Zone1 A question for the USMB left.

The people claiming fraud occurred DON'T WANT to have a full trial. As is shown by the fact that they either settled or admitted to not having evidence.

What specifically do you claim happened? I doubt you know.

The only trial that is going to full trial litigating voter fraud, is the trial about electoral college votes being forged and the VP being pressured to accept them as real. A trial that at the moment is stalled because those on trial are claiming they're immune to prosecution.

I very much doubt you want that particular trial to occur, or are in any way concerned about any and all procedural objection being filled and some entertained.

I'll even say I'm certain your upset every time one of those outlandish motions are dismissed.
Me and every red blooded American wants that trial.. Fact !!!
If Trump prevails in the debates, and he shows the people that he's the guy they're looking for, then he gets they're vote along with my vote too.
Do you think he can unite the country? Do you think he wants to? Do his supporters want him to?

The answer to all those questions is a resounding "no". Again, I'm not sure how you can't see it. The two party shitshow has literally driven people insane, driving them to doing insane things, like voting for bad candidates on purpose, simply out of fear that there is a worse one lurking. We seriously shouldn't even bother with elections at that point.

The bottom line is, the two shit parties have co-opted elections as a battlefield in their motherfucking "culture war". Nothing else matters to them. They know they're electing shitty leaders and they don't give a fuck. As long as it gets one over on their "enemies".
I have a sincere question for the lefties here.
Why do you so many of you label disagreement as “hate”?
“I believe marriage is a religious institution, between a man and a woman.”
Lefty answer: “Why do you hate gays?”
“”I’m against abortion.”
Lefty answer: “Why do you hate women?”

Is it an Alinsky thing, painting your adversaries as extremist haters?
Something else?
I will be happy to answer that dishonest and deceptive question. The answer is really very simple.

When you say “I believe marriage is a religious institution, between a man and a woman.” And “”I’m against abortion.” It is obvious that you are not just stating what you believe to true for your self. What you are really saying is :

“I believe marriage is a religious institution, between a man and a woman and therefore it should apply to everyone regardless of their beliefs because what I believe is the only thing that matters”

Likewise, what you really mean when you say is ”I’m against abortion for everyone regardless of their beliefs”

You may or may not actually have hate in your heart, and if you doo you may or may not be aware of it. However, anytime that your impose your beliefs on others are care little about the devastating effects on their lives, while feeling self righteous and superior , the effects are the same as if you were openly hateful
I will be happy to answer that dishonest and deceptive question. The answer is really very simple.

When you say “I believe marriage is a religious institution, between a man and a woman.” And “”I’m against abortion.” It is obvious that you are not just stating what you believe to true for your self. What you are really saying is :

“I believe marriage is a religious institution, between a man and a woman and therefore it should apply to everyone regardless of their beliefs because what I believe is the only thing that matters”

Likewise, what you really mean when you say is ”I’m against abortion for everyone regardless of their beliefs”

You may or may not actually have hate in your heart, and if you doo you may or may not be aware of it. However, anytime that your impose your beliefs on others are care little about the devastating effects on their lives, while feeling self righteous and superior , the effects are the same as if you were openly hateful
A disagreement about what constitutes marriage or whether abortion should be legal is not hate, regardless of your silly spin.
What you are really saying is :
You lost the debate the moment you tried that garbage, son.
A disagreement about what constitutes marriage or whether abortion should be legal is not hate, regardless of your silly spin.
I did not say that a” disagreement “ was hate so save your straw man crap for someone who does not understand logical fallacies. What I am say is, that when one is so arrogant and self righteous as to believe that they can dictate to other-who do not share their beliefs- how they must live their lives it is and expression of animosity twords those people. Animosity is a form of hate
I did not say that a” disagreement “ was hate so save your straw man crap for someone who does not understand logical fallacies. What I am say is, that when one is so arrogant and self righteous as to believe that they can dictate to other-who do not share their beliefs- how they must live their lives it is and expression of animosity twords those people. Animosity is a form of hate
Keep spinning, little ballerina, no intelligent adult buys your bullshit.
So you are actually going to lie and claim that YOU DO NOT mean that should live according to your morality ?
My morality?
I’m pro-choice (with reasonable limits) and don’t care who gets married.
Hit the showers, moron, you lost this game when you tried the mind-reader trick.
My morality?
I’m pro-choice (with reasonable limits) and don’t care who gets married.
Hit the showers, moron, you lost this game when you tried the mind-reader trick.
Oh really. First of all I don’t believe you based on the content and tone of your divisive OP. But , I’ll give you the benefit of the your. My use of the terms “you” and” your” I am referring to anyone who makes that statements that you used in the OP and then wonders why they are called hateful. . Nice try but you still lose. If you are not one of them, I have to wonder what inspired you to post that codswallop in the first place
Oh really. First of all I don’t believe you based on the content and tone of your divisive OP. But , I’ll give you the benefit of the your. My use of the terms “you” and” your” I am referring to anyone who makes that statements that you used in the OP and then wonders why they are called hateful. . Nice try but you still lose. If you are not one of them, I have to wonder what inspired you to post that codswallop in the first place
Concession accepted.
I will be happy to answer that dishonest and deceptive question. The answer is really very simple.

When you say “I believe marriage is a religious institution, between a man and a woman.” And “”I’m against abortion.” It is obvious that you are not just stating what you believe to true for your self. What you are really saying is :

“I believe marriage is a religious institution, between a man and a woman and therefore it should apply to everyone regardless of their beliefs because what I believe is the only thing that matters”

Likewise, what you really mean when you say is ”I’m against abortion for everyone regardless of their beliefs”

You may or may not actually have hate in your heart, and if you doo you may or may not be aware of it. However, anytime that your impose your beliefs on others are care little about the devastating effects on their lives, while feeling self righteous and superior , the effects are the same as if you were openly hateful
Why do you hate people who are not yet born so much that you support killing them?
Keep telling your self that .It too over 600 posts before you made the claim that you are pro choice and don't care who marries who. Every one of your posts implies the opposite. You lie!
My personal position on these issues has nothing to do with the question posed, kid. Learn some reading comprehension before making yourself look foolish.
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My personal position on these issues has nothing to do with the question posed, kid. Learn some reading comprehension before making yourself look foolish.
I read just fine. Your personal opinion has everything to do with the issues. To begin with, our OP, clearly intended to bait liberals broadcasts your opinion loud and clear. Subsequently, throughout you numerous posts , you derisively refer to us as “libs” and rail against “lib policies” Now you expect us to believe that support for abortion and gay marriage is somehow exempt from your wrath? It takes a special kind of stupid to believe that we are stupid enough to afford you any credibility

PS You state "The topic is a query regarding accusations of hatred, not the examples offered". I addressed that very clearly and you ran like hell, and finally, out of desperation, pull that dishonest shit about it nor being your beliefs.
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