Americans claim guns make for a safe society

Penis envy from the UK is so undignified
Well, here's the psychology of guns -

The psychology behind guns is, if you feel small, or weak, or underachieving, then you want to own a gun to give you the feeling of power over other people. Paranoia, anger, and insecurity gives the person social anxiety and owning a gun is a quick and simple solution, but they're the most unsuitable person behind a firearm. It creates a shoot first, ask questions later scenario.

So talking of penises, it looks like you guys are compensating.
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Are Red states or Blue states slightly safer, well, safer in American terms?
Red states are far safer. It's the blue cities within them where the crime occurs. And duh, you have less than one third the population of the USA, and you also don't have 11,000,000 illegal aliens from violent third world countries.

You're trying to compare an apple to an elephant.
The handgun as a handgun size was banned, if the barrel and/or stock makes the handgun over a certain length, then it's legal.

When it's comes to the words guns + banned in the UK, it relates to features as opposed to guns in general. To apply an analogy that even the dumbest American would hopefully understand is Jet Propulsion cars are banned off the UK roads, but cars are not banned. Can you understand that.

The other thing is, Negotiate To Close. It was a book I read when self training in psychology. Part of it was positions, we need to negotiate from a position. You guys assume my position, that I must defend guns, knives, the word banned etc.. You are sadly mistaken, All I I can give you are facts. Petty arguments and trying to feel aloof is important to you guys, I get it. Ego and vanity is your culture. In the UK to conceal a small gun in public, let alone having any gun in public is irresponsible, stupid, and that person is dangerous and not suitable to own a gun. Once that sinks in with Americans, deaths by gun will plummet through the flaw, and once you get killing out of your system, knife deaths will fall too.

And correct, guns and knives don't kill, it's and unhealthy gun/knife culture that kills, the person. So you vet the person and ban unsuitable features of the gun/knife.

But personally, I didn't ban any gun or any feature. If you think carrying handguns and guns in general in public is a good idea (concealed or open carry), stats show you're a raving lunatic.

And I didn't ban jet propulsion cars either, but I can see why they're not safe on public roads.
That's not entirely true. No one gets a gun without a police permit and they won't give those out to anyone but the wealthy for the most part.

So there is the word salad of "no guns are banned" but the reality is good luck obtaining a permit.
Well, here's the psychology of guns -

The psychology behind guns is, if you feel small, or weak, or underachieving, then you want to own a gun to give you the feeling of power over other people. Paranoia, anger, and insecurity gives the person social anxiety and owning a gun is a quick and simple solution, but they're the most unsuitable person behind a firearm. It creates a shoot first, ask questions later scenario.

So talking of penises, it looks like you guys are compensating.
What a load of hogwash.
Well, here's the psychology of guns -

The psychology behind guns is, if you feel small, or weak, or underachieving, then you want to own a gun to give you the feeling of power over other people. Paranoia, anger, and insecurity gives the person social anxiety and owning a gun is a quick and simple solution, but they're the most unsuitable person behind a firearm. It creates a shoot first, ask questions later scenario.

So talking of penises, it looks like you guys are compensating.

If I am threatened by a person or persons who want to do me harm a firearm is a great eeualizer
Deflection is no good. What happened to the gun nut fallacy that guns makes American society safe? The facts/stats state otherwise. Why aren't guns working?
youre the only one I see saying that,,

what they do is if youre a good guy and smart enough to have one you can defend yourself and kill the mother fucker intent on doing you harm,,

the hard part is if youre a bad guy with a gun and there are no good guys with guns bad shit happens,,

similar to what you guys wanted back in 1775 when you came to take our guns and we told you no and kicked you fucking asses and sent you home with your tail between you legs,,

so the moral of the story is try to take our guns and we kill you,,

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