you think he can unite the country? Do you think he wants to? Do his supporters want him to?

The answer to all those questions is a resounding "no". Again, I'm not sure how you can't see it. The two party shitshow has literally driven people insane, driving them to doing insane things, like voting for bad candidates on purpose, simply out of fear that there is a worse one lurking. We seriously shouldn't even bother with elections at that point.

The bottom line is, the two shit parties have co-opted elections as a battlefield in their motherfucking "culture war". Nothing else matters to them. They know they're electing shitty leaders and they don't give a fuck. As long as it gets one over on their "enemies".
The answer is yes he can unite the country just like he had done prior to the pandemic.
The answer is yes he can unite the country just like he had done prior to the pandemic.
The Marxists will never unite with productive capitalists, even though they need their money to fund their loser base.

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