Question: Should the Doctor be legally mandated to register a pregnancy or would it be the Pregnant woman?

It really wasn't. Now, because of the censorship pushed by the government, most of the counterarguments and counterfacts were not revealed to most of the public until later.
Where was the censorship... Private companies decided what was best for their customers...
These companies thought for a second, if it is known that they spread information that got people killed there might be blowback..

You're pushing a false dichotomy with the "people will die" argument though. Government doesn't save people. Individuals make their own choices. If your argument is that "spreading of lies" kills people, then you might as well just throw out freedom of speech. You can have a lot of security with full government control, but it doesn't mean quality of life is going to be good.
Lies kill people in certain situations....

Remember a guy telling everyone to drink koolaid... What happened to them.

If you tell someone that consuming disinfectant is not only safe but will cure COVID, you are spread disinformation...
More people died in Red states because of the distribution of worse batches to those states in most cases. In other cases, it came down to median age. Many Red states have older median ages than Blue states. The older the population, the higher the death toll, usually.
Have you any proof of Red States getting 'worse batches'... Please show exact proof as you are accusing the US Government of mass murder...

As for you age difference... More disinformation...

This is why people like you shouldn't be sharing information that get people killed... You want people openly available to be misinormed and then don't want to accept the consquences of those actions...
Good people in Alabama died because of your nonsense and you want to blame it on something/anything else...
I just want to logistically who should be in forming the Government of the pregnancy?

I am leaving out the father.

If the responsible party doesn't inform the Government then what is the penalty? I doubt a fine would do.

So lets presume it is the woman that has to do it... She doesn't and says nothing and is a serious risk of going cross State lines and having an abortion (maybe she is 16 and in high school). With violation of the law and very serious chance of another one been broken, should the woman be brought into custody until the woman gives birth...

Nothing disgusting, you would have these bunch of pregnant women overseen by guards to protect the baby..

There is also the issue of pregnant women doing dangerous activities e.g. Hiking, Smoking, Drinking, Running....

I see a compromise here... Maybe we could get a trusted man to oversee the woman during pregnancy....
Register with what government? Federal, State, or Local? Can't be Federal since abortion is a not a Federal issue any more. Can't be local or every city and county will have to maintain the info and abide by Federal HIPPA regulations. Could be State but if the mother went to another state for an abortion that would be perfectly legal.
that only makes sense. we have to live with these crazies, but other countries have no use for them.
The level of misinformation and disinformation didn't penetrate outside US to same the level as in the US (exceptions exist e.g. Brazil..)...

Other countries knew when hospitals are full of people dying of this virus a bit of self aware has to go on in your head...

Others had conspiracy theorists, they angered people, they were considered a waste of resources when we needed people to come together and beat this virus together. They were like flying NAZI flags during WW2. You may have the right but expect blow back.

The police is job is to maintain law and order. So you have the legal right but it definitely disrupts 'order'.

Europe was pretty good about all this (which was done in J6), stand back and send up drones and take everyone's picture and actions.. Publish them, their employers will be the first with problems... Social Media will be great to tell you where they work.
Register with what government? Federal, State, or Local? Can't be Federal since abortion is a not a Federal issue any more. Can't be local or every city and county will have to maintain the info and abide by Federal HIPPA regulations. Could be State but if the mother went to another state for an abortion that would be perfectly legal.
It would be probably federal as this would be under cross state commerce...

The state can make it illegal for there residents to abortions in other states... They consider the fertilised egg as a citizen of US...

Up to the US Supreme Court to rubber stamp that and hey presto, states can have breeding farms for the protection of these fertilised eggs (US Citizens)...

The US Supreme Court has been stacked with justices that say fuck to your freedoms when there version of the Bible is pulled out... And it very important that it is their version. Abortion in 1973 was considered only a Catholic issue, it wasn't until 1978 when the evangelist leaders lost the school segregation issue that they went shopping for another cause (Wedge Issue). They also tried the mortality test but that was a failure.

This is about money and churches not paying taxes (initially). Big Churches are like businesses and you don't want to be paying taxes when you can have a huge lobby stop that. These wedge issues are the smoke screen to not show how much power these church leaders are exerting...

Note: None of these church leaders are advocating for eradication of poverty or any of this stuff:
That shit is weak....

They want judges who mind them and let them gain even more power using there invisible hand... Want a good job, you better be in a church...
Yet there is no coloration between high vaccine areas and low vaccine areas...

Actually the opposite is quite true...

This is your problem... Higher the vaccine uptake the lower your excess mortality...
Massachusetts (one of the highest vaccine rates)

View attachment 953302

Alabama (one of the lowest vaccine rates)
View attachment 953303

Clearly Massachusetts have lower excess deaths not only before the vaccine was given out.

But by 22% during 2021 the year Vaccines started and continued through '22 and '23....

So sorry, your theory doesn't hold up... Statistics show vaccine not only saves lives but does it considerably.

Maybe this is what clouds your judgement...

You struggle to see actual facts because of an irrational blind hatred..
Don't you mean "pregnant person," you uninclusive hater?
Funny, the same folks whining about a pregnancy registry are the same folks who support single payer government health care. Do they honestly believe a government who already spies on them for no apparent benefit will give privacy on health care? No, they will track everything, including pregnancy and abortions.
You see a real correlation there???
It would be probably federal as this would be under cross state commerce...
So you think the SCOTUS should review Rowe V Wade or are to consider pregnancy a form of commerce? Impractical either way I'd guess.

The state can make it illegal for there residents to abortions in other states... They consider the fertilised egg as a citizen of US...
I don't believe States have the authority to grant or deny US citizenship.

Up to the US Supreme Court to rubber stamp that and hey presto, states can have breeding farms for the protection of these fertilised eggs (US Citizens)...
Be careful what you wish for.

The US Supreme Court has been stacked with justices that say fuck to your freedoms when there version of the Bible is pulled out... And it very important that it is their version. Abortion in 1973 was considered only a Catholic issue, it wasn't until 1978 when the evangelist leaders lost the school segregation issue that they went shopping for another cause (Wedge Issue). They also tried the mortality test but that was a failure.

This is about money and churches not paying taxes (initially). Big Churches are like businesses and you don't want to be paying taxes when you can have a huge lobby stop that. These wedge issues are the smoke screen to not show how much power these church leaders are exerting...

Note: None of these church leaders are advocating for eradication of poverty or any of this stuff:
That shit is weak....

They want judges who mind them and let them gain even more power using there invisible hand... Want a good job, you better be in a church...
Mostly I agree.
No new vaccine TYPE is pushed on people as quickly as this one is, no was as forced as this one is as soon as it was availible.

Stop believing the right wing lies and bullshit marty. 60 years in development and testing is the LONGEST we've ever had in testing a vaccine. The ONLY testing that hadn't been done was a large scale test using the Covid 19 DNA.

They're also the safest vaccines I've seen in my lifetime.

Republicans wanted the pandemic to continue because it would help their election chances. You have to be an idiot not to understand that. Just like they're refusing to do anything about the border, to help their election chances.
Stop believing the right wing lies and bullshit marty. 60 years in development and testing is the LONGEST we've ever had in testing a vaccine. The ONLY testing that hadn't been done was a large scale test using the Covid 19 DNA.

They're also the safest vaccines I've seen in my lifetime.

Republicans wanted the pandemic to continue because it would help their election chances. You have to be an idiot not to understand that. Just like they're refusing to do anything about the border, to help their election chances.

And that's the one I am talking about. 60 years is a long time to get data, and yet we forced something on people when we didn't have the data.
Funny, the same folks whining about a pregnancy registry are the same folks who support single payer government health care. Do they honestly believe a government who already spies on them for no apparent benefit will give privacy on health care? No, they will track everything, including pregnancy and abortions.

Funny, but the entire first world uses single payer government funded health care, and no western democracy uses our medical information for anything but our health care.

Funny, but the entire first world uses single payer government funded health care, and no western democracy uses our medical information for anything but our health care.

So does communist China, what's your point?
So you think the SCOTUS should review Rowe V Wade or are to consider pregnancy a form of commerce? Impractical either way I'd guess.
By the USSC pushing when life starts to the states then if a state says it is during fertization, then the states make that call..

Yes it could be challenged in USSC, what way do we think that is going?

By having a child together the parents (married or not) have entered a contract.

So by having an abortion in another state you are entering into interstate commerce...

Sounds stupid, but that arguement will go in front of the USSC and guess what is likely to happen
I don't believe States have the authority to grant or deny US citizenship.
They have been given the right to decide when life starts...
So they have effectively said when fertized egg gets citizenship rights.

I am not arguing you the common sense about this, this is about the law and how it will be argued.

Be careful what you wish for.
Scary, I am afraid I might be giving them ideas but some of these people think Handmaids tale is a comedy.
Mostly I agree.
Remember these people don't think Democracy or the law matters, they think their version of religion is right and anything else is evil.

Look at the way they speak... How many times do they call people who vote Democrat (over half of America) evil.
they never say why are they voting Democrat is evil, but it is if they believe in Democracy and Law over their Religion.
And that's the one I am talking about. 60 years is a long time to get data, and yet we forced something on people when we didn't have the data.

We had the data on for everything but a large scale test for years, but because there hadn't been a large scale outbreak to test the vaccines on, that last piece was missing.

The biochemist on the Moderna vaccine said she grafted the covid19 DNA onto the vaccine over the weekend after she received it, and then it was simply a matter of producing enough of the vaccine to run the tests, and to gather and process the data. It was THAT ready to go.

We put birth control pills on the market even though they causes clotting in 1/1000 women, and a large percentage of women can't take them at all because of side effects. And we had no data whatsoever on long term effects of taking the drugs, because we never have that information until years after they've been on the market.

That clotting number compares with 1/100,000 for the covid vaccine. I don't recall any hysteria about that clotting risks for birth control pills even though we were told about it back in the 60's when they were introduced.
A doctor would be legally responsible to record a birth or a death. If the pregnancy ended either way he would be obligated to report it.

Why would a doctor be obligated to report a pregnancy? If the patient suffers a miscarriage, will be the doctor be blamed? Will there by an investigation to ensure she didn't have an abortion???

Should pregnant women be incarcerated or chained up to prevent them from harming the fetus??????
if the mother went to another state for an abortion that would be perfectly legal.

We had the data on for everything but a large scale test for years, but because there hadn't been a large scale outbreak to test the vaccines on, that last piece was missing.

The biochemist on the Moderna vaccine said she grafted the covid19 DNA onto the vaccine over the weekend after she received it, and then it was simply a matter of producing enough of the vaccine to run the tests, and to gather and process the data. It was THAT ready to go.

We put birth control pills on the market even though they causes clotting in 1/1000 women, and a large percentage of women can't take them at all because of side effects. And we had no data whatsoever on long term effects of taking the drugs, because we never have that information until years after they've been on the market.

That clotting number compares with 1/100,000 for the covid vaccine. I don't recall any hysteria about that clotting risks for birth control pills even though we were told about it back in the 60's when they were introduced.
no, but you have just given these idiots a reason to ban birth control ( the clotting!)

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